

  • Thanks honey! You have been my greatest inspiration and encourager in all of this!
  • No, I didn't use another program. I just upped my mileage. The 10K I ran was actually the first time I had ever done 6.2. I think the farthest I had run was 5 miles at that point. It's more conditioning and mindset at that point anyway. I just kept doing 1 longer run a week and kept doing the 3 miles a few times a week.…
  • Welcome aboard! Feel free to friend request!
  • Way to go! You look amazing! Blessings!
  • I replied to your other post....I would not add every day. Maybe every other day or even shoot for 3 times a week. I can't do it every day and run the miles I put in. I do it maybe once or twice a week if I don't have some other cross training available. You may know why after you start. You will be using muscles much…
  • AMIGo for it! Just do it! I will tell you I have the same video and hand weights. It's a great workout. I had a hard time finishing it the first couple of times. Just so you know, it will help you tone all those places where you are losing. You are looking so great and this will just help the process. Go for it, you can do…
  • Totally agree! What feels best to you. I like to run in the evenings also. But, most races are in the mornings. Also, as for the pound a week. You would have to gauge your caloric intake and look at the burn with an HRM or something to see where you want to be.
  • I had only heard a "donk" as a description for butt in a country song. LOL! My husband says he likes my donk and if he likes it, that's all that counts! Oh and by the way, I was a short term missionary for a time in Africa and for a woman to have a large round bottom means the more beautiful she is. I said, I should've…
  • I didn't say it was a bad thing...I think it's a bad thing to point it out, especially to someone who has struggled with their weight. And, yes, I would've been offended by a big boob comment also. It's just inappropriate, that's all I meant. Just be sensitive in what we say and how we say it. It was off-handed to me…
  • Oh, that's what I have done...I went out today and ran a PR of 7.15 miles...
  • It's so easy to fall back in to bad habits...that's the word for it...EASY! Losing the weight and keeping it off isn't, but you can keep it up. We all need to have each others back on here. It's great that you caught yourself before you allowed yourself to just fall back into the old overweight you. I have done the yo yo…
  • It's so easy to fall back in to bad habits...that's the word for it...EASY! Losing the weight and keeping it off isn't, but you can keep it up. We all need to have each others back on here. It's great that you caught yourself before you allowed yourself to just fall back into the old overweight you. I have done the yo yo…
  • Just set your own personal goal and go from there. You can't look like someone else, you can only look like you. It took me a long time to get to that point also. I had always yo-yo dieted too. This is the first time in 20 years I have been fit and have kept the weight off. You will receive a lot of encouragement here…
  • Started C25K a year ago! I was at about 15 pounds in my weight loss journey. Since starting and finishing the program, I have run several 5K's, a 5 miler and just ran my first 10k a week ago. I also ran 6.3 miles this morning because I am training for a 1/2 marathon. This also fueled my weight loss. I have now lost a total…
  • May seem like easier said than done, but just run. Make sure you watch your pace and don't go out to fast. Everything from there is mental. I just ran my first 10K and the furthest I had run is 5 miles prior to that. Enjoy the race and don't think too much about it. You will do great!
  • Bobby and I have HRM (heart rate monitor) watches that tell us our calories burned per workout. So, we just change it when it's off. I have found that it's much more accurate than on here. MFP gives you the average for tour age, weight it's subjective at best.
  • I think the calories are 100 cal per muffin. :)
  • I had the same injury recently after running since November. It's a tendon that runs up your leg all the way down to your foot. I forget the name of it, starts with an I. I will tell you I iced and rested and now I have no problems. I was running some different paths that made my foot twist differently than running on a…
  • Welcome to MFP! I also ran my first 5K this year in Jan at the age of 39. I have lost almost 20 lbs since then and I have ran 4 since then and I am also hoping to get to 145. Have around 20 lbs left to lose. Keep going and you will get there!! :)
  • Don't know if this would work, but on the 30 Day Shred video by Jillian Michaels, they do a reverse sit up. You basically put your hands out to your side and legs are straight out. Then you lift your butt off the ground by lifting your legs. It's meant to target lower abs and tone up the bottom belly. Might try it?! :)
  • Good to know. I just started the 30 day Shred and I don't think I could have done it 2 days in a row right now. My arms and abs are sore, but I am gonna keep it up! Thanks for the info!
  • Advice...find something similar in a healthier form. We went from regular breads to whole wheat everything. Also, it's mind over matter and sometimes you just have to say NO! It's a matter of, do you have the calories to give up for what you want to eat? If you truly want a healthier life style and to lose weight then you…
  • Not at all. Have you heard of C25K or Couch to 5K? It's a 9 week program. It builds you up week by week to run a 5K. Might be worth looking into. If you have an I-Phone, there is an app on it. Just a suggestion! I ran my first 5k in Jan and I will be 40 in March. I also am running another 5K on Saturday. I started training…
  • Pastor's wife here. I love this site, it's great! Keep up the great work! :)
  • It may just be your joints getting used to running. Your joints will hurt when you run vs walk as it's more impacting on your joints. Keep at it. The pain will subside as you continue to work out. I don't think it's your shoes, but it's a possibility that you need new running shoes, or lighter ones. I was also over 200 and…
  • I am very proud of him! He's really doing great!!
  • just with you honey! I <3 you! :)