giving up soda?

nishhhh Posts: 9
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
anyone have tips on giving up soda? how to keep it up and not slip up?



  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I gave up my diet cokes...its not easy but its doable.

    1. Stop buying it
    2. Replace with water, crystal light mixed in water
    3. Get ready for headaches
    4. Don't beat yourself up if you have an occasional can of pop here or there.
  • I was the biggest soda drinker. What finally got me to this website is I saw a picture of myself my husband took of me walking away. I saw that picture & cried all night.. I carry that picture with me everywhere I go & it's on my profile pictures.

    It's very hard - I'll tell you that but I do have 1 can per day of a diet coke. You can have 1 a day. Just drink lots of water. After a week it will get easier. your taste buds will change

  • I'm in the same boat. I gave them up cold turkey and have felt much better since having done so. Every now and then I crave a shot of dr. pepper and I let myself have some, but not a full glass.
  • LizzieBee17
    LizzieBee17 Posts: 123 Member
    I have always been a soda fanatic!! First it was Coke day and night. Never water. :embarassed: I gave it up cold turkey. Because for me there is no other way. Now I hate Coke it has the worst taste ever. Then I feel off the wagon and started with the Dr. Pepper. I Gave it up 5 days ago. People did tell me just to try and cut back to maybe just one a day but always say "I am an addict and do you think a crack head could stop at one rock?" :huh: Water drink lots of it and always have it avaliable. I can only drink spring water room temp (I know crazy).:drinker: But I must say Last week I had been super tired for months sleeping 12 hours a day or more. These last couple of days I feel SO much better!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    I've never been a soda drinker, but I've helped other ppl give it up.

    Step 1: cut your soda intake in half
    Step 2: start diluting your sodas with water
    Step 3: stop buying soda all together! if you must have it, make sure it is diluted with water. replace sodas with sugar free and aspartame free flavored water. get carbonated stuff if you miss it terribly.
    Step 4: cut flavored water intake in half, drink more plain water
    Step 5: only drink plain water :)

    It's a process of weaning yourself off all the chemicals and sugar!
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I switched to Torani syrup and soda water for quite a while, then slowly decreased the amount of syrup. Now I drink only water after my one cup of coffee in the morning.
  • I occasionally have a soda but I dont crave it, I have it with certain foods I eat like pizza. But I can go without it for long periods at a time I dont buy it and when I go out I used to drink ice tea but now since I joined this place I drink water with lemon. Or I treat myself to a fuze it counts towards my calories and stuff but it has a lot of vitamins that i can use, lol.
  • I just gave sodas up cold turkey. When I try to drink one now my throat burns and the taste is just sooo sweet that it's almost gross. Makes me wonder how I used to drink them. the reason I quit was because if I drank one soda and then did not drink another withing 4-8 hours I get a migraine. So for me it was either don't think them at all or drink them on a regular schedule.
  • I am one of the lucky ones - I like water, however I did love my dr pepper. I realized today that I have not had a soda in a couple weeks. I also realized that I didn't want it either - good luck, but don't beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon. Get up dust yourself off and start again!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I am one of the lucky ones - I like water, however I did love my dr pepper. I realized today that I have not had a soda in a couple weeks. I also realized that I didn't want it either - good luck, but don't beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon. Get up dust yourself off and start again!

    I really needed to hear this as I quit drinking Coke two weeks ago but the last 3 days started drinking it again. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • Lisak22
    Lisak22 Posts: 47 Member
    I was the biggest soda drinker out of all of my i just quit. I was in a wedding, saw the photos, and how horrible i looked. and i felt five times as uncomfortable in the dress i HAD to wear....So i quit...100%. told everyone i know im on a diet, and if they saw me with a pop, they must take it...

    So I then got it in my head, if i wanted a pop, i had to drink 2 bottle of water first, then i could have a pop. Usually, after the first bottle, im not thirsty any more, and just stick to water.

    Today I had ordered a diet coke with my lunch...I drank 2 sips, and asked the server for water. It was WAAAYY to sweet. YUCK! I've only been doing this since the second week in oct. Ive lost 24 lbs...all because of the pop!. I feel soooo much better. Yeah I got headaches, ya i was grumpy...BUT when i realized i WANTED THIS....i want this more than anything in the world....i can do it...and i will do makes things easier.

