Feeling amazing....but

So, I just had to put this out there. I think this is "food" for thought (pardon the pun) for all of us. I have been on a weight loss journey since my 39th birthday. I have been overweight for most of my adult life (20 yrs old). So, after 2 children and yo-yo dieting on an off for years, I decided it's now or never. I have lost before but always gained it back. Well, this is the first time I have lost and kept it off.
I started running last year around November. I have run several 5K's, a 5 Miler, a 10K and am now training for a half marathon. I have 17 more lbs to lose to be at a healthy BMI. Have lost a total of 58 lbs to date. I was over 215 lbs when I started, so most of you know where I am coming from. I feel awesome, but know I still those last few pounds to lose. I know my problem areas and where I need to tone, etc...

Ok, So, yesterday a young lady at my job says, "geez, you have a big "donk" I turned around and looked at her and said, "really, you just said that?" She states, it's a compliment.

So, people, this is just a piece of advice. If you know someone has been kicking their tail to try to lose weight, don't say something like that. It's hard enough to struggle with the left over skin and striving to look the way I want... I don't need you to point out the obvious. I know my BUTT is big. Even when I was an athlete and skinny I had a butt. But still, it's like saying to someone, "are you having a bad hair day?" Or "Did they not have that shirt in your size?"

I love the person that said this to me and forgiveness is the way to go. I just wanted to put this out there just in case you know someone who has a case of open mouth and insert foot disease!


  • hdjenkins
    hdjenkins Posts: 12 Member
    loved your story!...hahaha!..yes I do know someone with open mouth insert foot disease.. my mother n law for one..!?! not necessarly a particular issue but she doesnt mind giving her opinion..so alot of forgiveness goes on from me around her,,,its exhausting!
  • fanofsummer
    fanofsummer Posts: 22 Member
    Turn that comment into fuel motivating you to work out and make healthy choices, as you work toward your goal weight! I'm finding it more difficult to find the motivation to work out and have slipped too many times lately... I need a kick in my big butt :-)
  • Oh, that's what I have done...I went out today and ran a PR of 7.15 miles...
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    :-) I didn't know what a "donk" was. Maybe she did mean it as a compliment. I've seen women, even large women, who needed a butt. I could use a little more myself. I've heard men, including one of my sons, express admiration for women with nice, round butts. I think men appreciate them more than most of us ladies.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    But still, it's like saying to someone, "are you having a bad hair day?" Or "Did they not have that shirt in your size?"
    No, it really isn't like that at all. Why do you feel that having a butt is a bad thing? Would you be insulted if she said you had big boobs?
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I think backhanded compliments are worse... like "oh you look really thin today... good thing with that hair"
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I have a coworker who is kind of the same way. In fact, he said a not-so-sensitive thing to me today, not about my weight but kind of my appearance in general. I think he was joking, but it came out so naturally that it seemed he had to have really felt that way. It's always the worst when they don't realize that they're insulting you, because you know they're being honest :(
  • But still, it's like saying to someone, "are you having a bad hair day?" Or "Did they not have that shirt in your size?"
    No, it really isn't like that at all. Why do you feel that having a butt is a bad thing? Would you be insulted if she said you had big boobs?

    I didn't say it was a bad thing...I think it's a bad thing to point it out, especially to someone who has struggled with their weight. And, yes, I would've been offended by a big boob comment also. It's just inappropriate, that's all I meant. Just be sensitive in what we say and how we say it. It was off-handed to me because it's something I have personally struggled through. Someone else such as yourself may not feel the same and that's fine. I just found it funny that someone would just bluntly say it out loud in front of other people with no filter. that's all...just wanted to share it. No offense meant to anyone else, this was just a "personal" thing with me. :)
  • :-) I didn't know what a "donk" was. Maybe she did mean it as a compliment. I've seen women, even large women, who needed a butt. I could use a little more myself. I've heard men, including one of my sons, express admiration for women with nice, round butts. I think men appreciate them more than most of us ladies.

    I had only heard a "donk" as a description for butt in a country song. LOL!
    My husband says he likes my donk and if he likes it, that's all that counts!

    Oh and by the way, I was a short term missionary for a time in Africa and for a woman to have a large round bottom means the more beautiful she is. I said, I should've stayed, I could've been a movie star! HAHAHAHAHA!