SAHM 10/18 to 1024

Welcome! We are a great group of SAHM's the support each other through our weight loss journey and one of the most important jobs in the world! Being a mom! We welcome newcomers!


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    :laugh: Oops! I realized that I goobed on the date! :laugh: :laugh:

    Katie- I hope you are feeling better!

    Oh my goodness! i was sooooooooooo exhausted yesterday! From the moment I got up I was going, going, going. I ran 10.2 miles in 90 mins., then cam back and started canning more zucchini relish. Someone else gave me more zucchini.I also made zucchini muffins! Whew!:noway: I also did my chore of cleaning out hte chicken coop. I crawled into bed about 10:30 last night.

    Here's to a great week ladies!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    wow--you are a powerhouse nicole! 10mi in 90min--that's fast!

    will chk back later
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! Had a good weekend with the kids. We went to the Farmers Market on Saturday morning. They do great there, and they love being my helpers! This weekend was the Farmers Market Community picnic. I took my parmesan squash & zucchini recipe. I got it off the internet and then tweaked it. I was thrilled to see that it was all gone when we left! :happy: I'm not much of a cook, but I've been getting better the last 2 months. Tony was able to take some time off from the Renaissance Festival to meet us there for the luncheon. It was delicious. And most of it (with the exception of the desserts) was extremely healthy! :drinker:

    Katie - Glad to hear Carter is doing better. It is always so scary to take your little ones into the ER.

    Home - Glad you were able to work things out with your hubby!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Ladies! I was a part of this group about a year ago and then got so busy I was off the site for quite a while but I am back now and would love to participate again! I have 4 boys ages 19,13,8, and 4, I have started doing P90X again...hubby and I made it through about 6 weeks of it until we hit vacations and chaos at the end of summer so we are trying to get back into it. I also am doing Insanity on some days for cardio.....I really hope to get in better shape! I do work from home some doing budgets for HIV/AIDS clinical trials and hubby works from also doing IT. Anyway, Hi everyone!
  • pines2palms
    Wow... I was coming here to make a post to see if there were other SAHM's out ask y'all some questions...and then I get here and find out there is already a group of you all! Great! I have 3 kids...two boys aged 6 and 7, and a girl age 4. I homeschool as well. My questions...

    1. How in the world do you find time?! I have every intention of exercising every day, but I wake up tired from the night before...especially lately because the kids have been awake at night coughing. Then, at night, I want to spend time with my husband. Most of my exercise logged last week was when I went out with the family and was able to walk.. So, when do you find time to exercise and what kind of exercise do you prefer?

    2. This one is kind of "personal" level type stuff... So, I have just gotten my "monthly visitor." I have noticed that during that time, I crave sweets like CRAZY! I have been a cookie monster for the past couple of days...not to mention the cheap Halloween candy that we have in the house that I cannot seem to resist since this started. Am I the only one with this mad craving time during "that time?" What can I do to curb those? I am really wasting my calories!

    I look forward to getting to know you ladies!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Whoo hoo!! I went to my chiropractor this evening for an adjustment and found out I won one of the drawings they had on patient appreciation day last week! I won 2 free private pilates sessions!

    Have any of you done or do pilates? If so, do you like it?

    Lettuce - Welcome back!! I've missed you! :flowerforyou:

    pines2palms - Welcome!! It's not easy to find time to exercise. I think each one of us may have a different answer. I am running now, and the only time I have to do it right now is to pick up the kids from school 3 out of the 5 school days. I need to work in some more exercise somehow too on the other days. As for your mad cravings, you're not alone!! The only thing I can think of is maybe trying some of the sugar free candies & cookies as a possible alternative if it has to be candy/cookies. Also, would eating some of the sweeter fruits like grapes, apples, and berries help?
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~Do you know the meaning of slow down?! :wink: I am just kidding around with you but WOW girl that is awesome!!! I am feeling better in the sense of the stomach issues that I had been having (ate too much pepperoni :tongue: ) but I have been feeling a little down today. Just can't seem to pull it together.

    Amy~I have always wanted to go check out our farmer's market but never remember to on the days that it is. Way to go on the drawing too. I have done pilates movies and I like them I have never had a class or private lessons though. Have fun and enjoy!

    Lettuce~Welcome back!

