

  • Again, I thank all of you who have replied so far. I have some great information that I will arm myself with going into that day, and should be able to make some decent choices. By the way, I love the hospital whomever suggested that...but my daughter's appointment time is AFTER cafeteria closes for…
  • For those who have replied so far, thank you for your suggestions. Packing my own was my first thought, actually...but then as I thought about that situation more carefully, it really isn't doable...and no, I am not making excuses. There are some aspects of this situation that I haven't shared and won't share...but I was…
  • PCOS...plain and simple...I HATE you! My body doesn't respond like other's body doesn't function like other body is just a mystery to me...and I live in it! Thanks to you, I can't figure out this skin, muscle, and bones that I am subject to live in....
  • Thank you all for your replies. I have had my blood work done...twice...because every doctor that I saw thought that it was something with my thyroid, but both tests have come back that the thyroid is normal. I am taking metformin, although the doctor said that my blood tests showed no signs of pre-diabetes...just that my…
  • Thanks for all of your advice so far. It is just really discouraging. I have been eating salads the past few nights for supper...and still no change on the scale... It just seems that I am spinning my wheels here...
  • Salad Chicken Cheesecake Chicken is my favorite meat...I could seriously eat it every day. Cheesecake is my favorite dessert. I could eat it every day too! :P
  • start weight: 221 (2/16) 2/23 - 220 3/2 - 220 3/9 - 3/16 - 3/23 - 3/30 - 4/6 - 4/13 - 4/20 - goal weight: 210 <---a goal that I have been trying to reach for a LONG time...have had a lot of up and down on the scale lately. (My ultimate goal weight is this goal would just get me within the 100 lb. to lose range…
  • I tried helped with suppressing my appetite alright... I ate very little for lunch or supper, and by the next day, I was hungry for breakfast, but after I took it, my lunch and dinner would be little again. Weight was dropping well...BUT the side effects were HORRIBLE. I was angry all of the time. I had no control…
  • start weight: 221 (2/16) 2/23 - 220 (-1 lb.) 3/2 - 3/9 - 3/16 - 3/23 - 3/30 - 4/6 - 4/13 - 4/20 - goal weight: 210 <---a goal that I have been trying to reach for a LONG time...have had a lot of up and down on the scale lately. (My ultimate goal weight is this goal would just get me within the 100 lb. to lose…
  • Hello. My name is Hillary. I am 32, married for 8.5 years to a wonderful man! I have two boys (7 and 6), and one girl (will be 5 in 17 days!). I homeschool all three of them, and love that I am able to do that! I enjoy reading, writing, hanging out with my husband, and actually walking (on the beach--we live in Myrtle…
  • Definitely want in....will post all info later...
  • I am 5'1". I was measured once at 5'1.5", but the next doctor that measured me said that I was only 5'1". It is always nice to hear that you are SHORTER than you thought! :P 110 is my goal weight!
  • I am in Myrtle Beach. Not too far! :)
  • A great problem to have! Woo hoo! Now, someone please tell me what NSV means. I have seen it twice today, and have no idea what it means!
  • I like the candle idea! Thanks!
  • What is the best way to melt chocolate if you don't have a double boiler, because I do not...
  • Thanks for all of the replies! I will try to answer all of the questions... MFP allotted 1200 calories per day for me. I guess that is as low as it gets from what I have heard/seen from others on this site... I don't drink any other fluids besides water. I will rarely have a cherry 7-up or Sprite with hubby...but it is…
  • ME-4 LNS-3 We had a late dinner last night, and I had a smoothie, I am counting it as no late night snack...
  • :sad: I feel like I am doing terrible everyone! There have only been 6 days in this month, and my goal is quickly looking very un-doable! Our score is tied... Me-3 LNS-3 I won three nights by not having anything after 8! LSN has won 3, and now, 2 nights in a row. Why can't I whip this thing? I could drink water til it…
  • Have Mercy! I hope I do not lose any from my chest! I have actually been looking up ways to make them bigger, naturally, of course, cause I am not having surgery! So, I hope to lose from everywhere but there. I am petite though...have a very small frame...just too much weight on it! LOL! So, maybe mine aren't SUPPOSED to…
  • ME-4 LNS-1 ...but there is popcorn in the house tonight. Will I have the will to resist?!
  • Anyone with a healthy potato soup recipe???
  • Just a quick Hello! Hope to be back later! :yawn:
  • YES! On November 1st, I said to myself that my November goal was no late night snacks. My husband works all day, and when he gets home, we have dinner, spend time with our 3 little ones, and then finally have some time to ourselves after they are in bed-which USUALLY consists of sitting on the couch with some popcorn (or…
  • Hello ladies! I haven't checked in as much as I'd like. I have been really busy---I don't know why, since I don't DO ANYTHING! Welcome to my life-my vent for the day-or my vent for EVER! LOL! Yeah, it's been a very stressful day/past 12 hours or so. So, I come home last night (from a SHORT visit with a family member), and…
  • Hello ladies and welcome to the newcomers! I have missed this board for the past few days! I have had a rough one today! The kids have been hyped up for some reason, and I am not. It sure is Monday! I had a little "bump" in the road yesterday. You can read for yourself at the post under General Diet and Fitness titled,…
  • It is the Six Week Body Makeover... I goofed big time! In my defense, I was watching a movie, talking to my husband, eating, and trying to post at the same time... I read up on it yesterday. I found out more about the restrictions...and my sister-in-law made me feel like such a "loser" (not in the weight loss sense) for…
  • Checking in... Hope everyone is having a great day. I have become addicted...addicted to string cheese! Mmmmm! I am wanting to make chicken tacos tonight. I saw a recipe on here recently. How can I find it? Will going to "Search" bring up recipes? I haven't exercised for days! Uuuggg! I really gotta exercise!
  • I joined up about 3 years ago. I loved it, but just couldn't afford it even though it was cheap (IMO) with all of the other payments we had. There is a sign-up fee, and that was around $100, as I recall, but I went in when they were having a food I got the fee waived by bringing in a bag of non-perishable food.…
  • Thanks to all of you for your replies and ideas! I appreciate them very much. I really like the idea of exercising while the family is eating and then having a smoothie or something else "light" later! Amy-what is up with drinking so much water? Is that the half of your body weight thing? I have heard of it. So, if you…