Men can be sooo motivating.....

So one of the biggest CAUSES of my wieght gain/loss struggle is my ex boyfriend. :explode:
When we broke up I decided I would swear off men (which are my favorite vice :devil: ) and focus on losing the weight and
changing old habits BEFORE i got in a relationship. So the thing I still struggle with is motivation :grumble:
So here I am months later, 20 LBS down, eating way healthier, I am happier, and feel so hopeful.

Out of no where I get contacted by this guy through mutual friends on FB. We chat... and then we text.... it begins :)

He makes me laugh...
I feel so nervous....
I keep wondering if he thinks I am beautiful....
He is so tall...... :wink:
He has the best smile...
His voice is deep and it gives me chills....
He has big arms and hands....
We talk for hours.... :blushing:
We have soo much in common....
He makes me laugh...
He reminds me what it feels like to be wanted....
He wants to see me soon....... :flowerforyou:

I am not posting this blog just to rant about this man.
I am posting this because it is AMAZING how motivating
a handsome man flirting with you can be. :bigsmile:
It is soooooooo nice to remember how I deserve to feel.
I dont know if this will turn into anything, but I am really
glad it happened. I really needed this!!! :smile:


  • MrsTre
    MrsTre Posts: 34 Member
    You sound soooo happy. I wish you and him the best!!
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Its so funny, it wasn't until I found a man I loved that I decided I needed to get into shape! It was great as he was super supportive and such. But being wanted is great motivation and having a guy you like/love tell you that you look beautiful is way better than anyone else saying it! Good Luck!
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Thank you ladies!!!!!
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    Haaayyyyyy. Enjoy the attention! :)
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    Aw :) I'm happy for you! Best of luck xx
  • Congrats. With or without it turning into anything, you sound happy and that's what is important
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Oh yes.... attention.... the arch nemesis of my fat :bigsmile:
    Thank you ladies!!!
  • Syndri
    Syndri Posts: 46 Member
    Enjoy the feeling and the attention because you deserve it. Good luck :-)
  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    If you want the male perspective, it's the same. but, it actually depends on the individual. Last year I dated a girl who turned my head. I fell deep for her. She was a nurse and into healthy eating and turned me on to it. It wasn't so much she motivated me but more because I really liked her that I changed my lifestyle to be with her.

    Unfortunately the relationship did not last. After all was said and done, she broke up with me. So, now I'm seeing someone else but the motivation factor is not there. The girl I'm seeing right now smokes. I,on the other hand, eat healthy and exercise (I ran a half marathon two weeks ago) and it's not because of the girl I'm currently seeing.

    I think the bottom line is that it is actually who you are with in the relationship not just that you are in a relationship.:indifferent:
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    Good luck
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    I saw him.... it was really nice.
    Very exciting and motivating.
    And Im down another LB ..... WHOOP WHOOP!!!!