SAHM 11-1-10 to 11-7-10

Welcome! We are a great group of SAHM's the support each other through our weight loss journey and one of the most important jobs in the world! Being a mom! We welcome newcomers! :flowerforyou:


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Good for you Posh! That's great that you lost 4 lbs. I wish I could say the same!

    I am off to can some spaghetti sauce! Hubby got a canner for $30 for me!:drinker:
  • MandyTG
    MandyTG Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a SAHM with 2 boys, 4 and almost 2. Finding time to exercise is the most difficult thing for me right now. The 20 month old throws a fit if I try to work out while he is up and the 4 year old is no longer napping and my husband works long hours so can't watch them for me, so I just get it in when I can. Sometimes I take them to a local playground that has a sidewalk around it and walk while they play.
    I would love some SAHM friends on here! I need more friends to encourage me and I would be glad to encourage others!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hi everyone....trying to find motivation to workout this week. Did really bad with only one workout last weekend and ate horribly this weekend. Need to get back on track. Still having trouble on lunches to eat and healthy yummy dinners my family will eat. But if Ican't make super healthy meals i try to add in fresh veggies for a side. Well heres to a good week. Good luck everyone.
  • AmandaR910
    Well we enjoyed Halloween here, maybe too much. Definitely stepping up my work outs this week to make up for it. Finishing Week 3 of 200 Sit Ups, starting 100 Push Ups, and working on Week 3 of C25K. :)

    I'm due NEXT MONTH!

    Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey everyone!! Hope everyone had a great time trick or treating yesterday or if your town did it on Saturday. I posted a new pic of me, hubby, and the kids of us in our costumes.

    Getting ready to start the 100 push-up challenge, finishing up week 4 of a 10 week challenge. Not sure what's all going on this week, but hopefully get one day this week to walk around at the park with my walking buddy.

    Be back either later tonight or tomorrow to check in.

    BTW, Welcome all newcomers :)
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Welcome Posh! I usually go trick or treating to show off my kids anyway. :)

    Home - I like your idea for a costume next year. :) Yeah, had to go the grocery store for some buns, and people were just going crazy trying to get the last bit of candy. Crazyness!

    Mrsbuzz - don't stress. Every day is a new day and a chance to do well! :)

    The halloween party I threw was awesome, everyone had a blast! I ate a ton of sugar, for the first time in forever, but it was nice to have a break and enjoy food. Back to eating healthy, counting calories and running! Gonna try for 4 miles today, we'll see if I make it. :P It's a lot harder starting off the week, and I push the stroller today as hubby works. So between the two girls and the stroller its an added 60 to 70 lbs. Have my follow up appointment to check my cholesterol and such in a couple of weeks. I already dropped the weight they wanted me to a while ago, been on a plateau ever since. Here's to dropping even a few more pounds before I go in! :) Have a great day everyone!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    Posh~Way to go on the 4 lbs!!!

    Thank you to those who liked the costume it was fun (usually don't dress up but I am looking forward to next year).

    Barb~Cute pic I like it!

    Val~Good luck on the running. I am not much of a runner but maybe someday I will be.

    Well today we went for a bike ride as a family to his GMa's house and back (about 1 mile there and 1 mile back). About killed me I have been riding my bike much lately and it has been months since I pulled two children behind me. :tongue: When we got back home I put my bike and the trailer away and then laid down on the floor. I felt like I was going to puke! :sad: Guess I can't say that I am that surprised since it has been a while since I have exercised regularly. Well got to go it's late. Hope you all have a great day tomorrow.
  • AmandaR910
    I'm 33 weeks today!! 6 weeks until my son gets here (and only about 7 weeks until my husband is back for a short visit, military, he's been gone 3.5 months).
    DS is turning one on Saturday and I'm just a mess lol. I can't believe my little man is almost not a baby. He's SO close to walking. I'm kinda hoping he holds out until his dad is home in December though.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    tagging for later
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Had a great day!!

    Work out included: Walking, jogging, Weights, and basketball..and of course the dreaded 50 push ups. I joined that challenge. I got 9 cups of water in and was under calories.

    AmandaR... My baby boy just turned 1 on October 2nd! I know how you feel! No one tells you they are only "babies" for like 10 months!! Eli is so close to walking too! He took is first steps 5 days after his birthday and has been slowly taking steps since!

    I'm so excited for you for your new baby coming along ! Is it a boy or girl?

    To everyone else.. thanks for welcoming me with open arms! I'm so excited to be a part of MFP. I am inspired daily and love that this is a cool place to chat with other mommies!

