Louieanne Member


  • Hello! I'm 31 years old, married to the best man in the whole world, and the mother to a perfect 2 year old princess. I also have PCOS. I am currently at the heaviest I have ever been at 240lbs. Hubby and I are wanting another baby to add to our family and I know I need to lose this weight in order to get pregnant.
  • Check out www.all recipes.com. Its a fantastic sight and its free!
  • I personally keep my sodium low because I realized that when I went over I had excruciating headaches! I have always had horrible headaches about twice a week but I haven't had a single one for a month, since I started tracking sodium. The one day I went over...sure enough a headache hit me about early evening. All this is…
  • Oh I sooo know what you're talking about! I'm a preschool teacher and it seems like things have just been so busy that I have trouble drinking all I should some days. I LOVE tea but I tell myself I can't have a glass of tea until I drink all my water, this usually works for me.
  • For me it's always different! Sometimes I eat everything in sight and others I don't even want to see food!
  • Thanks so much guys! I think I'll try out zumba and see how I like it!
  • I have the same thing and I am a bigger chested girl my doc said it's a combination of fat and added stress on this area of my neck and back. She suggested that I wear a good support bra that fit well ( which helped greatly) and to lose weight. I have noticed that it's worse if I've been on my feet a lot or went without a…
  • When I was in first grade I wrote my name on a paper (Lori)it was so sloppy the teacher thought it said Louie and called out that name in front of the whole class. When I got home I told my dad and he thought it was funny and started calling me Louie Anne as a joke, well it kinda stuck! Now I use it for lots of things…
  • For me it was the thai phoon shrimp app. at Ruby Tuesdays. That's my favorite but sooo not worth the calories!
  • My kitty cat, Cecilia could care less if your eating but the minute you sit down with a glass of tea she shoves her whole head into the cup! She's just a tad strange...she plays fetch, comes when called, and follows us around, and several other dog like traits. But she's an ocicat so those are fairly common for her breed.…
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 months ago when my husband and I started ttc. I have about 100 lbs I would like to lose and this is a first step for me. I have normal hormone levels and ovulate normally too but the cysts cause a very short time between ovulation and starting. This short time makes implantation extremely…
  • I used to have this happen to me all he time and after some experimenting I found out what works for me. I eat a relatively small breakfast at 7:00am, small snack at 9:30, fairly good sized lunch at 11:30, small snack at 3:30pm, small dinner at 6:30, and if I need it another very small snack at 9:00pm. I found I was most…
  • I try to hit between 1200-1400 calories a day, sometime I eat my exercise calories and sometimes I don't. I think the key here is that you're not hungry so I wouldn't worry about it!
  • My favorite one is, " youre so lucky you dont have kids. You can do anything you want." The thing that's hard is that mentally you know people are not being insensitive on purpose but emotionally you just want to slap some one!
  • I know exactly whatcha mean. I always said I wanted to be done having kids by the time I was thirty...well now I'm creeping up on 28 and I just want it to happen for us. My husband feels so guilty too because I've been wanting to try for the last 4 years because I was afraid we would have a hard time. But he was sure…
  • Any sonic hamburger and chili cheese tots! This used to be my "treat" after grocery shopping every two weeks. Thought about it today and it didn't even sound good!
  • I find this happens to me on occasion and I started paying close attention and figured out that at some point earlier in the day I was hungry but didn't eat right then because I was busy. When I actually get around to eating I wouldn't feel hungry and would sometimes choose not to eat or if I would eat it was like I…
  • Hello everyone! I am 27 years old and starting my third year as a preschool teacher! I have my BS in elementary education as well as a degree in early childhoo development I have worked in the early childhood profession for all of my adult life. I love teaching preschool and have 40 four year old enrolled in my class this…
  • I just put it in and OMG, my husband has been talking about buying a riding mower but I'll fight him tooth and nail. lol
  • Wow! Just fantastic, keep up the great work!