What to do when you're sore but today is a scheduled workout day



  • Lalo_Nyc
    Lalo_Nyc Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, if you are just starting out 5 days is way too much exercise. Not sure if you meant five days in a row or 5 days a week but from my reading and personal experience you can be on a a 5 day a week workout routine. Just be sure you are giving muscle groups enough time to rest.

    By the way, I love the idea of strength and cardio together because they really work but you should also listen to your own body.

    Here is a breakdown that I like:

    Monday: Chest, triceps, abs, cardio
    Tuesday: Shoulders, biceps, abs, cardio
    Wednesday: Back, traps, legs
    Thursday: rest
    Friday: Chest, triceps, abs, cardio
    Sat: Shoulders, biceps, abs, cardio
    Sunday: rest

    You should also mix things up a bit keeping in mind that you shouldn't workout the same muscle groups on consecutive days. Only exception is Abs and legs; we use them everyday and you can work those two muscle groups a bit more but target different areas.

    Abs: There are many routines that you can try on different days.
    Hasfit.com has a great routine to do in a 30 day cycle: http://hasfit.com/30-day-ripped-six-pack-abs-workout-routine-6-pack-abdominal-plan-schedule/

    Legs: You can find a 30 saquat challenge from fitnessblender.com

    Good luck!
  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    Are you doing enough by way of warm up/down? Warm up will actually loosen up your muscles and can reduce soreness before you start. A warm down should help purge some of the lactic acid and reduce soreness the next day.
  • _rachel_k
    _rachel_k Posts: 243 Member
    MeanderingMammal: I have been working out on and off for 5 years now so this isn't my first time working out ever, but I haven't really done much with weights since early summer

    JoRocka: Keep the same weight? I was using a barbell with 10's (total of 20 lbs I think) for bicep curls and triceps I was holding a 10lb plate

    DvlDwnInGA: It's very rare for me to be this sore. Yesterday my co-workers were laughing at me for how I was struggling to put my jacket on. I honestly didn't sleep much Tuesday night because it hurt to use my elbow to roll me over.

    NoelFigart1: I forgot to take my Advil last night! lol Maybe I'll take it at lunch and then before my workout and cross my fingers.

    Benjinjkan: I do some stretches before we start the cardio. When I'm using the heavy bag for my cardio (we rotate stationary bike and heavy bag) I will punch and then stop and do some high knees or jumping jacks.
  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    _rachel_k wrote: »
    Benjinjkan: I do some stretches before we start the cardio. When I'm using the heavy bag for my cardio (we rotate stationary bike and heavy bag) I will punch and then stop and do some high knees or jumping jacks.

    Static stretches alone aren't great for warm up and you can do yourself a mischief. Light cardio to get physically warm and then stretching is always a better bet. A typical warm up would be 10 mins in duration and roughly 50/50 cardio then stretch, and then 5 mins of gentle stretching as a warm down. There are probably some YouTube videos that would give you some ideas if you aren't confident to put your own routine together.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited January 2015
    _rachel_k wrote: »
    JoRocka: Keep the same weight? I was using a barbell with 10's (total of 20 lbs I think) for bicep curls and triceps I was holding a 10lb plate

    that's something you have to address each and every day you walk into the gym. Every day you wake up- you have to go "what body did I wake up with today" Because it's not consistent.
    - Some days you can walk in and smash it- some days- what you rocked last week- feels barely moveable this week. You just do the best you can- and that's also one reason why you do warm up weight- allows you to gauge where you are that day. There is nothing WRONG with that.

    No one will be able to answer that but you.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    You go anyway. I Rarely get sore anymore though.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    I also have not been working out since EARLY summer and just did strength training on Monday. I am still sore. I am taking it slow while I get back into it. Injury is a concern of mine since in the past I overdo it and thus injure myself. Shooting for 2 days a week at the moment with some cardio classes in between.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    In did not see if OP does the same muscle groups everyday. Also a 5 is painfully sore???? If you cant do much take out biceps curls and continue the workout.

    BTW I have been there were I did over 100 curls in one session that led to my bi cep being sore for close to a week long.

    How sore is your bi cep when you straighten your arm? All it sounds like is you did a lot of volume with your workout.
  • _rachel_k
    _rachel_k Posts: 243 Member
    Benjinjkan: There is 10 minutes of cardio at the start of each workout, either punching bag or stationary bike.

    yopeeps025: I gave it a 5 because it hurts to move it, but then once my arm is in that position the pain goes away, until I move it again. As the day progressed my bicep is feeling normal, my tricep is still sore when I straighten my arm.
  • _rachel_k
    _rachel_k Posts: 243 Member
    And yes, same muscles every day.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited January 2015
    Rest days, you need them, especially if you are just starting out. Also it is important to switch the muscle groups at the very least. Lifting weights literally tears your muscles. They get cranky if you abuse the same ones over and over. (Or you can seriously hurt yourself.)

    I had this grand plan of MWF strength train and then some form of cardio TRS. HAHAHA nope! Body said, "Screw you, I give you DOMS* enjoy your beginner yoga!**" I THOUGHT I was going easy on myself, but I haven't lifted in a month (yay December, the month of stress and anxiety) and my body let me know it was pissed.

    Another thing to consider is that if you over do it now you are less likely to stick with it, especially if you are sore all the time. The key is to find something that you love and are willing to do over and over again. Personally I love lifting with barbells; my boyfriend prefers rock climbing. We live in different states so, hey, no arguing over which gym to go to :p (yes that is me on the wall in my profile pic...he usually wins when we do have to decide on a gym to go to.)

    *DOMS: delayed onset muscle soreness.
    **This is the video I did; it actually relieved some of my soreness and I felt better today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7AYKMP6rOE
  • _rachel_k
    _rachel_k Posts: 243 Member
    I think I have only ever had DOMS once in my life....... I wasn't a fan of it lol I'm usually the sorest the next day.

    I don't mind weight lifting, even though I'm pitiful at it compared to my bf but doing it with him keeps me from just giving up on it. If I do it with him, he'll do it (and be less likely to have an excuse not to) BUT he will not let me stop without a good reason.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    _rachel_k wrote: »
    I think I have only ever had DOMS once in my life....... I wasn't a fan of it lol I'm usually the sorest the next day.

    I don't mind weight lifting, even though I'm pitiful at it compared to my bf but doing it with him keeps me from just giving up on it. If I do it with him, he'll do it (and be less likely to have an excuse not to) BUT he will not let me stop without a good reason.

    Curious. What would be a good reason to stop weight lifting?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    _rachel_k wrote: »
    Benjinjkan: There is 10 minutes of cardio at the start of each workout, either punching bag or stationary bike.

    yopeeps025: I gave it a 5 because it hurts to move it, but then once my arm is in that position the pain goes away, until I move it again. As the day progressed my bicep is feeling normal, my tricep is still sore when I straighten my arm.

    that's normal.
    go workout.

  • _rachel_k
    _rachel_k Posts: 243 Member
    I worked out, took Tylenol and used 8 lbs for triceps

    A good excuse to not weight lift? Sex lol but me and my bf are a bit lazy. We like to read and he plays WOW lol