    Pines~I used to go pick up my kindergartener from school and use that as my exercise since I had to walk a monstrous hill to get there. Since not having to pick her up (a friend brings her home now) I have not got much exercise in due to how busy life has been here. As the sweets go, by far you are not alone there. I am such a "pig" during that time that I am surprised that I don't gain it all back during that time. :laugh:

    Well I best get going I have a big day tomorrow. Hope you guys all have a great day tomorrow!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome (back) gals! pines--keep mint gum around and when it's tom, have dh put candy and cookies away in a bag and hide where you don't know.
    rt now the ds is making me NUTS!!!!!!! get in bed and stay there, boy!!!!

    lettuce, my dh is doing round 2 of p90x. i just got zumba which i will try to do again tomorrow am.

    pines--when to work out?? when i didn't homeschool and boy took a nap, i had more time and energy.'s been so sporadic. however, i really want to lose this wt (i lost 12# and put back on 7) so i know i need to move more.
    my new plan---and the girls can tell you, i'm always making plans--is to do it in early AM or at 1:45PM. that will also force me to get thru school quicker/more focused.

    maybe sit down with dh and see where he can be full time parent for you to grab an hour 2x/week? like maybe you make dinner, and they eat it while you get in your exercise. and then you have a smoothie for dinner??? just an idea.

    anyway, gotta go. stinkerbutt is still whining/crying.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Yes!!! I drank 90 oz of water today! And all of it was Crystal Light water, no sodas or juice! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I also did something that I haven't done in a LONG time! I logged all my food today! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm over by 886 cals today, but at least now I know how I'm doing. It may be a little off from a normal day since dh had a dinner meeting tonight, so I took the easy route with the kids: Papa John's pizza.

    Now all I need to do is keep up the logging and the chugging!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Nicole ~ WOW!! So impressed by your 10.2 in 90, that's amazing! I don't think I could ever run that fast, congrats!!

    Hi Lettuce B and Pines!

    Pines ~ Can you join the Y or anything like that? If not, I like to run, maybe you can push your 4 year old in a stroller and have the 6 and 7 year old ride their bikes? Or I wait until my husband is home and go out then. I also have a lot of workout DVDs, my current favorite is TurboFire, but it's pricey. Try the Biggest Loser Cardio Max, or Jillian Michael's Blast Fat Boost Metabolism, quick and easy to do workouts. I also suffer from wanting chocolate durning that time of the month, I try to reduce the craving with chocolate pudding cups, and sweet fruits (like honeycrisp apples)

    Amy ~ I love pilates! Congrats on the water and logging food, even when you don't want to. I am notorious for not completing journal entries when I know I am going to be over! LOL

    Thanks for all the well wishes for Carter, he is much much much better! Hoping to get him on some allergy medication and hopefully he won't have to be hospitalized for every single cold while we are here :) I got my scheduled 11 mile run in on Sunday, and my hip was hurting so bad yesterday, makes me worried to do 12 this weekend. I went for a long ride with Carter in the trailer yesterday and it doesn't hurt at all today. Going for a walk/run with friends this morning, so we'll see how it feels after that.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: Here we go again...all that I just typed...I somehow erased!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Welcome Back Lettuce! We missed you!

    Welcome Pines! Iwould definitely coordinate with your hubby! that always worked best whe nour kiddos were smaller.

    Stacey- I like that you have plans for your exercise. I am always scheduling in my head the day before as to wehn I can fit it in the following day.

    Amy- Way to go on the logging! It is crazy what we put in our mouths and think we are ok isn't it? I always have that dilemma when I don't log!

    KatieM- I don't know what slow down means obviously!:laugh: you'll get back on track! I have those down days too! ((hugs)):flowerforyou:

    Katie-I am glad Carter is better! I hope your hip is ok. I am now dealing with some periformis(sp?) stuff going on....I never though I could get faster either. i always considered myself a 10 min. miler. All I can say is....believe in yourself. Know htat you can run faster, do repeats, fartleks, a.k.a. lots of speed work and you WILL get faster. I have been doing 800 repeats:noway: I do believe that is what has helped me.
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    :smile: Welcome pines and lettuce!! Pines, I don't have any new advice for you, other than what others ladies have been offering. Trying to coordinate with the hubby would be a great idea!

    Amy~don't float away with all that water you drank! That's great that you are logging your food, that is what really opens your eyes to where you can cut calories

    Nicole~that is so amazing! I can't even conceive of ever being able to run that fast (or that long!)

    Stacey~hope the little man is over his fussy time. Have fun with the Zumba!

    Katapple~so glad to hear that Carter is doing better! Is he being seen by military doctors, or did they refer you to a civilian hospital?

