giving up soda?



  • nishhhh
    thanks for all the suggestions! i'm on day 3 of no soda now :)
  • ginnyroxx
    i made it a reward. when i'm down 10 pounds, i have a nice cold diet coke in my fridge waiting for me.
  • sheofthesea
    sheofthesea Posts: 123 Member
    i made it a reward. when i'm down 10 pounds, i have a nice cold diet coke in my fridge waiting for me.

    I will be curious to see if it still tastes good. I know that when I stop drinking soda (I'm back on again, and trying to quit), it tastes awful at first.

    I think that might be a clue :)
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    Quitting anything is tricky- the biggest thing is the calories!! Every time you think of having a soda remind yourself what it does to your daily calorie intake! Talk about sabotage!! If it's diet soda that you're up against, consider the chemicals... If you can't come close to being able to pronounce it, you shouldn't ingest it! (that's just generally a good rule anyway!) I drink lots of seltzer. Polar makes a lot of flavored varieties that are made with natural flavors and no artificial sweetners or calories!! Good luck!
  • kitujainen
    kitujainen Posts: 143 Member
    esearchers say artificial sweeteners may interfere with the body's natural ability to count calories based on a food's sweetness and make people prone to overindulging in other sweet foods and beverages.

    For example, drinking a diet soft drink rather than a sugary one at lunch may reduce the calorie count of the meal, but it may trick the body into thinking that other sweet items don't have as many calories either.
    // you can google how these diet sodas and sweeteners trick your body!
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    OMG!!!! 4 days without my beloved Diet Coke - I never realised how much I drank till I stopped. I was reading other posts & thought you know what maybe I should give it up & see how I get on ....................I gave up smoking 8 years ago & I think I'm having as much withdrawal symptons getting off Diet Coke as when I gave up cigarettes. DIET COKE SHOULD COME WITH HEALTH WARNINGS !!!!! Mind you headaches are finally gone today & my general feeling of annoyance has somewhat subsided but what I wouldn't do for an ice cold can right now !!!! I MUST BE STRONG, I MUST BE STRONG, I MUST BE STRONG !!!!!!!

    This was my post over 2 months ago & I'm still off soda - its hard !!!! but I don't miss it anymore - I'm still not taking in as much water as I should but I'm working on that - good luck - I just picked a day to stop & went from there - it is hard when the headaches & tiredness set in as that is the time you will most likely give in
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    Stay away from anything that says "diet" or "light", etc. Loaded with NutraSweet and that will absolutely be one of the worst things you can put in your body.
  • mamastuck
    Ok I used to drink a 24 pk of dr pepper EVERYDAY! I stopped buying it noone else in my house is allowed to have it here and replaced it with green tea and ginseng. Now I am at pure water. 30 days later I was ill in the tummy and attemted to have a gingerale I puked so the moral of the story is make it a challenge. I challenged myself to a 10 day soda challenge I did it and I am 21lbs lighter.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    OMG!!!! 4 days without my beloved Diet Coke - I never realised how much I drank till I stopped. I was reading other posts & thought you know what maybe I should give it up & see how I get on ....................I gave up smoking 8 years ago & I think I'm having as much withdrawal symptons getting off Diet Coke as when I gave up cigarettes. DIET COKE SHOULD COME WITH HEALTH WARNINGS !!!!! Mind you headaches are finally gone today & my general feeling of annoyance has somewhat subsided but what I wouldn't do for an ice cold can right now !!!! I MUST BE STRONG, I MUST BE STRONG, I MUST BE STRONG !!!!!!!

    This was my post over 2 months ago & I'm still off soda - its hard !!!! but I don't miss it anymore - I'm still not taking in as much water as I should but I'm working on that - good luck - I just picked a day to stop & went from there - it is hard when the headaches & tiredness set in as that is the time you will most likely give in

    Good Job! I'm 90+ days soda and sweet tea free now myself. My only regret is that I didn't do it earlier in life.
  • ginnyroxx
    i made it a reward. when i'm down 10 pounds, i have a nice cold diet coke in my fridge waiting for me.

    I will be curious to see if it still tastes good. I know that when I stop drinking soda (I'm back on again, and trying to quit), it tastes awful at first.

    I think that might be a clue :)

    I've got another 2 pounds before i find out. :laugh:
  • EzraCCM
    I gave up pop (soda) about a year ago. I've only had one can of pop in the past year... it was ginger ale and I was feeling sick :( I used to drink it when I was sick as a kid, so it was more of a comfort thing.

    I used to LOVE Pepsi, but now that I've given it up, I feel much healthier because I drink so much more water.
    One thing that helped me: I would get carbonated water (no sugar, just bubbles!) and add it to some juice... healthier than pop, but you still get the feeling that you're having something sweet and carbonated.

    Good luck!
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member
    there is another option, it is posable to have a coke that is good for you, make it your self. ginger tea sweetened with honey carbonated by yeast. you can do the same with sassafras root, celery seed, or black tea and molasses make a very nice cola. there are several advantages to this: you can actually pronounce all of the ingredients. they don't contain nearly as much sugar or acid as the commercial types. since they have a strong flavor it is difficult to drink in large quantities. most importantly they're made from stuff that is good for the body.
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    I never considered giving up my diet cokes but after reading this I think I will. I have at least 1litre of diet coker per day and get moody without it. I also have sweeteners in my coffee so I think i'll try give those up too.
    It should save money too - so long as I don't find another addiction to take its place!
  • anawigela
    I gave up cold turkey too, i also got intermittent stomach aches and i was drinking diet drinks instead of water.......not good.
    I've been told even diet is not good due to the body thinking its really getting something sweet and giving an insulin spike (not sure how true this one is tho)
    I can't believe how good i feel now, not as tired, no stomach aches, and i feel more awake and alert! (and no cravings)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    been a year since no soda pop for me. I was able to just go cold turkey. I don't miss it either. water is your friend. as for advice? I don't know what I can say that hasn't been said.