

  • I've been working toward the same goal for about a year now. It's simpler than you think, but it's overcomplicated by all the myths and misconceptions surrounding body recomp. First of all, you can't turn fat into muscle. You can lose fat and gain muscle. And I know this sucks, but in order to lose fat you have to keep…
  • For some reason, the rumor that carbs are bad has been perpetuated far too long. Carbs are absolutely not bad! Carbohydrates = Energy They fuel your life and your workouts. You should NEVER try to eat a low carb diet, especially if you are exercising regularly. Now, there is a difference between good carbs and bad carbs.…
  • You can use plain yogurt in place of mayo. Use it in egg/ham/tuna salad. Use it as a base for a light pasta sauce. Mix it with garlic and lime juice and use it for a dipping sauce or a topping for fish tacos or roasted eggplant. You can also use plain or sweetened yogurt in baking as a sub for oil or butter. You can also…
  • Dried fruit and nuts! Super filling, portable, and long shelf life. I put them in snack bags and leave them in my purses so they're always close.
  • Absolutely! I use it to make ham salad, and I honestly can't tell a difference. It's great to replace margarine in baking, too.
  • Drain and rinse them, pull off the thin membranes around each one, and roast them in the oven. They come out crunchy like nuts and are great sprinkled with chili powder and sea salt. Or you can make this! It's awesome, I promise. It…
  • If you "run through the pain" with shin splints, you're going to end up with stress fractures. That's a good way to turn discomfort into injury. The only thing that will TRULY help you once you already have shin splints, is rest. You have to give them time to recover.
  • Rice cakes, nuts (but watch how much you eat, high cal), apple chips (look out for added sugar), roasted chickpeas, Special K cracker chips.
  • Rice cakes! Light, low cal, and tons of different flavors.
  • I had terrible shin splints a few years ago. I had pushed them so far that I'd almost caused stress fractures. Unfortunately, the only thing that will heal them completely is prolonged rest, and you'll likely have issues with them for the rest of your life. That being said, icing after exercise helps. Also, taking…
  • Cottage cheese and peanut butter! Also, any kind of beans or nuts are high in protein.
  • I can't stand McDonalds, but I'm a softball player and sometimes I'm forced to eat there when we travel. I usually go for a 6-piece nugget (280 cal) or a plain filet o fish (270 cal) with a yogurt parfait (150 cal). The parfait is actually pretty good unless it's not thawed completely. You can save a ton of calories by…
  • I have the same problem. For some reason, I feel like anything I eat after ten o'clock just doesn't count. Oh, just one more cookie, I'm about to go to bed anyway. For me, this is a difficult problem to correct because I'm not actually hungry. So adjusting the rest of my eating schedule doesn't change the fact that I want…
  • Either this guy is a complete *kitten*, or he doesn't understand what twenty pounds looks like. Either way, it's not your problem, and don't let his ignorance influence the way you feel about yourself. I'm less than an inch taller than you and just a few pounds lighter, so I have a pretty good frame of reference when I say…
  • Check out The black bean brownies are wonderful. I fed them to my mom, who snarls at the word "healthy," and she loved them. But I have yet to try a recipe from this blog that didn't exceed my expectations, and there's tons to choose from.
  • Someone needs to put that idiot out of his misery. I cannot STAND hearing sexist men (or even women!) say that girls shouldn't lift. Hell yes, we should lift! And lift heavy! There's absolutely no reason why a woman can't be as strong or stronger than a man. And as for the people who say that lifting will make you…
  • So I've been working toward a cleaner diet for several months now, and I am totally astounded by all the comments on this thread. How is this controversial? Clean eating isn't necessarily about losing weight. Obviously a calorie in cancels a calorie out, no matter how it's done. That being said, eating 1,200 calories of…
  • I rarely have anything for breakfast besides oats. But there are so many ways to fix them! Why have anything else? Overnight oats (especially wonderful in a recently emptied pb jar) with blueberries with cocoa powder and stevia with peanut butter and cheerios in pancake form, with egg whites mixed with a ripe banana and…
  • The one on MFP can be a bit tedious. So if it's a recipe I'm not planning to use more than once, I use this. You can just copy and paste recipes straight into it. No fuss.
  • Check these out. She has a chewy one that I looove. These are more like the thin Nature Valley granola bars.
  • If you search for "strength training" under cardio, it should come up. Obviously, it doesn't burn as much as, say, running five miles, but it does burn some. Unfortunately, what you burn depends heavily on the intensity of your workout so the number MFP gives you is just a rough estimate. But it's definitely better than…
  • I usually just eat it plain, too. But it's also good with pineapple, spiced pears, granola or cheerios and honey, raisins and sliced banns, strawberry preserves, heated blueberries. Basically anything you would top yogurt with would probably be good to try. Also, if you're looking to use it in savory dishes, try adding it…
  • Cheerio crusted chicken nuggets with homemade sweet potato fries and blueberry dipping sauce.
  • This sounds like overnight oats: equal parts oats, yogurt, and milk. Sit it in the fridge overnight, then add whatever toppings your heart desires in the morning. Good stuff.
  • I don't know if you've tried cauliflower sauce, but it's my new obsession. It's great on noodles, rice, whatever. Toss some chicken in there, and it's a super filling, super low cal supper. P.S. this is coming from a certified vegetable-hater. Or you could go with some yummy…
  • Awesome! Thanks for the recipe. Since I tried this "alfredo sauce" made from cauliflower ( - soooo good) I've been looking for creative ways to use the stuff.
  • Cottage cheese! I always have a big tub in the fridge, and I go through it like crazy. With pineapple, on flatbread pizza, in egg noodles, or just a big bowl of plain, creamy deliciousness.
  • Don't beat yourself up! It happens, and stressing about it will probably just cause you to want to eat more. I'm in college so I only live with my parents for a few months out of the year, but I definitely understand how hard it is when you're not the one choosing what kind of food is around. Here's my trick, though. Just…
  • I eat a ton of oatmeal. There are so many ways to dress it up... stevia, cinnamon, raisins, sliced banana, peanut butter, etc. Overnight oats are another good one. Equal parts rolled oats, low fat yogurt, and almond milk. Mix it up and leave it in the fridge overnight, then in the morning add your toppings. If you google…
  • Cage the Beast - Adelitas Way Never Going Back to OK - The Afters Burn It Down - Awolnation This Is Why We Fight - The Decemberists My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark - Fall Out Boy Waste - Foster the People Rebel Beat - Goo Goo Dolls Down and Out - Tantric My Body - Young the Giant Proud - Heather Small Yeah, I got…