    My goal is 10 cups of water a day..if not more which is hard, but anytime i want to eat or any pop. I always drink a bottle of water, then i really want this? sometimes the answeres yes...some times no...but at least that helps me get more water in every day which really does make you feel better.

    Sorry for the rambeling, hope this helps...
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I work at the corporate offices of a major restaurant food chain, All of our soda is free, So I was drinking a LOT of diet pepsi Monday through Friday. Then the strangest thing started happening... MY TUMMY HURT! It was feeling like it was on FIRE. Sometimes it woke me up in the middle of the night. And was HIGHLY uncomfortable. I delt with it for about three days TRYING to figure out what my issue was. Then I noticed that it seemed worse when I was drinking my diet sodas. So I thought that I would try to skip the soda for one day and see if I did not feel any better. So I moved to tea. I did not have the caffeine drop that I thought I would have AND so far the Tummy burn thing seems to have gone away.
    I think it is all a matter of your pain pleasure thing. If you can add enough PAIN to the drinking of the soda, and Enough PLEASURE to the NOT drinking of the soda THEN you are more apt to stick with the NOT DRINKING OF IT. So here are a few suggestions.
    REMEMBER it is what you BELIVE to be true that works the most SO lets start with some facts.
    1) If Coke can clean tar off of your car tires... What is it doing to the inside of your tummy. (A thought that "I" should have asked myself a lot sooner then the three days of PAIN that I went through!) Mind you coke is also good for cleaning your hard water stains out of your shower... So does Windex, But you would not drink THAT would you?
    2) Science has recently discovered that soda drinkers have a 30% higher chance of getting internal Cancer then None soda Drinkers.
    3) Science has also recently discovered that When you drink a soda. Your liver slows down 15 to 20% Meaning that a quarter of your liver stops working for about an hour after you drink a soda, and after years of this a certain % of the people that they studied had liver problem INCLUDING LIVER FAILURE where they either needed to have their liver replaced OR they died.
    4) You are drinking your calories. Meaning that you are less apt to count them EVEN THOUGH THEY DO COUNT IN REAL LIFE! AND people that drink DIET soda are not out of this loop either because "WE" have a tendency to think to ourselves. "Well, I had a diet soda, I can splurge or this piece of Chocolate cake!"
    5) Caffeine makes you hungry, as the sodium makes you thirsty, so it is a vicious cycle.
    THIS SAID! Everything is moderation. If you give up soda and then one day you JUST HAVE TO HAVE ONE! then DANG IT HAVE ONE! ONE not TWO OR EIGHT! ONE! ;-)
    Good Luck.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I gave up drinking soda about six months ago. The only time I do have soda is when I drink alcohol (I like liquors), but I've basically given that up, as well. After a short period of time, if you drink water regularly, you don't care for soda anymore and water becomes far more quenching and palatable.

    I also find that a glass of juice can be nice if all you're looking for is something kinda sweet.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I've done this a few times. The easiest way for me to do it was to step down gradually. It was too hard for me to just quit cold turkey and drink water instead. I had to give up soda while I was pregnant last year because I had gestational diabetes. I tried to drink as much water as possible but when I really needed a soda I'd drink an Izze sparkling juice instead and I made sure to limit myself to one a day. Because I was doing it for the health of my baby it was easier for me to have that willpower.

    Now that I'm trying to lose weight I make sure that I never drink more than one soda a day and I don't let myself have one two days in a row. It's not really that difficult now though, I really like drinking water (from a reusable sports bottle) and since I've been eating healthier I just haven't wanted soda or junk food.

    Just hang in there. It can be difficult to give up but you just have to stay strong. One of the biggest things that helps me is knowing how many calories are in a soda. Knowing I can use those calories to eat a little more food makes it easier to resist.
  • Giving up soda is pretty hard. i work at fast food and i have access to unlimited free soda! lol

    but recently i've been avoiding it pretty good. Just tell yourself " Eat the calories, don't drink them."
    Every time i feel like drinking soda, i just think about my goal to lose weight and look better!
    not drinking soda everyday also kinda takes the craving away. i still drink soda but very very limited.
    good luck
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I have quit drinking soda and started back up again multiple times. I'm trying to stay away from it for good this time. So far, I haven't had any in three weeks. I just don't drink any, because if I have a sip, I'm done for. I don't want to spend the money on it, I don't want to buy more plastic then I have to. I feel better when I drink water. I just have to remind myself about that. But yeah, when I'm stressed out, I totally think about getting a soda. I used to think about having a smoke, so I guess that's kind of an upside...
  • I had given up pop cold turkey and I was able to stick with it for about a year. Once I started drinking it again, I lost control and I'm back to having it on a near daily basis. You've definitely inspired me to just quit cold turkey again. The most difficult thing for me is the availability of the pop, I'm on a college campus where the dining courts are filled with pop machines, and it's so tempting to just get a pop instead of drinking water. I think if I just reminded myself that I need to use those calories on food and also that the water quenches my thirst better anyway, I can get away from the pop once again.

