What do you order at Mcdonalds? (If you go there)



  • kreynolds322
    kreynolds322 Posts: 8 Member
    I go with the kids and I order a mcdouble plain add lettuce and tomato a bag of Apple's and a unsweetened tea. Because yes the salads do have lots of cals. Lol. All of that is 405 cals.
  • double big mac with the combo, and apple pie. gotta love them big macs ;P
  • luvmybabeez
    luvmybabeez Posts: 56 Member
    An egg McMuffin with no meat is less than 300 calories. The biscuits, bagels and McGriddles will eat up your calories fast.

    If I do a dinner I get a salad or a wrap.
  • kncybul
    kncybul Posts: 13
    I hope I don't insult anyone but I call McDonald's "McSlops". I have not eaten there in about 6 years. Maybe twice in about 8 years and both times were for a breakfast biscuit.

    I'm not a fan of McDonald's or really any fast food. I love the Publix deli, though.
  • ghostsnstuff
    ghostsnstuff Posts: 51 Member
    I've never been there, lol. Tim Hortons is another story though. Tim Hortons > starbucks, though as a Starbucks barista I'm biased. I would like Starbucks more if I didn't know what went on behind the scenes, though I suppose Tim Hortons is the same.
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    Depends on how many calories I have to spare. If I have low amt of calories, I will get the southwest salad, which is delicious and a guilt-free 390 calories (grilled chicken and dressing). If I have a lot, I will get a chicken sandwich and small fry.
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    Large water! That's it, the food is crap. There are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many other choices. Hope no one is offended but if you are OH WELL!
  • KrispyNoodles
    KrispyNoodles Posts: 14 Member
    Used to get the breakfast sausage, cheese & egg muffin with added bacon and a medium coffee with 2 creams and 2 Splendas. Then I'd toss the english muffin - made for messy eating. Never ordered the hash brown. I don't do it anymore as I've switched to all organic foods.
  • michellewong699
    michellewong699 Posts: 98 Member
    I like their chicken wraps! But I like the chicken grilled cause krispy chicken doesn't taste as good....
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    This thread has made me want a mcdonalds so bad :(

  • electrickazoo
    electrickazoo Posts: 55 Member
    Americano and a chipotle snack wrap (grilled chicken)
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    Breakfast: 3 Sausage McMuffins w/ Egg, 1 Hash Brown, 1 Large Orange Juice
    Lunch/Dinner: Double Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese, 1 Large Fry, 1 Large Dr. Pepper.

    Builds muscle and tastes great. Grab that breakfast maybe twice a week. Used to get that lunch/dinner 4 times a week last year but I've cut that out.
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    I rarely go to McDonald's, but when I do, I get their chicken Mcnuggeeeeeeeets. :smokin:
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    I'm a fan of the fish sandwich; however, I usually stick to a McChicken with no mayo.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If and when I go to McDonald's I make it worth it....I usually get a Quarter Pounder with Bacon and Red Onions w/ Large Fries and Large Diet Coke.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Cheeseburger, small fries and plain ice tea.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    2 mcdoubles and 1 medium french fries with a diet coke.


    1 bigmac with 1 medium french fries and a diet coke.
  • I can't stand McDonalds, but I'm a softball player and sometimes I'm forced to eat there when we travel. I usually go for a 6-piece nugget (280 cal) or a plain filet o fish (270 cal) with a yogurt parfait (150 cal). The parfait is actually pretty good unless it's not thawed completely. You can save a ton of calories by ordering your sandwiches plain (it's amazing how many cals they cram in a slice of cheese and mayonnaise) and skipping the dipping sauce for nuggets.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I can't stand McDonalds, but I'm a softball player and sometimes I'm forced to eat there when we travel. I usually go for a 6-piece nugget (280 cal) or a plain filet o fish (270 cal) with a yogurt parfait (150 cal). The parfait is actually pretty good unless it's not thawed completely. You can save a ton of calories by ordering your sandwiches plain (it's amazing how many cals they cram in a slice of cheese and mayonnaise) and skipping the dipping sauce for nuggets.

    Forced like this?

  • And thats why I hate fast food, you go there for a meal and it a days worth of calories and you macros are all messed up for that day, but if I go ill get a premium chicken salad of the premium chicken sandwich NO fries, and really the calories arent that bad, make sure the chicken is grilled and not crispy, skip the drinks and the other garbage, it may taste good for the moment but it will make you feel like crap later.