

  • On several morning news programs about a month ago, it was announced that after a workout a glass of chocolate milk is the best drink. It was said that its better than any other drink for recovery. This came from doctors on these programs. I'm going to ask my doctors when I see them next month. :drinker:
  • I agree with all that you have listed. I also found that Marie Callendar's Asian Steamers are in high 200 ot low 300 Calories and they also are good. I like the meat in them better that the meat in the Healthy Choice Steamers. :flowerforyou:
  • my doctor told me that it counts as fluids.....so the answer is yes....be sure to add the calories. :flowerforyou:
  • I also have hypothyroidism and on the same meds as you but at .75. If I stick to watching my calorie intake and get in my exercising I have lost weight. Just over 35 lbs. I was in a standstill mode for a few weeks and not getting enough exercise in, but still maintained my loss. I'm back on the "wagon" again and plan to…
  • No one needs to put up with this type of behavior. He need to address his problem and learn how to handle it, before it escalates to a much more serious problem. If you can talk to him on ths, and he feels he doesn't have a problem, then you have to look at this from the outside. Soul mates or not, this is not normal. You…
  • Don't let yourself get down. Just do what you can do till the doctor gives you the ok to go back to the type of exercise you like. Walking is always good....maybe do a longer route, or a different one. Chin up and all that good stuff. :flowerforyou:
  • :flowerforyou: welcome to this site. I have appreciated the help it has given me. Good luck on the bike.
    in Hello Comment by kksam March 2010
  • I try to log everything in. I want to be as accurate as I can. That way I don't feel like I'm cheating myself :flowerforyou:
  • She needs fiber every day and lots of water. If she can't get the fiber all in she should try the fiber tablets to substitue. Good luck :smile:
  • One thing I had to learn was NOT to weigh in every day. Pick a day of the week and make that your weigh in day. We can weigh in differently by the time of day, if we ate, drank or exercised. So same time one day a week is the best and less irritating. Good luck. Also it's usually normal to have a large drop the first week…
  • Welcome Kay, and good luck. This has been a big help to me. Only thing is I live a little north of you.....Wisconsin. Will watch your posts.
    in Hello Comment by kksam March 2010
  • When I bought mine, I was at the Mayo clinic. At their store I asked which one they recommended that didn't record every slight movement of my body. They suggested the OMRON, There are several types and for the best count they told me to spend a little more for the accuracy. Mine cost $50.00. It gives me my steps, aerobic…
  • I use the pedometer daily and noticed that the calorie burn was different when I used the machines. I called the company and was told to make noter of my calories burned before I use the machine, use the amount burned that the machine shows and add them together. Also to note the amount the meter shows right after I finish…
  • I think we all get days like this. The best thing to do is what you are doing. Getting back on that train and keep moving. Best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Hello and welcome from across the ocean. I'm from Wisconsin and have found that if you're are true to this it works. I'm happy to say it does for me, and many others on this site.:flowerforyou:
  • You have to eat the 1200 calories, it's the exercise that puts you below that amount when you do your figuring out at the end. Eatting more that the alloted amount will work against your workout. Eating under will put you in the starvation area.:glasses:
  • Do you see a specialist for the thyroid problem? With over active thyroid people tend to be thin. If you see just a primary doctor, I'd ask to a specialist and see what they have to say. I have under active and that is part of my weight, (plus my love of food) problem. I was on medication for stress and my doctor told me…
  • We all have a day like this. Hope you left the extra butter off, otherwise I hope you enjoyed it. (I would have) Today is today and yesterday is gone. Get back to your normal routine and workout to cut what you had yesterday. Maybe add a few extra minutes the next few days. Good luck :wink:
  • These will cause trips to the bathroom more than normal. No one should use these products without a doctor's advise. the only weight loss you get from this is quick and gone tomorrow. I have talked to my doctors about this because I know some who use them and the doctors have said that only if a person has a physical…
  • I usually don't go to the wellness center to work out on Sat. or Sun. I try to get my hubby to go on those mornings but it hasn't happened yet. So I try to get him moving somehow and do get some of my 10,000 steps in. Not real good at that one of the two days, I watch that I stay in my total allowed and meet that pretty…
    in Rest days? Comment by kksam January 2010
  • We all hit a time while our bodies adjust to what we lost. Just keep up your activity and watch your intake and it'll start to go down. It not, look over what ou eat and exercise and see where you may need to make adjustments. good luck:smile:
  • Don't worry about it. If you started back on the plan on Monday,just stay on it. Those short term gains will go away again. Maybe do a few extra minutes of workout each day. We all go through it. Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • I work out for 60 minutes 4-5 times a week. Sometimes I even do an additional 15-30 minutes. I work on two different machines. It's been very helpful with my total progress. I almost went today, but didn't. New week starts tomorrow. Good luck
  • I started out weighing myself every day and the up and down can be depressing. Talked it over with my doctor and he told me to only weigh myself no more than twice a week....mostly just once. So I do it once a week and noticed that if there is a pound or two increase.......it's due to the water weight, as my hands are…
  • If this feeling gets too strong, try celery, carrot or pepper strips. It'll fool you body because you are eating, but it low in calories and very good for you. We never get enough vegetables. Good luck
  • I don't have a blood pressure issue, but have to keep track of my B/P. Do you have a machine at home, and are you doing a daily record of what it reads? Check early morning after you get up and after you work-out. Even before you retire at night. Do this for a few weeks and see what you normal readings are. Also do you use…
  • Check both labels. I know he boullin is high in salt. As for the open container, not more that 5-7 days. You can freeze it as a solid piece or in an ice cube tray and it'll be handy to add to other things that you are cooking.
  • Hey, nothing wrong with a 20 pound goal. Once you've reached it, just continue on if you want to reset it. Slow and easy is the way to go. I didn't set any real goal, just to lose weight. Since June I have lost about 25 lbs and just keep doing what I do. I know where I would be happy and where I can live with. One thing I…
  • You can't stop eating sweets...just control them. I have had a container of white chocolate chip cookies on my counter for 3 weeks now and I only had one of them. My husband's been in them so they'll be gone soon. I use sweets as a reward to myself. Every 10 lbs I loss I eat a very delicious chocolate bar which is frozen;…
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