    Here's to day 1 without pop!
  • undercover
    undercover Posts: 138 Member
    I used to drink a lot of soda, I really love my Coke. I don't like the diet Coke, just regular for me. I drank Coke every day, and at least 2 liters every weekend. I didn't quit cold turkey, but since I started here I really choose my times. My job recently moved offices and now we have a restaurant to eat in. They only serve milk and water, so there is no chance of getting sodas there. Before the soda machine was just standing there in the lunch room and it was really cheap, so way too often I had Coke for lunch.

    I haven't had a soda at all this week and I feel fine. I love my water and I still think about getting sodas - but I know that I have to watch my calories and I don't want to just drink my calories you know? As someone stated before, it's hard to not drink soda with certain kinds of food. I mean, eating chips and dip and drinking water? Or pizza with water? Just seems weird. Good thing is - since I don't want my chips and dip without my Coke, instead I eat carrot sticks with dip and that is perfectly fine with water :)

    Best part is that my two best friends hate soda, both guys just always drink water and never have soda at home. I always used to bring soda over before, but I've stopped that. So since I spend a lot of time with them, I'm never tempted to have soda with them. Except for tonight - two of us are making homemade pizza and I am going to have one, say one, small Coke tonight, when we are eating. For the rest of the night I plan to drink water or tea. One small can is fine, where before I would have brought a 2 liter bottle, and since he wouldn't drink it, I would have downed the whole thing...

    For me it's now looked as a treat, not a meal companion or something to go with candy etc. I still love it, I just know I have to limit it. I have very bad teeth as a result of my Coke addiction, so it's for the best anyway :)
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Grats to all those who have started on their Soda free journey!

    I used to drink 10 to 12 cans of coke per day, started in High School. That was close to 1500 calories per day just from Coca~Cola!

    I'm 40 now, and finally quit drinking Soda on Sept 4th, 2010. I had tried many times before, doing the weaning thing, and the cold turkey thing and I always went back to drinking again after a few weeks. This last time, I had gotten down to just 2 Cokes per day and decided I was done playing around and that I *WOULD STOP*. No excuses, no "just one 'cause I had a bad day" or any of that...just stop. I can't have "just one" 'cause I won't stop at just one.

    I could have quit years ago, and wish I had. I just wasn't willing to do what it took before now. Unless you really want to, it just won't happen. I finally accepted that I just can't have Coke (or any soda) any more, and will never have soda again. Until I was willing to fully embrace that, it just wasn't going to happen.

    I have much more energy now (I stopped drinking sweet tea too) that my body is no longer reliant on caffeine. My digestion and stomach in general is much happier without all that acid and syrup. I have saved a TON of money not drinking soda. $2 per pop at a restaurant adds up. I get water instead.

    Some suggestions:
    *Tell all your friends and family about your plan. Enlist their help.
    **If a friend or family member keeps offering you soda after you told them the plan, STOP seeing them.
    *ALWAYS have extra water bottles in your car, your office, where ever you are.
    *Drink lots of water! Any time you think about drinking soda, drink a glass/bottle of water instead. Constantly sip on water all day.

    You can do it!

    Now I have to go drink a couple glasses of water after thinking so much about coke, lol.
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    Don't buy it.
    Replace it with something like crystal light packets or even powerade. It still is a lot better than soda.
    Also, if you go out to eat , tell yourself your bill will be cheaper if you just get water.

    I am hooked on water ever since I stopped drinking pop. I think water is SOO refreshing and there are times when I wake up and I just can't wait to have my ice cold water. It may be tough so maybe you should just start off limiting yourself to 1 every 2 days or 1 every week. Plus, once you will taste funny the first time you take a sip and you also won't be able to stomach as much as you use to.. At least that is how it was for me. I use to drink 5 to 6 cans of mountain dew a day. Now I can barely finish a can if I tried.

    you can do it!
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