
Ok been doing well for the last year or so. Two months ago I started gaining weight and yes I am doing a lot of snacking between meals but I am seriously having hunger pains. The funny thing is when I eat a meal ten or twenty minutes later I feel I have to eat again.

I started dieting about a year and a half ago, hit a plateau and came here to MFP, Lost some more weight and then started gaining again. My doctor chewed me out and said I was not eating enough but following MFP and other sites including one my doctor recommended I am right on. I took my doctors advice and added more and the scale followed.

Big question is why the big hunger pains just after eating?? One other thing I do ride bike quite a bit. I have over 2400 miles on this year well starting in April.


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    What are you eating at your meals?
  • jlucei7
    Are you eating foods high in fiber, and drinking a large glass of water with your meals? You could also take a fiber supplement before eating the meal where you normally have the most hunger. You could also try eating a lot of veggies with each meal, as they are low in calories and have fiber.

    Fiber is your friend :) just increase it gradually.
  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
    I'm not sure but would like to hear others replies......The only time that happens to me is if i've held off quit a long time between meals and then dnt eat a big meal then i get pretty hungry straight after, it's as if my body is saying it's been noted you're trying to skip food somewhere in your day lol . donno if this applies to you though, hope you get your answers :flowerforyou:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I can't say for sure since I can't see your food log, but here's what I have noticed for me:

    When I restrict calories (not even that much--around 1600/1700!) I get HUNGRY a lot. In fact, I get "hangry" (hungry + angry) just an hour after eating even a pretty large amount of a high fiber, low fat, moderate protein meal (so, maybe rolled oats with nuts & skim milk for breakfast).

    So, I've been experimenting with lowering my starchy carbs (grains, legumes, potatoes) and upping my fat (olive oil, avocados and yes, even butter and lard from grass-fed/pastured animals). I've also been upping my protein a bit from where it was. (So now two whole eggs cooked in some animal fat and some steamed spinach for breakfast, plus whole cream in my coffee.)

    And I am RARELY hungry. I sometimes find it difficult to eat even 1200 calories.

    (I'm not trying to get into a high carb/low carb debate with anyone who might respond. I am just relaying what has been working amazingly well for me. No more crashes. No more of the quick and intense hunger pangs and no more of the "hangries.")
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    I'm not a medical professional by any means, but maybe it's in the food you eat? Specifically the types of carbs. Complex versus simple. Don't ask me about the science behind it, but I've found when I eat complex carbs (oatmeal, brown rice) I stay fuller longer than when I eat simple carbs (fruit). Even though (research says I guess) natural simple carbs are better for you and provide a lot of nutrients, I find that they make me hungry shortly after.

    That's what I have found to work with the hunger.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    A friend of mine has experienced the same problem with hunger & anger, and has found the same to be true.

    Good job in dealing with it, and finding a solution that works.
    I can't say for sure since I can't see your food log, but here's what I have noticed for me:

    When I restrict calories (not even that much--around 1600/1700!) I get HUNGRY a lot. In fact, I get "hangry" (hungry + angry) just an hour after eating even a pretty large amount of a high fiber, low fat, moderate protein meal (so, maybe rolled oats with nuts & skim milk for breakfast).

    So, I've been experimenting with lowering my starchy carbs (grains, legumes, potatoes) and upping my fat (olive oil, avocados and yes, even butter and lard from grass-fed/pastured animals). I've also been upping my protein a bit from where it was. (So now two whole eggs cooked in some animal fat and some steamed spinach for breakfast, plus whole cream in my coffee.)

    And I am RARELY hungry. I sometimes find it difficult to eat even 1200 calories.

    (I'm not trying to get into a high carb/low carb debate with anyone who might respond. I am just relaying what has been working amazingly well for me. No more crashes. No more of the quick and intense hunger pangs and no more of the "hangries.")
  • Louieanne
    Louieanne Posts: 26 Member
    I used to have this happen to me all he time and after some experimenting I found out what works for me. I eat a relatively small breakfast at 7:00am, small snack at 9:30, fairly good sized lunch at 11:30, small snack at 3:30pm, small dinner at 6:30, and if I need it another very small snack at 9:00pm. I found I was most hungry in the afternoons so lunch is usually my largest meal of the day. The rest of the day is more snacking the actual meals. I eat between 1200-1400 calories a day. Hope this helps and just experiment until you find what works for you, your body will let you know.