Postnatal Group - December 2010



  • Hello ladies!! Today was my weigh in date...and I HAD A LOSS!! 1.5 since last week!!! I finally broke through my plateau!! I was stuck at the same weight for a month!!! Thank goodness I broke through that barrier!!! Good Luck ladies and Merry Christmas!!

    Great job!!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Thank you very much!! and congrats on the new baby!!! I miss my baby being soooo little!!! she is almost 14 months now :(
  • Thank you very much!! and congrats on the new baby!!! I miss my baby being soooo little!!! she is almost 14 months now :(

    My first son is 13 months old. It such an cute age, isn't it? I agree though, the cuddle newborn stage is pretty great. This baby is a GREAT sleeper. He's going 5 hour stretches at just a week old. :smile:

    I'm weighing daily right now, as I'm still in that quick weight loss post delivery stage and I like to see it every morning. Lost 5.6lbs overnight, down 22lbs so far. I gained 35lbs with this pregnancy and want to lose an extra 41lbs on top of that (22lbs from my first son, then some extra).

    I was 205.6lbs this morning, only .6lbs from my January 1st goal!!!!!!
  • I'd love to join this group too.

    My name is Kelly and I have a 5 month old little girl (along with 2 other girls 5 and 3... plus a full time job teaching and I'm worn out lol). Of course, all of that isn't helping with the weight loss. The day after I had my 5 mo old I had only lost 5 pounds... AND SHE WAS A 6 POUND BABY!!! How does that happen??? lol. Right now, I weight about 16 pounds less than I did when I was pregnant which is annoying to me honestly, but I've brought it on myself. WIth 3 little kids, I eat when I can and what I can (ie something quick and easy) which isn't always the best food. I want to do this slow and I want to do it right. Last time I lost 80 pounds I was only eating 900 calories a day and that was stupid (for my part honestly because I felt terrible and it came right back after I started eating better).

    I just want to be healthy for my kids and feel better about myself. I'm so glad I found a postnatal group. :)

    SW: 190
    Today's weight: 188
    Goal #1:180
    Ending Goal: 140
  • I'd love to join this group too.

    My name is Kelly and I have a 5 month old little girl (along with 2 other girls 5 and 3... plus a full time job teaching and I'm worn out lol). Of course, all of that isn't helping with the weight loss. The day after I had my 5 mo old I had only lost 5 pounds... AND SHE WAS A 6 POUND BABY!!! How does that happen??? lol. Right now, I weight about 16 pounds less than I did when I was pregnant which is annoying to me honestly, but I've brought it on myself. WIth 3 little kids, I eat when I can and what I can (ie something quick and easy) which isn't always the best food. I want to do this slow and I want to do it right. Last time I lost 80 pounds I was only eating 900 calories a day and that was stupid (for my part honestly because I felt terrible and it came right back after I started eating better).

    I just want to be healthy for my kids and feel better about myself. I'm so glad I found a postnatal group. :)

    SW: 190
    Today's weight: 188
    Goal #1:180
    Ending Goal: 140

    I bet you swell after delivery. I do.

    Last week I had a 9lbs baby, lost 3.5lbs in the hospital.
    With my 7lbs 10oz son, I lost 1.5lbs in the hospital.
    With my 8lbs 8oz daughter, I lost 8.5lbs in the hospital.

  • I bet you swell after delivery. I do.

    Last week I had a 9lbs baby, lost 3.5lbs in the hospital.
    With my 7lbs 10oz son, I lost 1.5lbs in the hospital.
    With my 8lbs 8oz daughter, I lost 8.5lbs in the hospital.

    That's possible. I didn't with the other 2, but stranger things have happened I guess. Ouch on the 9 pound baby!! All my kids have been in the 5-6 pound range. You are a brave lady to even be thinking of losing weight right now :) Congratulations on the new baby!!!!!
  • Got my January 1st Goal this morning!!!

    204.6lbs, down 23lbs!
  • Got my January 1st Goal this morning!!!

    204.6lbs, down 23lbs!

    WOW!!! Congratulations :):):) That is terrifiic!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    hi ladies, sorry I've been MIA. I haven't been doing much with my diet. And haven't had time to go to the gym. :-( These past few weeks have been really really hard, and yesterday it all got worse. Randy was laid off. :-( So now along with being a single mom, stressed, busy, etc we're now really tight financially with lots of debt. :-( This was going to be a good opportunity to pay off debt since us living with friends cut out expenses of rent, internet, cable, etc and now we have no extra money at all! Who lays someone off right before the holidays?! This sucks! I know God will take care of us through this, he always does, but it's still super super difficult. I'm worried about being a good mom for Ayden, it's evident that he is picking up on my emotions which is so hard for me. I want him to be different than his father ... I don't know how to make that happen ...
  • Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

    I weighed in this morning, 201.0lbs!!! Hopefully my last day in the 200s, or second to the last. (I weigh in daily).