    KatieM~We all have days when we are feeling down, you are not alone! Hope you are doing better today! :flowerforyou:

    Well, ladies, as if it wasn't bad enough with younger daughter's lipoma, now older daughter had a trampoline accident and collided with another little girl. She has a shiner to be proud of! I told her she could go trick or treating as a UFC fighter for Halloween, but no, she still wants to be a butterfly. The swelling has gone down, but her entire eye is dark purple. Poor kid. No one call CPS on me, okay? :smile:

    I've got a BUSY day today. Went to the gym this morning and burned up 915 calories on the treadmill, then had to go to Sam's and pick up some energy drinks for The Man. He is going to Combat Lifesaver School this week, and says the classes are rather boring and needs some caffine. :tongue: Still have laundry to do, floors to scrub, a casserole to make, sewing to do (no, I'm still not done with the Christmas stocking!), and there is a Family Readiness Group meeting tonight that I need to go to. The Man volunteered me to be the new treasurer, and I guess I'm it. Yee-haw. Oh, and a reporter from Benning is looking for human interest stories, and wanted to know more about me. I don't think I'm that interesting at all....:laugh:
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Just a quick check in!
    Thanks for all the warm welcome backs, I do remember why I love this group so much!
    I had to help in pre-school with Caden today and Tuesday afternoons is one of Jackson's (8) trampoline team practices....luckily I found some trails around the gym where I can run while he practices so I can get in a little exercise but I am dragging today!

    Hopefully will check in later tonight.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
  • pines2palms
    Thanks to all of you for your replies and ideas! I appreciate them very much. I really like the idea of exercising while the family is eating and then having a smoothie or something else "light" later! Amy-what is up with drinking so much water? Is that the half of your body weight thing? I have heard of it. So, if you weigh like 200 lbs, you would need 100 oz of water? Is that how it works? Does it seem to help more than drinking the 64 oz (8 cups)? Some days I have a hard time getting in the 64 oz, although that is rare. I do like my water, and drink it only...and have before, even at times when I was not focused on weight loss.

    Hubby wants spaghetti tonight, so I am trying to think of some way to make it healthier...

    My ds (7) is very argumentative today...argh!!!!!

    Hope all of you have a good afternoon/evening/night!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Go Amy go! I haven't drank that much water in a while. I really need to get back in the habit of drinking that much water I just feel so much better when I do. Plus I have more stamina.

    Home~Hope that the little on is okay. I hate it when my kids get hurt makes me want to cry. :sad: Children get hurt and I don't think that you should worry about someone turning you in to CPS but of course that is the day and age now people turn parents in when there is no reason. We have been because the person was mad at us. :explode:

    Pines~there is some water calculators on the internet you input some info and then they tell you how much you should be drinking. I don't have the links for any of them because I am having to use the hubby's laptop and they are on the family comp (monitor broken so can't get on that one for now)

    Today was a nerve racked day. Now that I know exactly what is going on with me I feel okay to say something. On Saturday I found a lump in my armpit and even though I was trying really hard not to think the worst I was having a really hard time with the possibilties. I had an appt today to get it checked out turns out that it is a cysts. So that is the reason that I was feeling down yesterday and couldn't seem to pull myself out of it. I am feeling A LOT better now. Nothing else new or exciting going on here. I better get going so that I can spend time with the hubby.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I'm over by 886 cals today, but at least now I know how I'm doing.

    ok, i feel so much better. now that i've gotten back to logging, i've had some real eye-openers! today over by 400ish, maybe i can walk for 1/2 hour tonight. just got to get the kids in bed.....
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    my goodness--much has happened on here (and in your lives) today!

    quick--home and amy--wtg!

    katie and home--yay on kids! and ugh!! do you feel like ballerinas en pointe in the dance of life?? :tongue:

    pines, glad you like the smoothie idea. i might try that myself one day! i'm very good at dispensing advice....following is a whole other matter :laugh:

    i didn't get the zumba today. might walk soon. at 1:45PM i was cooking tonight's dinner. plus we did a lot of schooling today b/c tomorrow we're seeing friends. that getting up with hubs at unappealing. but may be the way to go some days.

    katie--sorry that your hip is hurting. hope it resolves quickly. and nicole--that performis?? thing you can do some really great stretches for. but is it that your hip is out of joint?? b/c you'll probably need to address that too to get long term relief.

    ok, need to go journal the schoolwork we've covered. otherwise i start to lose focus. (a constant problem for me :laugh: )

    have a good night y'all
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    oh--katiem---(((hugs))) glad it turned out ok.
  • abbrarogers
    Hi there! I'm new here I just joined today! I'm a SAHM of 3 awesome kiddos: DD wil be 6 Nov. 8th, DS#1 is 4 almost 4 1/2 and DS#2 will be 1 on Nov. 5th. DH and I have been married for almost 8 years. I'm looking for a support system and a group that I can "report" to with my weight loss journey so that I will stay accountable. I need to lose about 40 pounds, I'm somewhere around 200 right now and was my happiest at 160 pounds, so I want to be back in my "happy place"! :) If you made it this far, thanks for reading and I hope to get to know you all, thanks for having me!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome abbra! this is a great group--tho obviously quiet today.

    never got in that workout yesterday as kids stayed up watching disney movie.

    waaaaayyyyy over on cals today. it's official. i CANNOT bake cuz whatever i make i consume very quickly---much to my detriment. i have ZERO willpower!!!!
    idk what it is with me....for months me and the sweets .....
