SAHM 10/25 to 10/31

Welcome! We are a great group of SAHM's the support each other through our weight loss journey and one of the most important jobs in the world! Being a mom! We welcome newcomers!


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! Mine was really busy. I was squishing tomatoes yesterday and right now I am cooking them down to make spaghetti sauce. I have to take the dog to the vet this morning for a check up, make bread, etc....another busy day.

    What's on your agenda?
  • AmandaR910
    Hi. I'm a SAHM. I'm 22 and pregnant with #3.
    Right now I'm just working on eating healthy to keep the pregnancy weight gain to a minimum (was having an issue with that lol) but in about 7 weeks (!!!!) I'll be back here able to really start.
    Hope it's okay if I join.

    How is everyone doing?
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    I am a stay at home mom iof 3. I homeschool all of them. I would love to join! :)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Amanda and Monda! This is a great group of ladies.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda- are where I would like to be girl! Hubby and I are trying to get preggo....hopefully soon!

    Monda- We have a couple of mom's that HS. I have my son enrolled in an online school. so kinda, sorta, not really HS.:laugh:
  • heymommy0
    I am a SAHM of 3 little ones and I would love to join, I have been healthy eating for 7 days now and working out everyday as well, my daughter will be 1 on Friday and I am ready to lose this weight I gained from being pregnant 3 times in 6 years.
  • AmandaR910
    I am a SAHM of 3 little ones and I would love to join, I have been healthy eating for 7 days now and working out everyday as well, my daughter will be 1 on Friday and I am ready to lose this weight I gained from being pregnant 3 times in 6 years.

    My son turns 1 on the 6th. :) So almost the same age.

    I know what you mean about close pregnancies. I have been pregnant 5 times (2 babies, 2 losses, and 32 weeks along right now) in 2 years. My DD just turned 2 in September and she's my oldest.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello everyone!! Welcome newcomers :happy::flowerforyou:

    Saturday of last week, I went on the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk and it was a nice refreshing 5k (3 mile) walk. The weather was alright, could have been tried to rain on us, it kept sprinkling but held off til after the walk before it decided to down pour and it was a bit chilly, but not bad.

    Hopefully this week I can get my normal routine in. This weekend was a bit off, hubby was home all weekend (since his hours got screwed Thursday night/Friday morning). But it was a nice weekend that we got to enjoy together. Saturday we cleaned up the apartment together, which was nice because usually I do all the cleaning. Sunday, the weather was nice, we did laundry in the morning, finish cleaning the apartment from what we didn't get done on Saturday, played outdoors with the kids for a bit, and then shut the cell phones and computers off Sunday night and watched a couple of movies together with no interruptions.:happy: :love: :heart:

    Then today, I woke up kinda blah!:frown: My little baby boy is getting his 6 month pictures done this afternoon, can't wait for those:happy: For the rest of the week, not sure yet....

    Gotta go get my daughter from her bus stop, ttyl. Take care all!!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome to all new comers!

    Nicole~Agenda, tonight I am hoping that we can carve pumpkins for family night. Tomorrow canning more apples. I have 21 quarts done so far.

    Heymommy and Amanda~I know all about being preggo lots of times in a short period of time. :laugh: I have 7 children ages 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2,1. I have been pregnant a total of 8 times (lost one) in 9 years. It is exhausting and takes it's toll on your body but it is worth it. :flowerforyou:

    Nicole~I hope you time comes soon to be preggo!:flowerforyou:

    Not a whole lot going on right now. I am enjoying the quiet right now....naptime! AaaaWWWW such a blessed time of day. Cleaned the kitchen today and I really need to do laundry but I just don't seem to have any ambition to do any. :tongue: Well got to get going th hubby is home and eating lunch so I would like to spend some time with him.
  • pines2palms
    Hello ladies and welcome to the newcomers! I have missed this board for the past few days! I have had a rough one today! The kids have been hyped up for some reason, and I am not. It sure is Monday! I had a little "bump" in the road yesterday. You can read for yourself at the post under General Diet and Fitness titled, "Michael Thurmond's Sixy Day Body Makeover." It is supposed to be titled, "Michael Thurmond's Six Week Body Makeover," but I made several typos. Feeling down today has made me vcrave every edible thing in the house! Besides the fact that my husband bought 4 packages of honey buns last night and those call out to me when I pass by the cabinet! Ugh!