    Currently down 26.6lbs, 8.4lbs of baby weight left from this pregnancy, 22lbs from my second pregnancy, and then I'd like to lose another 18lbs down to 150lbs (I'm 5'10").
  • My 2 week postpartum appointment is tomorrow. I'm SO hoping she clears me for light exercise. I'm dying here!!

    Hit 198.4lbs this morning, down 29.2lbs in 2 weeks. Only 5.8lbs of baby weight left.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Good luck on getting cleared. I didnt have clearing until 6 weeks!!---
    on another note I weighed in yesterday morning and no loss...but no gain either over the holidays!!! but still i broke through my plateau of 166 to get to 164.5 and I have been 164.5 for two weeks now...I dont get it....i just cant seem to lose at a steady pace...i lose a pound or two and stay stuck there for like a month!! it is soooo annoying and I know I am definately going to get discouraged since I am joining a group to lose 40 lbs and I know it will kill me to keep reporting no loss and other people my size throwing up big numbers!!! hopefully it will work out though :) just have to try to stay optimistic!!! not losing sucks!!! especially counting every calorie and working out!!!!
  • Yeah this same OB cleared me for LIGHT exercise 2 weeks postpartum with my DD, so I'm hoping. I had a c section and my bleeding quit like a week ago, so I think it would be fine. I mean, I'm only going to walk on the treadmill on a slight incline until 6 weeks pp.
  • Amanda, congratulations :) I had lost a grand total of (well not 29 pounds lol) my 2 weeks pp. Heck, I'm 5 MONTHS pp and havne't lost that much. Great job!!!'

    Tomorrow is weigh in for me.... I'm so looking forward to it (darn those pies my MIL *made* me eat ;) )
  • Lisak22
    Lisak22 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey Ladies,....I need some advice...well rather some ideas...

    im 11 days late, and i took my 3 tests yesterday...and GUESS WHAT!....THEY'RE POSITIVE!....altho im not gettting my hopes up till the doc says yes...i dont want to get my hopes up and then, its not true...

    heres the thing, i need to tell my man...but i wanted to do it in a cute way...ideas? what have you done? how have you told your other half?...Thanks for all the ideas!
  • octopusami
    octopusami Posts: 87 Member
    My little guys turns 1 in two weeks and I am just starting to get serious. I started doing p90x about three months after giving birth but that quickly fizzeled.. who has 1.5 hours a day to work out with a newborn?

    I ended up gaining weight after giving birth and now I have a lot more to sluff off. I asked for a pedometer for Christmas and now I am walking in the mornings trying to get at least 10,000 steps a day. I have lost 5 lbs this week! Here is hoping I keep it up.
  • My little guys turns 1 in two weeks and I am just starting to get serious. I started doing p90x about three months after giving birth but that quickly fizzeled.. who has 1.5 hours a day to work out with a newborn?

    I ended up gaining weight after giving birth and now I have a lot more to sluff off. I asked for a pedometer for Christmas and now I am walking in the mornings trying to get at least 10,000 steps a day. I have lost 5 lbs this week! Here is hoping I keep it up.

    Great job on the 5lbs!!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hey Ladies,....I need some advice...well rather some ideas...

    im 11 days late, and i took my 3 tests yesterday...and GUESS WHAT!....THEY'RE POSITIVE!....altho im not gettting my hopes up till the doc says yes...i dont want to get my hopes up and then, its not true...

    heres the thing, i need to tell my man...but i wanted to do it in a cute way...ideas? what have you done? how have you told your other half?...Thanks for all the ideas!

    Feel free to join us on this tread:

  • Well I'm cleared for light exercise (no stair climber, boo!! that's my favorite).

    Happy New Year everyone!!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hey Ladies,....I need some advice...well rather some ideas...

    im 11 days late, and i took my 3 tests yesterday...and GUESS WHAT!....THEY'RE POSITIVE!....altho im not gettting my hopes up till the doc says yes...i dont want to get my hopes up and then, its not true...

    heres the thing, i need to tell my man...but i wanted to do it in a cute way...ideas? what have you done? how have you told your other half?...Thanks for all the ideas!

    First off I've NEVER heard of a false positive test. False negative - yes - but the test won't show positive unless your body is producing enough of the hormone ,,, and your body won't have that much hormone unless your preggo :-) ALTHOUGH, I have heard many women wait until they have their first ultrasound to be sure the baby is healthy and you don't miscarry, which may have been what you meant. :-) Either way congrats!

    My story is boring. My hubby and I were trying for our son, so he was there when I bought the test and took in. *sigh
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