MrsTre Member


  • If you're going to use it frequently, be sure to buy a quality juicer. Yes, it is a GREAT substitute for meals as long as you use a nice balance of healthy fruit and veggies. You'll love it
    in Juicing Comment by MrsTre January 2014
  • Down 4 pounds total this month
  • Please don't add any sugar. If you add your favorite fruits to the juicer (along with your veggies), you will get the sweetness that you're looking for. Strawberries, apples, pears, etc. all add nutrients and natural sweetness that cover up the veggie taste.
    in Juicing Comment by MrsTre January 2013
  • There is nutrition in raw fruit that you don't find in white carbs like the starchy potatoes and rice. So there is a difference. Your body will process and store them differently. I'm not an expert. But I've noticed a difference for me personally
  • When I saw the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" it was a huge eye opener for me (for the millionth time). But for some reason, this time was different. Things HAD to change.
  • With determination, you will do just fine. Hang in there and know that slow progress is still progress. Increasing your support network will also be very helpful. That's what we're here for. Add me if you'd like.
  • I'm looking forward to losing it and supporting others along the way. Let's make it happen
  • A supportive network has been very helpful for me. I am supportive of all my MFP friends. Feel free to add me.
  • I can relate to what you said. I am supportive of my MFP friends. Feel free to add me.
  • Down 1.8 lbs since Jan 1.
  • You are off to the right start by seeking support. I believe you can do it one step at a time.
  • A pound a week is my goal too. I'm wishing everyone the best. We can do it!
  • I juice at least 5 days/week and I love it!!! The health and nutrition benefits are amazing. It's worth the effort. I have a Jack Lalanne juicer. But I plan to also invest in a small Breville (best juicer on the market) and a NutriBullet so I can blend juice while at work or in a hurry. That option appears to be much less…
    in Juicing Comment by MrsTre December 2012
  • I'm sorry to hear that you're having a challenging time. Be strong and hang in there. Friends on here can give you some support so that you have more good days than bad with your weight loss goals. Feel free to add me for support.
  • That's discouraging that you gained during your first week. Something really went wrong. I think you're doing the right thing by trying out different programs to see what suits you the best. This is my second attempt at MyFitnessPal because it ended up being the better option for me. I wish you nothing but the best. I'm…
  • That's a hilarious typo, LOL! I typically don't force anything when that TOM comes and its unbearable (like on the first day). There's plenty of time later to get that workout in.
  • I juice fruits and vegetables at least once a day every day and love it!!! My main reason for doing it is the health benefit. After watching the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead", I was hooked. Not to mention, the fresh juice tastes so much better than anything I can buy from the store. I've never consummed these…
  • No binging for me. It's too hard to take it back off. A taste or two of something delicious is good enough for me. I feel rewarded when I eat healthy with so many fattening choices all around me.
  • You are on the right track. Congrats on your fresh start!!! Your friends here will help you stay encouraged.
  • It's nice to have encouraging friends. Feel free to add me.
  • Congrats on a great start!
  • You sound soooo happy. I wish you and him the best!!
  • It's great that you're ready to deal with the weight gain. It can really be tough. But having support is very helpful. Stay encouraged!
  • Hang in there. You're in the right place to get some motivation from others. Add more MFP friends...Feel free to add me. I encourage my friends everyday.
  • You have the right attitude. If the scale will discourage you stay away from it. If you can cut way back on the sodium, that's even better.
  • I love that one! Peach cobbler has been calling my name for 2 weeks! But just for today, I won't give in.
  • I fell in love with juicing once I bought one about a month ago. I juice at least six days/week for breakfast - kale, pear, apples, strawberries, carrots, etc. I agree that it taste MUCH BETTER than store-bought juice. It's more expensive and takes a few extra minutes to clean up. But its healthier. I have a Jack Lalanne…
    in Juicing Comment by MrsTre October 2012
  • Congrats on your baby and motivation! I had a similar weight gain with each of my pregnancies. This is a good place to help get the weight off.
  • I'm impressed with your numbers - 17 in 23 days! Well I'm way behind that - down 5 in 14 days. But I'm on track for the Thanksgiving goal for sure!
  • I've only been at work a few hours, but already looking forward to checking out. My pals help me get through the day. Last month, a slice of peach cobbler would have done the trick. But I'm done with that, LOL!