Too Much Water?

Yesterday my cup on my food log page overflowed because I drank nine glasses of water. Is it possible to drink too much water?


  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I think it is possible to have too much water, but 9 glasses over the course of a day isn't too much. We'd be talking about excessive amounts of water over a very short period of time.

    If you're concerned, keep an eye on your urine. As long as it's ever so slightly yellow you're fine.
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    You would have to drink A LOT of water for it to be too much. I drink over a 100 ounces a day on week days. I have trouble getting it in on the weekends. If you are peeing clear that is ok too. The 8 glasses is a minimum. You are fine!
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    Eight glasses of water is the MINIMUM. You won't drink too much by going over this by a few glasses. How much water you need depends on your weight. Basically however many pounds you weigh, divide that in two and thats how many oz you need of water per day. For me at 190lbs I need just under 3 litres, which is much more than the regular 8 glasses.
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365

    If you're concerned, keep an eye on your urine. As long as it's ever so slightly yellow you're fine.

    What does it mean if it is not yellow but instead just clear...??
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    You would have to drink A LOT of water for it to be too much. I drink over a 100 ounces a day on week days. I have trouble getting it in on the weekends. If you are peeing clear that is ok too. The 8 glasses is a minimum. You are fine!

    peeing clear is actually a bad thing. It can be a sign of kidney failure. If you're peeing clear see your doctor to be on the safe side.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    You would have to drink A LOT of water for it to be too much. I drink over a 100 ounces a day on week days. I have trouble getting it in on the weekends. If you are peeing clear that is ok too. The 8 glasses is a minimum. You are fine!

    peeing clear is actually a bad thing. It can be a sign of kidney failure. If you're peeing clear see your doctor to be on the safe side.
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    Yeah, I dont think wee should look like water, there should be some colour to it but it should be fairly clear. If its dark this is an indicator of dehydration.
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    i drink 6-8 water bottles a day which is 12-16 "glasses". but i enjoy salty food and your body craves water to dilute the solutes in your system to maintain its internal balance. so if you are worried about how much water you're drinking, maybe take a look at how much salt you're eating each day (ps- gatorade is too salty unless you have had a strenuous workout!)
  • MyKidzMom
    MyKidzMom Posts: 97
    My sister in law is a nutritionist and she told me that you should consume 80 oz of water a day. She advised lots of meat (without the fat and cooked right), veggies, and lots and lots of water! I drank 80 oz yesterday and even though made several trips to the bathroom, I felt great and it cut down on my hunger!
  • byHisgrace
    byHisgrace Posts: 175
    You would have to drink A LOT of water for it to be too much. I drink over a 100 ounces a day on week days. I have trouble getting it in on the weekends. If you are peeing clear that is ok too. The 8 glasses is a minimum. You are fine!

    peeing clear is actually a bad thing. It can be a sign of kidney failure. If you're peeing clear see your doctor to be on the safe side.

    Sorry but you are mistaken. If a person is in otherwise good health, clear urine is NOT a sign of anything other than good hydration. I just called my doctor and asked because I do have kidney issues.

    One the other hand, if there are other health issues or symptoms, it's worth having it checked out.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    You would have to drink A LOT of water for it to be too much. I drink over a 100 ounces a day on week days. I have trouble getting it in on the weekends. If you are peeing clear that is ok too. The 8 glasses is a minimum. You are fine!

    peeing clear is actually a bad thing. It can be a sign of kidney failure. If you're peeing clear see your doctor to be on the safe side.

    Sorry but you are mistaken. If a person is in otherwise good health, clear urine is NOT a sign of anything other than good hydration. I just called my doctor and asked because I do have kidney issues.

    One the other hand, if there are other health issues or symptoms, it's worth having it checked out.

    I think all doctors must have different ideas when it comes to things like this, because my doctor told me exactly what I said. In any case, if you notice changes in your urine (colour, smell, etc) that can't be explained by your diet, it's something you should at least ask your doctor about. I don't have kidney problems at the moment but I have a long history of upper and lower urinary tract infections so I've had way more talks about urine with my doctor than I would have liked to :laugh:
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    If you're running to the restroom every 20 minutes or less (literally) then you can probably back it down some, otherwise you're good.

    (drinking too much water in too short of a time can cause hyponatremia, it really IS a big deal, but it's also pretty difficult to actually do....)
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    You would have to drink A LOT of water for it to be too much. I drink over a 100 ounces a day on week days. I have trouble getting it in on the weekends. If you are peeing clear that is ok too. The 8 glasses is a minimum. You are fine!

    peeing clear is actually a bad thing. It can be a sign of kidney failure. If you're peeing clear see your doctor to be on the safe side.

    Sorry but you are mistaken. If a person is in otherwise good health, clear urine is NOT a sign of anything other than good hydration. I just called my doctor and asked because I do have kidney issues.

    One the other hand, if there are other health issues or symptoms, it's worth having it checked out.

    I think all doctors must have different ideas when it comes to things like this, because my doctor told me exactly what I said. In any case, if you notice changes in your urine (colour, smell, etc) that can't be explained by your diet, it's something you should at least ask your doctor about. I don't have kidney problems at the moment but I have a long history of upper and lower urinary tract infections so I've had way more talks about urine with my doctor than I would have liked to :laugh:

    I am healthy, no kidney issues etc etc.
    The reason I ask about peeing clear is that I tend not to drink a lot of water. I never have and although, God knows I try, I never seem to get enough in. I drink a few bottles a day, I drink when Im exercising, I dont drink other fluids (no soda, juice, coffee etc) so when I drink it is water. but I am never near the 8 glasses a day "quota". With that said -- when I drink during the day as the day progresses my urine gets clearer and clearer to the point that it looks like clear water.
    Do some people not need as much water as others?
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I drink a lot of water - at least 10 glasses a day. Partially because of the diet I'm following but also because I do love salt so I need it more than the average person. Water keeps you hydrated, prevents you from overeating and even helps your metabolism. It can be bad (I drank 10 BOTTLES a day for a couple days and I felt so waterlogged) but one more cup than usual is fine.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    The 8 glasses a day is crap, it's not proven, water amounts vary for every person, depending on your exercise habits and how much water you are getting through diet, and YES it counts as water, you don't have to drink pure water to get the benefits. It's a load of crap.
    On days that i'm in the gym, I drink a ton, when i'm not, I drink when i'm thirsty. You can also hinder weight loss by drinking way too much water, and you can shed pounds by drinking too much water....see what I mean it varies from person to person.