    I haven't logged everything I have stuck in my mouth today. I figure it will work out somehow. I am still not sure what I am going to have for supper. I wish it were Chinese! I LOVE Chinese!

    I take birth control pills for PCOS to get my hormones more balanced. I missed them for a few maybe my extreme hunger today is due to hormones. I am LOOKING for SOMETHING to blame it on.

    Will check in later tonight. Hope you all have a good day.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hey ladies! It's been weeks since I've posted on here! Just to refresh, I have 2 girls ages 1 and 3. The youngest just had her first birthday last week! :)

    I have never been an avid runner but I've started running a month or so ago with my hubby in the hopes of doing a half marathon here in January. Today I ran 2 miles straight for the first time which was exciting. Now to get my mileage up. :) With the running it's been harder to balance out my calories. Running burns a lot and I do better with a consistent diet, eating similar types of meals and snacks each day. I was trying to eat back my calories but that gets tough for me then on the days I don't run. So now I'm just opting to have a larger deficit on the days I run, as I've started to eat more even when I don't. I've maintained but I'd like to start losing again! :P

    Well, off to bed all!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Pines~We all have those "bumps" in the road! I hope that it starts "looking up" for you soon. Hang in there you can do this!
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Good morning, ladies, and a very big WELCOME to all our newcomers! It's great to have you here!

    Bluerose~did I hear you say 'apartment'? Did you move out of your MIL's place? If so, that's fantastic!! I hope she has been treating you a little better. You have honestly been in my thoughts a lot. I used to live with my MIL with my newborn when The Man was in Korea. I was only able to handle it for a few months at a time, then I'd have to go to my folks' house several states away. :smile:

    Pines~I am right there with you. Last night, the family and I went out for supper to Buffalo Wild Wings. And I had beer. A Sam Adams. I thought it would come in a normal sized bottle, but NO, it came in a HUGE glass. Probably 2 bottles of beer...:drinker:

    Katie~still more canning, eh? That's just amazing!

    valmabel~way to go on the running! You don't know how lucky you are to be able to run...

    Well guys, Operation Give Up The Binky has met with some serious resistance. Poor older daughter has to sleep in the guest room due to younger daughter being fussy. "Bink, mommy, BINK!" throughout the night. And the poor dear has to go to the regular day care today, since older daughter has to go to the dentist. Younger daughter does not do well sometimes with regular day care. I don't know why, she does so well with the day care at the gym...:huh:

    My Halloween costume should be here tomorrow, I am SO excited!! I am going as Lucille Ball. I wanted to go as Betty Draper from "Mad Men", but The Man said that since I would dress like Betty Draper every day of the year, I can't dress like her on Halloween. Oh, and I managed to bake 2 batches of cookies yesterday without burning myself! :tongue: Those are going off to my cousin who is down in Mississippi for training before he goes off to Afghanistan. I just can't believe my little cousin is in the Army!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Good morning, ladies, and a very big WELCOME to all our newcomers! It's great to have you here!

    Bluerose~did I hear you say 'apartment'? Did you move out of your MIL's place? If so, that's fantastic!! I hope she has been treating you a little better. You have honestly been in my thoughts a lot. I used to live with my MIL with my newborn when The Man was in Korea. I was only able to handle it for a few months at a time, then I'd have to go to my folks' house several states away. :smile:

    Pines~I am right there with you. Last night, the family and I went out for supper to Buffalo Wild Wings. And I had beer. A Sam Adams. I thought it would come in a normal sized bottle, but NO, it came in a HUGE glass. Probably 2 bottles of beer...:drinker:

    Katie~still more canning, eh? That's just amazing!

    valmabel~way to go on the running! You don't know how lucky you are to be able to run...

    Well guys, Operation Give Up The Binky has met with some serious resistance. Poor older daughter has to sleep in the guest room due to younger daughter being fussy. "Bink, mommy, BINK!" throughout the night. And the poor dear has to go to the regular day care today, since older daughter has to go to the dentist. Younger daughter does not do well sometimes with regular day care. I don't know why, she does so well with the day care at the gym...:huh:

    My Halloween costume should be here tomorrow, I am SO excited!! I am going as Lucille Ball. I wanted to go as Betty Draper from "Mad Men", but The Man said that since I would dress like Betty Draper every day of the year, I can't dress like her on Halloween. Oh, and I managed to bake 2 batches of cookies yesterday without burning myself! :tongue: Those are going off to my cousin who is down in Mississippi for training before he goes off to Afghanistan. I just can't believe my little cousin is in the Army!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!

