Vansy Member


  • My lower calves and shins notice it the most -- I get a lovely aching feeling in them when it's time for a new pair of running shoes.
  • My boyfriend drives me insane in the gym. I mean I have no problem running with him, playing soccer, hiking, climbing -- but when it comes to weight lifting he pushes my buttons because his form is not usually right and he doesn't care to make it perfect which just pisses me off more. So I opt to leave whatever area he's…
  • I wear headphones -- half the time I'm not even listening to anything, I just have them on for appearance since most people won't try to talk to you if they assume you can't hear them. Granted I also don't live near anybody I know. In regards to your father in law -- maybe it would help him to have you to occasionally walk…
  • Not sure how often or when your baby naps, but maybe try to do a mid-morning walk/jog with the baby in a stroller. One of my friends does that every morning, and her baby sleeps like a rock during the morning run and then they stop and play at the park or play outside when they get back. Also at home workouts - Jillian…
  • I don't have an A/C -- but do have air units in two windows. I try to keep it around 76ish - but typically it ends up going down to 72 and sometimes up to 80 (when I cook a lot, and that's short-lived afterwards -- i have a very small place).
  • Dedication. Perseverance. For the two months I've solely focused on little changes -- so in June I cut sugars (desserts, candy) and it took all of 5 days for my taste buds to even out. Then the past 3 weeks I've cut out chewing gum and diet soda. ALSO in the past two months I focused on increasing my activeness and my…
  • The earlier in the morning the less likely I am to wave -- especially if I'm in the first mile and not actually awake yet. Don't take it personal.
  • I mean, to be fair, 1 iced mocha won't destroy your dieting efforts. If you're really feeling guilty try to go for an extra 30 minute jog or walk after work today.
  • I also suggest running outdoors. Or you could try an interval session, something like: 5.0-5.5 mph for 1 minute 3.0-3.5 mph for 2 minutes Repeat for however long And the same thing will happen that you've already had happen -- slowly you'll increase the duration of the run and decrease the duration of your walk.
    in 4.0 "jogging" Comment by Vansy July 2013
  • I had a cheat day last week that didn't agree with my body at all -- it made me feel sluggish and tired and unmotivated. The next day I ate normally and felt great by Monday! Try to have a good exercise and food day and you'll probably feel great and even more motivated tomorrow -- you'll feel accomplished and happy with…
  • Put less food on your plate -- I noticed yesterday that if I eat a meal in front of the TV at home I tend to want to grab a snack afterwards. Needless to say I'll now be eating my dinner at the table with the TV turned off. It's all about recognizing your problems and fixing those -- if you snack because you're bored, get…
  • Listen to your body -- if it screams 'I'm exhausted' then take a day off. Otherwise keep doing what you're doing.
  • I usually choose to run with the German Shepherd when I run at 330 am or 4 am [on work days]. And I always tell her to 'be aware' when we see a creeper -- saw a crazy looking bum in the road yesterday morning, she growled at him and then watched him as we ran past. And some teenagers were out and about too, that kind of…
    in should i... Comment by Vansy July 2013
  • Great work!!!!!
  • I burn roughly the same amount of calories per mile whether I run at 6mph or 8mph -- the difference is that if I run for 30 minutes at 6mph I only run 3 miles; if I run for 30 minutes at 8mph I'm running roughly 4 miles therefore burning more calories because I ran a further distance in that 30 minute span of time. I…
  • I'm 5'2" and was 113 a couple years ago -- trying to get back to that point; I definitely wasn't underweight at all, probably could have lost another 5 pounds and still been okay.
  • Some runners have their best race of their life after taking the month off before a race due to injury. You really won't lose anything if you take a month off, or just majorly back off for a month. Once you're back running you may hit a week [usually the second week back for me] where you struggle or feel a little more…
  • One night of going out to eat to Italian won't destroy your efforts for weight loss. I have to agree with Capt_Apollo: Pick your favorite dish or pick a dish that sounds really good and have that!!! Avoid the bread before dinner, and enjoy yourself. Try to trim the rest of your day to allow for extra room for a big pasta…
  • I think that's what will happen to me when I get closer to my goal; but for now I'm still too close to my highest weight ever -- so seeing old photos just adds that 'wtf happened the past two years' mentality.
  • I try not to look at old photos right now. I concentrate on where I am currently and how I'm going to get back to that point. If I look at old photos I find that it's more discouraging then if I just focus on where I am now. I'm sure in a few months after I've lost some weight I'll feel differently.
  • Just say 'no' I used to the do the same thing -- 'how can I have just one, or half of one'......I made a 'no desserts in June' pledge and I've avoided all sweets and treats in the office, even though they're all frequently brought in. After about a week, I stopped having the temptation to grab one.
  • Try flavored water -- adding propel zero to your water bottle, or crystal light, or vitamin water zero. You could also try tea (hot or cold) with truvia or stevia in it. Not sure how much soda you drink, but maybe try to cut back by one soda a day, each week cutting back a little more. Or maybe try going one day a week…
  • I typically just have a normal 300-calorie breakfast and coffee before my morning run or hike [on weekends]. During the work week when I exercise in the morning I usually don't have anything to eat. Although I could definitely do no breakfast before hiking or running and it wouldn't make a difference -- if I get up and go…
  • Las Vegas. We met his friend in a club in the Bellagio....we hung out with them until 5 in the morning, exchanged numbers. 3 weeks later I flew to Denver to spend a weekend snowboarding. And we've been together for 15 months now. Happy as can be, still long distance though; but much shorter distance than Florida-Colorado.
  • Scroll down. You'll see "Coffee Is Better With (Grass-Fed) Butter" I think it's more of primal/paleo thing.
  • Honestly I wouldn't worry about it if your sugars are coming from having 1-2 servings of fruits per day. There's nothing wrong with that.
  • I wake up anywhere from 3AM-430AM and usually don't have breakfast until 630 or 7AM. But only because if I eat at 3AM there's no possible way that I can last until lunch at Noon -- even with having a snack around to ease my pains of starving all day I delay breakfast a few hours. I've had no issues with doing this…
  • No it won't affect your training. I'm from Florida originally and we would get up and do our long 20-mile runs at 4 AM, that way we were finished before 8 AM to avoid the heat. A treadmill for longer runs sucks. I was forced to do a 17-mile run on a treadmill...wasn't the most pleasant experience.
  • I hear they're amazing.