Lalo_Nyc Member


  • Hi Marylou, This is a long road but you can defiantly accomplish your goal. I have lost 75 pounds over a 3 year period and I am looking to lose another 10. Stay focused and enjoy yourself at every step of the way with the knowledge you are making progress; small steps that do add up. Feel free to add me. Ed from NYC
  • Hi, if you are just starting out 5 days is way too much exercise. Not sure if you meant five days in a row or 5 days a week but from my reading and personal experience you can be on a a 5 day a week workout routine. Just be sure you are giving muscle groups enough time to rest. By the way, I love the idea of strength and…
  • Patience and perseverance. We have all hit a plateau at one time or another. It is around that time that you have to be vigilant and having your exercise/food numbers goes a long way in trying to figure out how to tweak your routine. Food intake should depend on your long term goal. Exercise is something that you can…
  • I read an article once where a fitness instructor kept saying that we have to visualize the size clothes we want to get in. Every time she would look in the mirror she would say something like "I can't wait to get into that size 4 dress and so on" Slowly she made changes in work out routines and eating habits and kept…
  • There are plenty of national holidays to go around. Here is a link: Happy 4th :drinker:
  • Here is my two cents: The reason you see the skinny people at gym is because they are working hard. Working hard at keeping the weight off, working hard at staying slim, working hard at staying healthy. I used to be heavy at 240 lbs and I am down to 160 lbs and some folks see me as skinny. But I along a whole bunch of…
  • I'd say you are about 122. It's a long journey and you gotta love yourself at every weight. Having said if you are motivated to lose more, I am right there with you offering support.
  • I like herbalife also and it is for both men and women alike. Please be sure to purchase from a certified distributor. There are lots of Flavors: Vanilla, chocolate, pina colada, wilberry, cookies and cream, orange cream, cafe latte. Take two scoops add 8 ounces of cold water or milk (with or without ice but still stick to…
  • You can add beans into your diet. There are so many varieties that should be able to find a kind you would like. Buy fresh if you can, canned if you want to just try out. Fresh beans can take a while to cook so look up online for different…
  • Hi, my wife likes to take mix with onions. Take onions and rinse, chop up anyway you want and place in a bowl. Squeeze a whole lemon and let sit, add cilantro if you want. Drain and mix with tuna. Enjoy.
  • Hi Vanessa, we are all in this journey together and not by chance! Perseverance, stick to the plan. Log everything: food, log exercise (add some light weights and interval training to your exercise routine, switch things up), log your water intake and also log the amount of time you sleep. Have a notebook or whatever means…
  • I started Yoga about a month ago and it is a challenge. Most important thing is the form/breathing and pushing your body. You will make improvements each and every time. Your gym may have a yoga class and all you would need is a yoga mat. You can also try free videos, I just googled it and found that gaimtv offers a class…
  • Hi there, Ed from NYC. I am 49 male and the work is hard but the reward is awesome. I have lost 30 lbs since End of February.
  • Don't give up. I started at 215 in February and I am down to 185. First time in almost 10 years that I am under 200 and I am still trying hard to get to 165-170. Again don't give up. I did not get big over night and it is the same with losing the weight, it is not going to happen over night. My advice is to stay positive.…
  • Hi Kamesha, You are doing great but you may be going a bit too hard. Cut back on Zumba to once a week and do what you can and instead do the treadmill and elliptical machine. Be sure to do the interval or hill programs on both machines as this will give you a chance to challenge yourself. They are great low impact and knee…
  • I get on scale twice a day, first thing in morning and just prior to sleep. Some people wait a whole week, some longer. I have to know my progress best way for me is to get on frequently. You will weight less in morning than at night before bed. This is because we continue to lose weight while sleeping and it is another…
  • I think you are being too hard on yourself. I would suggest you increase the water intake, give up the all sodas, and add movement throughout the day. You don't have much to lose so this is the hardest path. Walk instead of driving, taking the steps instead of the elevator, take the long way from parking lot, go to snack…
  • Hi Candy, I had maxed out at 235, male, 5' 6" and had let things get away. Too much time behind the desk, in front of tv, pc, etc. It has been a long road but I am down to 185, first time in over 10 years and still looking to trim another 10-15. You have to stick with a plan, talk to your doctor, nutrition guide, etc. Make…
  • Hi Mt, You are not alone in this and you have plenty of support. You may get discouraged at first because you are in gym and watching what you eat and the weight may not be coming off as fast you would like. My suggestion is to persevere and be patient. Try to stay active, walk/bike rather than drive; track your progress…