ajcmoran2005 Member


  • I've already gotten in a six mile run and have drank 60 ounces of water so hopefully the scale will be much kinder tomorrow. I'm sticking to the plan today. That was a special occasion but no sweets today!
  • 5'4" SW 141 CW 121.6 GW 117
  • I might eat back some of them. I honestly don't know how people purposely eat 1200 calories a day. If I had to eat this little for more than a week I would not be a fun person to be around!
  • I'm 5'4" and weigh 123.6 pounds. I only want to lose about six more pounds. There is absolutely no way I could sustain a 1200 calorie diet. I follow the TDEE method and up until I hit the plateau that it had me eating 1700 calories a day. I'm just desperate to change things up so I can lose these last few pounds. Believe…
  • Well, it ended up being an 8 1/2 pound gain, which is insane. We went on the exact same trip last year and I ate soooo much worse but only gained about four pounds. I just plan on drinking TONS of water, eating TDEE -20% and working out everyday. I'm really hoping that this is mostly water weight :(.
  • Nothing out if the ordinary. Greek yogurt for breakfast, granola bar and bagel for lunch and spaghetti with meat sauce on toast for dinner. No pasta though. I did have a protein bar for a snack mid-day and also a cup of pudding. It was about 1600 calories so about what I normally average.
  • Thank you everyone! I had a 7 mile run yesterday and it was mostly uphill so maybe that is a cause of it. I've been running 6 to 7 miles a day for a few months now so I wonder if I need to give my body a break. I just feel so gross'
  • I had the exact same exact awful weigh in today. I've eaten great all week and had some awesome runs but I'm up 2 1/2 pounds ????
  • Yikes, big time errors in my first post! That's what I get for dictating ????. I did some more research into it and it sounds like he is right. I am going to force myself to take two days off a week but possibly incorporate some light yoga into those days. I also plan to start strength training a few days a week so…
  • Honestly I think losing that much is unhealthy. I know a lot of people don't believe in BMI but at 5'11" and 115 pounds you would be considered extremely underweight. Why do you feel like you need to lose so much weight? Working out that hard and eating so little is not a healthy way to lose weight.
  • I agree with some of the other posters in saying that if it's sustainable then go for it. I am a little under 5'5" and when I started MFP I was 143 pounds. I tried 1200 calories a day and lost some but I was so grouchy and hungry. Several people recommended to me that I try the TDEE method. After calculating my BMR I upped…
  • I am in free same boat! I'm a little under 5'5" and my goal weight is 117. I got there about 2 1/2 weeks ago but now I'm back up to 120. I'm eating the same and running even longer so I'm annoyed as well. I know it's just a number but I would still like to get there and maintain it :).
  • Work through it. I run 7 days a week and the only time off I take is if I'm really sick. I will say that last night I had cramping that I had never experienced before and the Motrin I took did nothing for the pain so if it had happened during my normal workout time there is no way I could have run. I told my husband that…
  • I almost forgot. I eat about 1850 calories a day and still lose. Eating only 1200 calories would make me a raving lunatic!!!
  • When you say high intensity running how fast are you talking? When I started out running I was going at a 10:00 minute mile pace without a big incline but I still was losing. Now I'm running at an 8:00 minute per mile pace at an 8.0 incline and the weight is coming off much faster. I can't help but think that maybe you are…
  • Thank goodness someone finally said this! It is INSANE that people are recommending op run/exercise again. I had a severe ED and seeing this advice is troubling and not good.
  • Way too many :). I know I'm no help at all but when it comes to those chips all my willpower goes out the window! I know at our favorite Mexican restaurant they are fried.
  • No, I would not agree. I am recovering from an ED and several of the girls I attended rehab with suffered from exercise bulimia (I said anorexia but it's bulimia.). Instead of purging they would exercise whatever they consuming. Many bulimics don't lose weight because rarely can you purge everything you eat and you also…
  • Unless you're an Olympic athlete or you train for a living I have no idea why you are treating your body the way you are. It makes no sense eating so little on days you don't workout and working out for three hours to burn "what you need to burn" sounds insane. If I may be honest it sounds like you have an eating disorder.…
  • I tried it. Don't do it! I wanted the quick fix and I got it. I lost seven pounds in three days. I was going to the bathroom a ton though so I decided to look up all of the ingredients. I found out that the main ingredient in one of the supplements was a natural laxative, so pretty much I was taking laxatives twice a day.…
  • I'm with one of the previous posters who said that unfortunately skinny jeans don't work for everyone. I'm between a size 4/6 and my skinny jeans still annoy me somedays! I'm 5'4 1/2" and 119 pounds so I feel like they should fit well but they don't fit nearly as well as my other jeans.
  • As long as I can breathe and don't have a fever I workout. A few sniffles won't stop me from running.
  • 1500 calories and I'm 5'4 1/2" and am about 119 pounds.
  • Those last 10 pounds are the worst!!! I am a little under 5'5" and honestly it took about six months to go from 130 to 120. I'm about 118-119 now and while I would love to get to 115 I don't think it's going to happen. The one thing that really helped me though was using the TDEE method. I really don't pay too much…
  • Well first off at 5'11" and 158 you aren't overweight. I have friends with your stats and they look great so saying you're not extremely overweight makes no sense. Secondly, I run everyday and am at my goal weight and my legs are much more toned then they were before I started running. Being 130 at your height seems really…
  • I just turned 40 yesterday so I wanted to stop by and say hello!
  • The last 10 pounds are definitely the hardest. I am 5'4 1/2" and honestly it took me almost four months to go from 135 to 125. I was so excited to finally hit my GW since it took forever to get there but once I reached it I realized that I needed to lose more so I adjusted my new goal weight to between 116-118, which wil…