DeadZip2010 Member


  • Connie, I see this post is from a while ago, but I figured I would try. If you are wanted a leaner, stronger look and want to increase your fitness I have two roads you might want to try. 1. If you enjoy the gym look for a book called Bigger, Leaner, Stronger. It has a lot of solid info and a great workout plan. 2. If you…
  • While I was in Okinawa, I was using the plan. Saw great improvement in my overall strength and an increase in size in both the mirror and on the scale(I was eating more calories going through a bulking phase). I think its a great program. I am about to get back into it now that I am back in the States. I would love to hear…
  • Thank you all for the insight. I really do appreciate it. I talking some of my Marines today about this subject as well. the general thought is that i might be losing fat, but not faster than my body is building muscle(probably true for my wife as well seeing as i push her as hard as i push myself). So this is why we…
  • Thank you very much. So its more about my overall diet instead of what style of working out I'm doing?
  • Sorry about that. I didn't want to get too far into the weeds and scare everyone off. I have been working out off and on for a few years. School and training has made getting to a gym on a regular basis tuff. I have completed P90X in the past. I want to spend 6-8 weeks lifting weights in the gym focusing on mass and…
  • sad, ganna bump my own post. lol
  • Day 90 pics are up, the light is a little low, but i am very happy with the end results. i will post day 1 vs day 90 shortly!
  • I have done my share of reading, researching and asking questions, and here are the basics i have found to be the most common. 1. your body can only use so much protein at one time, taking in 60+ grams at once of it gives you the same results as taking in 30 grams at once. 2. shoot for 1 gram of protein pre pound of body…
  • Please remember that you dont have to have weights to do strength training. there are tons of body weight moves that great for building muscle, such as push ups, pull ups, or squats. P90X is nice becuase it has a little bit of everything, as long as you have enought weights, you can build a lto of muscle. either way, you…
  • Looking for some cardio that doesnt involve running of jumping? If you have a pool around you could try that, swim with mostly your arms and it will kee most of the stress off of your leg. Or you could turn the strength training you are doing on your arms and upper body and your core work into a curciut training sesson.…
  • YES, AND SPREAD THE WORD. the formula MFP uses is based on NET calories. so if you DONT EAT what you burn, you MIGHT NOT BE EATING ENOUGH. then your metabolism slows and your body DOESNT BURN AS WELL and STARTS TO STORE CALORIES. you dont have to eat them all back, but i try my best to eat back most of them.
  • Wa to go yall, keep up the work and results happen! So glad yall are seeing inprovements in yalls workouts either in reps or form. Keep it up! did my last Chest and Back, and man am I whipped out. like Lifebloom said a few post ago, phase three is tuff. am going to go ahead and say maybe i should have changed my diet…
  • its been a few days since ive checked in with everyone on here. and i need some help figuring out what i want to do from 27 August, when i finish, and the first week of October, when i move to VA for training for the Marine Corps. I am very pleased with my results, and i feel after the next three weeks ill be right where i…
  • Yeah, i agree that starting completely over is ruff on the mind, and you never get to new workouts. I had done phase 1 twice all the way through and once for about two weeks before this round of it all. i always seemed to hurt myself somehow in my shoulder or my back.
  • i agre with the croud that both cardio and strength training is the best option. but you have to understant that weight training is not always strength training. you can do light weights in a circuit and it be considered cardio. i do a lot of reading in Men's Health magazine, they have a Women's health as well, and they…
  • Thanks for all of the positive feedback and encouragement. I cant wait till the end of the 90 days so we all get to see how much hard work we have all put in. This week has been off for me too, small world. with tons of work stress and trying to move my rep ranges from around 10 to between 6-8 my body is dragging its feet.…
  • I agree with what yall are saying, they have to be picking those people becuase of how they did in the test runs, and im guessing they arent doing the program at that exact time, must have a few days to recover before hand. Day 60 pics are up, not as big a difference in muscle definition or size, but i am definately…
  • Congrats Syd1980! its always great to have those little break throughs. and I hope yoga went well for you swinginchandra, knees and elbows have got to be some of the worst places to get cut up, those and your hands and feet amlost never stop moving long enough to heal fast. Day 57 was Chest and Back, nice to see an old…
  • Have not checked in for a while. Wanted to say that I cant wait to see how everyone does by the end of the 90 days. I start phase 3 today, four weeks of hitting it hard, cant wait to see the results. and anyone who said the big changes happen in phase 2 are right. day 60 will be thursday so ill have pics up friday maybe, i…
  • Congratulations, we all need little wins like that through out the program. Keep it up and youll be able to get one in a size smaller.
  • how do we know when we reach our goals? my goals are kind of based on the Physical Fitness Test for the Marine Corps. 20 dead hang pull ups in a row, 100 crunshes in 2 minutes and a 18 minute 3 mile is a perfect score. i was pretty close to hitting the pull up numbers and hit the crunches every time, but the run is where i…
  • none of my friends have ever done the 30 Day Shred, but I do P90X and some of my friends have done or are doing Insanity. you can take a look at my day 1 to 30 pics if you want. but for toning with little to no equipment, then Insanity is the way to go. if you are able to buy or have some weights/ bands and a pullup bar…
  • YAY for getting your computer back. im lucky i didnt get rid of my xbox, i can play the dvds from it to, but i do preffer my laptop.
  • day 45/90 and Half way done. Back & Biceps, did anyone else buy thier tickets to The Gun Show?! these last three weeks i have seen more growth in my arms(shouloder, biceps and triceps) than any other place, phase one seemed to be all chest and back growth and definition. cant wait for the next set of pics, and i think im…
  • for ayone who uses Heart Rate Monitors, do yall just count the calories yall burn during the time of the workout or do yall keep counting until your heart rate is back closer to normal? ive been just counting what i burn during the workouts. is that right or wrong?
  • yeah, it has the electronic spots that i have to step on, and i know they are not very accurate. but i wanted to use it as a refference point because as long as the number on that scale was going down i should be seeing results. right? and to syd1980 - i dont take my measurments very often, i have a tape, but i usually put…
  • ok, figured this needed to be the first place I came to ask questions sence yall are in the same program with me. The numbers on my scale are going up. and not in a good way. At the tale end of last week I was down to 166, thought id be able to break into the 165 or under by the end of this week, but almost the opossite.…
  • haveyou thought about buying one of those pull up bars that hang in the door frame? like Tony shows in the "How To Bring IT" video? that is what my wife and i use(i had it from back when i was workingout before p90x) and she uses a chair like they show in most of the videos. you can pick them up at walmart, but the cheaper…