

  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Are you referring to the back of your neck?? When I was bigger, I had a spot that would almost swell it seemed. It would go numb and tingle. It seemed the only thing at that time that helped was to rub it out agressively until the feeling came back. I noticed that it doesn't swell or go numb anymore since a large amout of weight came off. I never did get it checked by the doctor so I can only assume it was my weight that caused it since that is all that has changed. Are there any other complications that come with this bump?
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Honestly, I had a lovely hump of fat on the back of my neck when I was fat. It was gross and huge and I felt like the hunchback of Notre Dame. Guess what? That lump of fat was practically the first thing to disappear when I started losing weight. Now, at 104 lbs lighter, it completely disappeared and I can actually feel the vertabrae along the back of my neck and down my back. It's a beautiful feeling, indeed.
  • Louieanne
    Louieanne Posts: 26 Member
    I have the same thing and I am a bigger chested girl my doc said it's a combination of fat and added stress on this area of my neck and back. She suggested that I wear a good support bra that fit well ( which helped greatly) and to lose weight. I have noticed that it's worse if I've been on my feet a lot or went without a bra for an extended period of time. Hope this helps and I understand cuz I'm ver self conscious of it too!
  • Ghostmoth
    I have the same thing -- large chest and all. The only thing that really helps is to do posture exercises or strengthen my upper back. If you put a foam roller under your back in line with your chest and roll back and forth, it helps a lot. Stretching the chest muscles by resting both arms in a T shape in a doorway and letting your body hang forward also works. Yoga gets rid of it almost completely, I think because of the stretching and upper back strengthening.
  • ohsheepsu
    ohsheepsu Posts: 2 Member
    it's from poor posture. the fat actually develops to protect your spine as it weakens from leaning forward too much, like we tend to do a lot with reading and sitting at a computer. if you are large chested like you say, then it could be from that as well as you probably tend to lean over more anyway. there are posture correcting exercises that will help straighten your back and get rid of the bump.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I have this from poor posture and genetics too, but as someone else said, it's already smaller with a bit of weight loss.
  • eaglefish
    eaglefish Posts: 130 Member
    I have an ugly lump on my neck too. It's my head.

    Thanks for the LOL so early in the morning