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  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Abbra welcome! I use this group not only to share my weight loss journey with but also everyday trials. :smile:

    Stacey~I know what you mean on the baking. I "grounded" myself from baking cookies because I eat A LOT of them myself and it is very very bad because when I make cookies it makes 4 dozen +. :huh: We all have our time that we have noe willpower. Hang in there you can get through it. Thank you I am glad too!
  • pines2palms
    Checking in... Hope everyone is having a great day.

    I have become addicted...addicted to string cheese! Mmmmm!

    I am wanting to make chicken tacos tonight. I saw a recipe on here recently. How can I find it? Will going to "Search" bring up recipes?

    I haven't exercised for days! Uuuggg! I really gotta exercise!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    sorry pines, don't much know how to search for old stuff. i use google a lot for recipes, etc. as for zumba, bought it over phone when infomercial was on. about $70 for all of it incl toning sticks and shipping/handling.

    thanks katiem. appreciate the support. :)

    ladies, i won't be on again till next week. i'm driving up to park city tomorrow to have a girls' weekend with my best friend--i know, real mature. but we've been friends since we were 15 (and we're now 39). she's flying in to SLC, so i'll pick her up there and then head up the canyon to our place. i am soooo looking forward to the break.
    dh is being the full time parent for these 4 days. :)

    so, hope everyone stays healthy, drinks their water, LOGs their food, and move that body. have a great end to the week!!:flowerforyou:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Pines~I have never looked through the recipes on here so I would not know. Sorry that I am of no help to you.

    Stacey~Hope you have fun in Park City. You won't be that far from where I live. It is about a 45-60 min drive (depending on traffic and who is behind the wheel :wink: :laugh: ) Love when the hubby steps in and helps with the children too many times they don't think they should because that is the "woman's work". My BIL is that way with my sister drives me crazy. He would tell my sister that she needed to take their son with her every where until he was about 5 yo. Then here is my hubby has 7 children that he is taking care of pushing me out the door so that I can get some time away.

    Well today I decided that I was going to weigh in. I tried to do a schedule weigh in never worked for me I kept forgetting on my "weigh in" day and would either remember the day before or after. I lost another 2 pounds. I am sure that most of it is from the stomach problems I have been having and not eating much due to nausea. I will take it though for what ever it is worth and hope that I don't gain it back. I now have 11 pounds to go to be at a normal BMI. I am pretty excited about that because when I started I was at "obese". Plus I haven't been that low since like my 2 child. I haven't been as low as I am now since before my 5 child so I am pretty excited about that too. Enough rambling :laugh: to get going it is late and I got to get up early tomorrow.
  • abbrarogers
    Thank you ladies for the welcome! I think I wil like it here, as I do like to talk about other things besides dieting and exercising :) I too, have many daily trials and not everyone understands what it's like being a SAHM with 3 little ones running around like maniacs all the while I am trying to keep my house very clean and tidy, being in charge of the finances and keeping track of all the bills and what not PLUS trying to work on myself (weight, looks etc...) it's freakin exhausting! Oh yeah and trying to fit in working out and sleeping somewhere in there too lol!
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Abbra~belated welcome to you! This is a wonderful group, because we do talk about the struggles and triumphs in our day-to-day lives that have nothing to do with weight loss. Sometimes that's something only other SAHMs can understand. And you guys don't mind so much when I babble...:smile:

    KatieM~that's great that you are losing some weight! You must be so proud of yourself for getting closer to a normal BMI. Also, I am so happy to hear that the lump was not the 'big C'. Scary!!

    Stacey~have fun on your girl's weekend! That is fantastic that your hubs is taking care of the kids so you can get a little down time. Props to Stacey's hubby! I am looking forward to the next 3 day weekend that The Man has, because he told me that one of those days is for me and he will let me have a day off. We'll see. :wink:

    I have been kinda quiet on here (again), this time because it is ME that got injured. Now everyone except The Man is walking wounded around my house. I was baking cookies and grabbed a sheet pan that had just come out of the oven. 2nd degree burns on the first 3 fingers of my left hand. That'll teach me to bake cookies, right? :laugh: Seriously...they are feeling a lot better today, the Vicodin helps. The doctor gave me Vicodin, can you believe it?

    Today I have got to get my Halloween costume and one for older daughter (nothing like waiting til the last minute, huh?), and do laundry. That's about it. Taking it easy today, maybe taking the kids to the pool at the gym tomorrow. My poor beat-up kids. :smile:
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    :noway: Holy cow! I just realized, its almost the end of the week, and this is the first time I have been in the forums, yikes! What happened. It has just been one of those weeks.

    Tomorrow, Saturday, I"m walking the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk, its a 3 mile's going to be my mom, me, and my two kids. Hoping it warms up just a little bit, but hoping too it'll be nice and no rain, unlike what the weather guy is saying:frown:

    I'm going to go back and catch up on everything I have missed throughout the week, hopefully everyone is doing well. Check back in later.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Abbra~We can all relate to those kinds of days! Many people that know me think I am NUTS because I have 7 children 9-1 yo (yes every last one of them is my child no apopting and no muliple births). Not planned that way but wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Plus during school hours I babysit two children for my friend. So during the day I have from 4 children all the way up to 7+ children (the plus is when they have a playdate over at my house). Like today I had a total of my 7 plus 5 more for about 30 min then 3 left and had the rest at my house for a few hours.

    Home~OUCH! You got to be carful with those cookies sheets!:flowerforyou: I hope that it gets feeling better soon.

    Barb~Have fun on you cancer walk. I hope the weather is good for you.

    Tonight is date night got to love the time with the hubby! However we are not going to be able to go anywhere tonight at least not until probably really late. Oh well time with out kids is the key right? Well got to go the lil man is crying and wants his dinner plus he is lonely with out the kids buggin him. Have a great weekend.
  • Sam_D_82
    Hi everyone! i just joined the website and was happy to see a stay at home mom group! I have a 8 yr old daughter and a 7 yr old son that keep me busy besides my hubby. I have a year goal to lose 110 pounds from this month. it will be to least that i have ever been but still a very healthy weight! i am so happy to get started. i hope to make many friends and help in anyway that i can. i hope that ya'll have a great day!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Sam!

    Everyone's been quiet like me! I hope you have a great girls weekend Stacey!

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!