    Home6-I call our little "living area at the inlaws" an apartment sometimes, its got everything but the kitchen, which is upstairs. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. Things are slowly getting better, she has been treating me a little better. This summer, I'm thinking like July is when we will be able to move out and trust me, you all will know when that happens, bc I'll be posting EXCITMENT :laugh: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile: in my posts.

    Well, right now we are under a tornado watch this morning, so my friend and I will not be going on our 2 1/2 mile walk like we talked about last night. We are having some heavy storms, big gusts of winds coming through. So, today, hmm, looks like I'm staying in and trying to figure out what to do.

    The rest of the week:

    Wednesday: Bills and errands (the normal)
    Thursday: Baby-sitting
    Friday: Hopefully walking (if the weather is better)
    Weekend: Halloween fun (not sure what all is in stored for the weekend, but Sunday taking the kids trick or treating) then Monday the kids are off of school for the end of quarter one already!?! :noway: :huh:

    Will try to check in later today, since it looks like an inside day today, ugh! :grumble: Take care ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! Welcome to all the new ladies! :flowerforyou:

    Last week was really busy for me (as they are for all of us)! My son joined Cub Scouts about 3 weeks ago, and I got to watch him get his first badge (the Bobcat badge) and his first bead a week ago today. He was SO excited! Yesterday I signed up my daughter for Daisy Scouts. They didn't have the Daisies when I was her age. She's excited about scouting now too! She already knows 2 girls who will be in her troop. One was a little girl in her class last year, and the other she met yesterday and played with for a while.

    Well, ever since last week's great triumph of drinking 80 oz of water and logging all my food that one day, I've been doing horribly about logging and chugging. My water intake hasn't been bad, but I haven't been logging. I have been running still. I'm almost up to half a mile!

    Val - You're doing great on your running! :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    just marking to get to later.

    weekend was WONDERFUL
  • AmandaR910
    My 32 week appointment is Thursday! I can't wait. ;) I wont get an ultrasound this time (I have gotten about 30 so far lol so I can't complain I guess) but I'm excited to go anyways. Also, today is 7 weeks exactly to my c section!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Katie- wow! That is so cool that you are canning apples! how is it going?

    Home- You cracked me up with the Operation Give up the Binky! I am still laughing at that one!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: How is the job hunting going?

    Val- Great to hear from you! Kudos on the is so tough to start a running program...but stick with it and it does become easier!:drinker:

    Barb- I am sening you good vibes so that MIL will treat you good until you move out!:flowerforyou:

    Amy- my son is in the boyscouts! It is a great program so congrast on having him well as the daisies! They didn't have that when I was young either, but I was in the girlscouts. And yay on the running!

    Stacey- I am so glad the weekend was fun! Tell us all about it!

    Amanda- you have a scheduled c-section? is that becasue you have to , or want to?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    So..the rest of my day is going to consist of blanching green beans, cross stitch, and cross country practice...I forgot to put it on my last post...and drink enough water (which I didn't yesterday) and not go over my cals....(which i have been doing way too much of lately!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Katie- wow! That is so cool that you are canning apples! how is it going?

    Home- You cracked me up with the Operation Give up the Binky! I am still laughing at that one!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: How is the job hunting going?

    Val- Great to hear from you! Kudos on the is so tough to start a running program...but stick with it and it does become easier!:drinker:

    Barb- I am sening you good vibes so that MIL will treat you good until you move out!:flowerforyou:

    Amy- my son is in the boyscouts! It is a great program so congrast on having him well as the daisies! They didn't have that when I was young either, but I was in the girlscouts. And yay on the running!

    Stacey- I am so glad the weekend was fun! Tell us all about it!

    Amanda- you have a scheduled c-section? is that becasue you have to , or want to?

    Thanks, Nicole!

    Hoping everything continues to go our way. Time is short, gotta go deal with a cranky, teething baby....poor lil guy.
  • AmandaR910
    Amanda- you have a scheduled c-section? is that becasue you have to , or want to?

    It's my third. :)

    My DD was breech, DS was a repeat, and now this one is breech again.
    If I go into labor my DR said I can try a VBAC if I want if he turns head down (I've never gone into labor or even had signs of it lol, so I'm not expecting that). I have really easy c sections though, no complaints.