leighclayton Member


  • If you are new to strength training I would suggest booking a couple of sessions with the personal trainer at your gym so that you know that you are doing the exercises correctly and with proper form. DVD's are another good suggestion. I personally like Rachel Cosgrove's Female Body Breakthrough book as she is really into…
  • You might want to try steel cut oatmeal. It is soooo good and not mushy. I add raisins and cinnamon to mine. I had a bowl of regular oatmeal the other day and couldn't believe how bland it tasted. Steel cut has a nice nutty taste.
  • I am in that toning up phase as well and I am kicking up my strength training a notch. I am working through another one of Rachel Cosgrove's books called "The Female Body Breakthrough' and it has really been helping me with posture as well which is so important. As the above poster said, it is pretty impossible to bulk up…
  • My sister in law has really learned a lot over the last several years about how important proper diet and exercise is for both her and her children for their general day to day and long term health. She has 5 kids and they are all very active and nothing stops them from doing what they want to do. Now they just have a lot…
  • Hi! We're already friends on here and I noticed your post. It's such a small world...my sister in law and several of her children have EDS (the hypermobility kind) and it is challenging for them for sure. Her two oldest teenage sons were playing rugby well above their age class but had to give it up, but now they both…
  • I too do foam rolling and have wondered what to track it under. I usually do a 15-20 min workout after a strength training session or on off days when I have really tight muscles. I have been tracking it under calisthentics/ light - moderate effort. IMHO If they had a category for 'Torture- moderate to heavy effort,' that…
  • I want to check this book out after I do the Female Body Breakthrough program I am currently working through - Rachel Cosgrove is the author. Her husband Alwyn Cosgrove designed the workouts in the New Rules for Lifting. I really like Rachel's program so far. It is kicking my *kitten*. I also use the TRX for strength…
  • oops didn't hit the quote button...doh!
  • Stop trying to feel the way you did before you gained weight, you are really a completely different person than you were then. You're a healthy mom, instead of being the woman you were, be the woman you want your daughter to look up to. You've built a new you physically, now build a great you mentally. And congratulations…
  • Hi! Add me as a friend too if you'd like. I really am enjoying this site and use both the itouch app or computer to log food, exercise and progress. I dig strength training too and am currently working through Rachel Cosgrove's workouts plus I throw a bit of TRX in there for fun.
  • I'm on Vancouver Island! Welcome to MFP!
  • I had never heard of either one of them before so did a google search. The prowler looks pretty kick a**!
  • Thanks to the OP for the inspirational post. I am not calling it anything at the moment. It's just how I 'roll' ;). I am really enjoying the simplicity of using MFP and all of the great support and motivation and success stories on here. Love this site!
  • I had a meniscal tear a year ago as a result of an old injury (surgery and paetella tracking) and it usually acts up on me when I do team sports. One thing that I have recently discovered and is really helping is foam rolling exercises. You may have tight IT bands and that can affect paetella tracking. Foam rolling between…
  • I took glucosamine to recover from my knee injury last year and still use it for maintenance. Another thing that I have recently discovered is foam rolling. I have really tight IT bands and quads and this has really helped me. Just google foam roller exercises and there are lots out there. When you first start out it's…
  • I think keeping up with your strength training is key as it is a great way to boost metabolism and burn fat. I am currently reading Rachel Cosgrove's The Female Body Breakthrough and she has some really good pointers on strength training in there.
  • Yes I too love the TRX!! :) When I joined MFP a month ago I was trying to figure out the calculations for calories burned for a TRX workout and came across this post and found it quite helpful. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/108290-how-many-calories-lost
  • Wow you DO look 20 years younger! Incredible! What an inspiration you are!
  • Yes I have noticed that calories burned for strength training are really low on the exercise database too . I've heard that strength training burns calories for 24 + hours afterwards so maybe it is hard to calculate?
  • I am trying to figure this out as well. A heart rate monitor is an interesting idea. Thanks.
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