

  • The Blue Hake fish is also a great, healthy buy. The unbreaded fillets, of course. The smoothie packets are wonderful and I found them HUGE, enough for four smoothies in my family. Great for mornings when we wake up late, lol. They also have a fruit blend, or used to (?) with mango and pineapple and strawberry. I think it…
  • I second VS Pink, in any of the three scents for summer.
  • For anyone interested, an great message that echoes Ed's but is more in depth, and very worth listening to, check out the broadcast from 4/23 on this site. Very funny, very uplifting and very on target with melding the ideas of submission from the…
  • Thank you brother. I heard a VERY similar message on the radio yesterday after much prayer and it lightened my heart more than I can put into words. Last Friday my hubbby and I celcbrated, via phone, our 16th anniversary. He'll be 35 next week and I'll be 34 next month. He's a non believer, we were a military family for…
  • It is also possible that hypotonia (low muscle tone) can be caused by various childhood and adult medical conditions and even some complications at birth. If you've never really had good muscle tone, you may want to talk to your doctor. I have a child with hypotonia, who is in generally great physical health. She has…
  • Everything. Berries, bananas, apples and cinnamon. I use plain greek yogurt as one would use sour cream, as a topping for baked yams, turkey chili, ect. I add frozen berries the night before, or even a few hours before, and as they thaw they really sweeten up the yogurt with their natural sugars and flavors. Yummy. Granola…
  • Just FYI, I am not so unrealistic to believe that I could lose all 34 lb by July! Impossible. I'm hoping to lose half that. I can't buy the dress in my current size because my girls don't look right in it. I am also having breast reduction June 1, so I am factoring that into it fitting well and it not making me look…
  • I did. It's perfect. As long as all goes according to plan, lol.
  • The producers also scan for things that might be interesting. I don't know how they did it but they found out about our local 4-H suing an auction winner and contacted the plantiff (leader of that 4-H club I think?). We live in a, until recently unkown, rural county in Michigan. 4-H declined to do the show, not all…
  • Have you ever heard someone say small claims is never about the money? It's worth it, trust me, I've been a situation like this, and won. No advice as it sounds like you already have some sound legal advice on the matter. Good for you for going after these people. Some businesses get away with doing things like this a few…
  • Thanks Ed, after reading this thread, I'm going to have to get one :) I usually broil chicken and fish in the oven, and am looking forward to having time to grill outside, but sounds like the Geroge would be a better alternative.
  • double post, sorry
  • I don't like the artificial sweetners and colors they contain so I avoid them. I do love all kinds of frozen fruit, fresh mint sprigs, sliced cucumbers, fresh berries, frozen melon balls, ect. in my water. Cucumber mint is probably my favorite. Strawberry mint is really good too....I could go on and on, lol
  • Sorry but you are mistaken. If a person is in otherwise good health, clear urine is NOT a sign of anything other than good hydration. I just called my doctor and asked because I do have kidney issues. One the other hand, if there are other health issues or symptoms, it's worth having it checked out.
  • 40 lb by August is doable, even without the Adipex but it is slightly more than the average recommended weight loss of 2 lb per week. If you have April, May, June and July to lose, that's 10lb per month, which would be about 2.5 lb per week. Honestly, that is going to take some hardcore dedication. But still totally…
    in Adipex? Comment by byHisgrace April 2010
  • I'm confused. How do sugar and refined startches fall into any "helathy" higher carb diet? I'm assuming you mean sugar in it's processed, granulated form and not fruit?
  • I lost most of my initial weigh this time using South Beach. I like it a lot. The only thing I had a problem with was the processed meats (deli meats) but most of the other foods can be eaten in whole, clean form. I'm now doing my own hybrid of The Eat Clean Diet and South Beach. Eat Clean is similar to SBD phase 2, in my…
  • I picked up a scale that calculates body fat for under $30.00 at my local Wal Mart. However, I have no idea how accurate it is :( This is an interesting article on the accuracy of body fat scales. Is is possible for you to get…
  • Since they are not natural body tissue, I would think not. If someone has a metal plate placed somewhere in their body, would that count??? I don't think so. On the other hand, it depends on why and what you are counting. If you are simply trying to decide if you should or should not include them in your overall weight…
  • Lightly coat in olive oil, a giant ziplock is wonderful for this. Roast in a baking pan or cookie sheet for 8-10 minutes at 400 degrees. I made five pounds that way for Easter dinner and it's all gone :(
  • I am making a sprial ham for the ham eaters and a rosemary-mustard glazed turkey breast tenderloin for myself and my kids. I am also making: Quinoa and veggie pilaf (red peppers, zucchini, seasonings) roasted asparagus brown rice pasta salad with home made dressing and veggies mashed potatoes (for the ham eaters, lol)…
  • I just wanted to add that as a mom who also has never trusted our babies to daycare/babysitters, I would appreciate my husband incorporating the kids into a romantic dinner more than trying to find a close friend or relative to keep them. We did the whole "date night" thing when our teenagers were little and it was…
  • Congratulations on setting a goal, getting there and feeling so good because of it! That's wonderful! I can't help you with vegan recipes, sorry, but I do cook gluten and casein free for my family in order to meet the needs of our toddler. I LOVE rice pasta!!! If you have a Trader Joes, get it there, it's so much cheaper…
  • See, you're stressing about it! :smile: If your husband loves you and is willing to risk your life for your current weight, I don't think his impression of you is going to change if you don't meet the goal of 112. What he WILL most likely be unhappy about, is that you feel disappointed in yourself for not meeting an…
  • I guess I've left some information out of this whole thing. I agree that this advice would be ideal, to just re-evaluate after my surgery. However, my hubby left for Asghanistan last month. My super hot-still in amazing shape after 16 yrs of marriage-would lay down and die for me in a second-and is voluntarily working in…
  • I didn't know that Jillian was vertically challenged like me, lol! That actually makes me feel a lot better. She's also A LOT of muscle, which is my eventual goal so perhaps 120 is a good place to land. I really need to be working towards a tangilble number as a goal. As much as I really don't care what the scale…
  • Can't postpone. I am quitting my job and this is going on my insurance. If I could get it done sooner than June 1, I would.
  • Sorry, I already have a waiting list for when/if that medical science comes around, lol.
  • My reasons for doing this are totally medical. I can't sleep on one side, it KILLS my back to fold laundry or do anything else that requires me to hold my arms out for ANY length of time. I have huge grooves in my shoulders, it hurts my neck and I can never do yoga like this, lol. I've also started having numbness in my…
  • Thanks. Unfortuantely, I am not one of those people who lose in their breast. I know that sounds crazy but my doctor said there is a certain percentage of the population for whom that is true and people with wider breasts, like mine, are often in that. I think D's will look ok on my current frame, I'm worried how they…