Yogurt instead of mayo?

Does anyone that actually likes the taste of mayo use yogurt instead of mayo in, say, egg salad or tuna salad to cut calories or sodium? 1 cup of greek yogurt has the same sodium as 1 TB of most mayos but I wonder about the taste.


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i use greek yogurt plain in everything.chicken salad, with sweet potato, over eggs with some salsa...etc.....love it...and wayyyy better than mayo
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    I love mayo, but lately i've been on a greek yogurt kick (in my protein shakes and such). I've not tried yogurt in place yet, but I'm planning on making tuna salad this weekend with greek yogurt. I love the fact that it has so much protein it it! I'll let you know how it turns out.
  • i use greek yogurt plain in everything.chicken salad, with sweet potato, over eggs with some salsa...etc.....love it...and wayyyy better than mayo

    i've been doing that too...my favorite right now is to add garlic and onion powder dill and parsley for a faux ranch salad dressing. I guess its not too far of a leap, just had a little trouble wrapping my head around not using mayo for egg salad or tuna because I've always used that. BUT I used some mayo today and felt like 100 calories was a lot to waste on a tb of something when I could have had 3/4 cup of greek yogurt for the same calorie count and ate more.

  • mwbulechek
    mwbulechek Posts: 162 Member
    Light sour cream works too. I used that tonight to make tartar sauce for a fish sandwich.
  • I love mayo, but lately i've been on a greek yogurt kick (in my protein shakes and such). I've not tried yogurt in place yet, but I'm planning on making tuna salad this weekend with greek yogurt. I love the fact that it has so much protein it it! I'll let you know how it turns out.

    Greek yogurt is helping me meet my protein since I only eat limited amounts of eggs, dairy, and fish. Actually greek yogurt is my ONLY dairy. I eat like a cup a day!
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I use yogurt in place of almost all my mayo/sour cream ingredients. The only time I still use one of those is when I am making something for the first time and I want to be sure my husband will like it. So I will usually do 2/3 yogurt and the rest mayo or sour cream.
  • MinervaTK
    MinervaTK Posts: 20
    I just used yogurt in place of mayo for the first time today while making a couple things to have on hand. I did a chicken salad and deviled eggs. It definitely tastes different, but both things turned out well. I usually make deviled eggs with mayo, mustard, and apple cider vinegar. With the slight bite the yogurt has to it, the AVC made it just a little too sharp. Lesson learned for next time. They're definitely still very edible, and I don't feel guilty eating them! So yeah, try it, it's not bad! :)
  • Kalaehdhari
    Kalaehdhari Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a huge fan of creamy salad dressings, so I make my own bleu cheese dressing with greek yogurt, crumbled blue cheese, and a little agave nectar. It's delicious.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I like Greek yogurt with chicken (and dill) or egg salad (with green onions, paprika, maybe a bit of feta & lean ham). The only thing I like with mayo is canned tuna, and I can only have canned tuna with mayo, who knows why.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I use it and I recommend starting by mixing half and half with mayo at first, the widdle down. Now I mix tuna or egg salad with Greek yogurt and half a ripe avocado. Love! BUT - add salt...I think that is the only thing lacking.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    No, I like both for what they bring to food.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    I'm going to be honest here. Mayonnaise does taste better, but non fat plain greek yogurt is a good substitute for it in things such as chicken salad and the like. I'm not sure how it tastes on sandwiches because I have yet to try it. I put avocado on my sandwiches instead of mayo now! :P
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I just tried it tonight, as a suggestion from a friend. I mixed together 1 tbs of FF greek yogurt, and 1 tsp of mustard. I added it to my tuna fish. It was tasty. I liked it.
  • palpadi
    palpadi Posts: 5
    I will use greek yogurt as a mayo substitute but I try my best to find the greek yogurt with ALL THE FAT that naturally comes with it! This fat free thing is a big joke played on the people...we NEED fat!!! It's the grains and sugar that we do not need!!! A tiny bit of honey, oranges, berries etc. are the only types of foods that we should ever eat with sugar. I am a true believer of the paleo diet for health! I have completely eliminated sugar and all grains and I have never felt better in my life!!!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I sub greek yogurt 1 to 1 for mayo all the time.

    I do splurge on the real thing sometimes though. Realistically, you're not eating ALL the deviled eggs (kudos if your digestive system can handle that) so I would probably use the real deal, and cut back on other seasonings.

    Especially for eggs, the subtle yolk flavor of the mayo is a better match on my palette. I'm picky ;-)
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Light miracle whip here! like 20 cals per tbsp
  • Yes, been doing it for a few years now. I always use greek yogurt for the nice thick consistency. Also I've discovered that ricotta fresca does the job if I'm out of yogurt. I never buy mayo anymore because the subs work so well.
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I don't care for mayo, and often use plain Greek yogurt in tuna or chicken salad...add a dash of curry powder, some diced granny smith apples, and a handful of golden raisins...yum.
  • ladyace0007
    ladyace0007 Posts: 47
    Absolutely! I use it to make ham salad, and I honestly can't tell a difference. It's great to replace margarine in baking, too.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    I'm definately on the greek yogurt wagon. Substitute it for pretty much all mayo and sour cream uses.