Will I be able to reach my weight loss goal in time?

I am about 5ft and weigh 11 and a half stone (161lbs) I want to lose 3 stone (36lbs) by June 20th 2014 so around 4 months, if do cardio for an hour and half twice a week then once a week 2 hours of laps in the pool and 45 minutes of cardio in the gym (just treadmill, cross trainer and bike) along side a diet of a breakfast bar/ biscuits for breakfast, a banana or apple for lunch and a random average portion of home cooked dinner or microwave meal perhaps with little snacks at the weekend, is it possible I could lose 3 stone by June? If not, roughly how much would I have lost by then? And any other generic dieting tips please aha


  • kiwitechgirl
    kiwitechgirl Posts: 145 Member
    You could, but you won't like the results. Eating that little and losing that fast will result in loss of muscle, and while you might lose the weight you will probably still be skinny-fat. Put your stats into MFP, eat the calories it tells you to, weigh all your food so you can log accurately and do some resistance training as well as cardio. You might not see results so fast, but they'll be sustainable and the results will be better.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Starving yourself + all cardio will cause you to lose lots of muscle along with fat--you'll be a squishy, flabby mess and unhappy with your results. Eat at a reasonable deficit and lift some weights and you'll be much happier with the results.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I would suggest eating at a deficit with enough protein, cardio for 30 min-1 hour maybe 3 days/wk, and strength training on the other 3 days, with 1 rest day. Another option would be to do circuit training. Your idea of swimming is great, but I wouldn't do it in addition to other cardio on the same day.
  • kirstenvcc
    kirstenvcc Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for your answer, the only problem is that because I'm still in school I eat every single meal there other than dinner, I couldn't weigh my food . I also really struggle to eat my almost 2000 calories in a day because I don't control what's in the house and have very limited options e.g for the past two weeks I've lived off breakfast biscuits or nothing, a banana or/and an apple and a microwave meal with a few little snacks on one or two of the days. I was hoping to lose weight quickly so I look nice in my dress next to all the other skinny girls then worry about toning up afterwards? Also what's an example of resistance training I'm not sure whAt it means? Thanks again lol
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    Honestly I think losing that much is unhealthy. I know a lot of people don't believe in BMI but at 5'11" and 115 pounds you would be considered extremely underweight. Why do you feel like you need to lose so much weight? Working out that hard and eating so little is not a healthy way to lose weight.