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you better! HUGS!
  • bfaith7
    Hi everyone....trying to find motivation to workout this week. Did really bad with only one workout last weekend and ate horribly this weekend. Need to get back on track. Still having trouble on lunches to eat and healthy yummy dinners my family will eat. But if Ican't make super healthy meals i try to add in fresh veggies for a side. Well heres to a good week. Good luck everyone.

    There are some really tasty meals on I recently made the turkey lasagna and it was fabulous. My 17 month old couldn't stop eating it. :)
  • AmandaR910
    Had a great day!!

    Work out included: Walking, jogging, Weights, and basketball..and of course the dreaded 50 push ups. I joined that challenge. I got 9 cups of water in and was under calories.

    AmandaR... My baby boy just turned 1 on October 2nd! I know how you feel! No one tells you they are only "babies" for like 10 months!! Eli is so close to walking too! He took is first steps 5 days after his birthday and has been slowly taking steps since!

    I'm so excited for you for your new baby coming along ! Is it a boy or girl?

    Great job on the work out, water, and calories!!

    This baby is a boy, Jack will be his name. :) So one girl and two boys for us.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Amanda - so close! Keep it up!

    I also went biking today, although hubby pulled the kids. Not a lot of parks near us so we biked three and a half miles to the nearest one to play for a bit and then biked back. It was a blast, and I didn't feel like running so this was an adequate substitute. Gonna try for 4-5 miles tomorrow, then 7 for the big one on Thursday. The little one is now a little too addicted to her nuk and waking up at night screaming for it. That's our queue for getting her off lol. So we're doing what we did with her sister. Only for nap times, no time else. She's a bit cranky to say the least, but here's to a self soother in the next few weeks.

    Dinner is almost set, so off I go! Have a wonderful night ladies!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom for almost two years.

    By the way, if you want, you can add me! :bigsmile:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I have a little one that just turned one in Sept. My hubby keeps trying to tell me that he is no longer and baby and I need to allow him to cut his hair.:sad: I told him that once he cuts his hair it is all down from there. They just seem all grown up after their first hair cut. He got upset at me and told me that he needs a hair cut because he is starting to look like a lil girl (natural curly hair).

    Well today I got in a workout which is nice. I put my 1 yr old in the bouncer and the other boys played and watched me it was nice to get in a workout. Well got to go it is late.
  • AmandaR910
    I have a little one that just turned one in Sept. My hubby keeps trying to tell me that he is no longer and baby and I need to allow him to cut his hair.:sad: I told him that once he cuts his hair it is all down from there. They just seem all grown up after their first hair cut. He got upset at me and told me that he needs a hair cut because he is starting to look like a lil girl (natural curly hair).

    Well today I got in a workout which is nice. I put my 1 yr old in the bouncer and the other boys played and watched me it was nice to get in a workout. Well got to go it is late.

    Yeah we haven't cut either of our kids hair yet. I refuse. My DD is 2 and her hair is SO long and I love it. I'm SO happy I didn't let everyone cut it around her 1st birthday like they wanted to. Thankfully DS has curly little boy hair lol so no need to cut it yet.
  • pines2palms
    Just a quick Hello! Hope to be back later! :yawn:
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Katie - I'm lucky to have girls. My first one didn't get a haircut until she was 2. Then it was only a little trim to make the scraggly ends nicer. It actually made such a difference in how her hair looks to have it trimmed up a bit. She's had a total of 2 haircuts, both of them just trims. :)

    Well, I finally achieved my goal of jogging 5 miles tonight! I ran all 5 miles with a pace of a little over 12 minutes per mile, running all 5 in one hour and 2 minutes! Things are progressing nicely for the half marathon in January. We registered today and I am psyched!!! Tomorrow is our long run and we're going 9 miles! A bit nervous about that one, but the idea of the long ones is just to finish, so I get to walk a lot of it tomorrow. Last week we ran 8 miles and burned over 1200 calories, so we're going out for Stromboli and calzones when this run is finished tomorrow! :)

    In 2 weeks I have my follow up appointment with my endocrinologist to see how my cholesterol and liver lvls are doing since I started my high fiber diet and started running, etc. I've lost quite a bit of weight since the last one and eating quite well, so I'm hopeful that things will go well. We'll see. Well, off to eat a quick bite then rest a bit before bed. Have a great rest of your week!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Iwannabe- I just had to add that I absolutely love your quote! :) I'm a big police drama show fan (CSI, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist) It is so true on those shows at least! :P
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Good morning, ladies! This week has been so incredibly busy for me, and it's not even over yet! After 2 trips to the bank, I am now officially the new Family Readiness Group Treasurer. Go me! I'm really excited about this, as it will give me an opportunity to get out of the house a little bit, make some new friends, help out soldiers, and show off my organizing skills. :smile:

    This week also seemed chock full of doctor visits. I had mine on Tuesday, and the doc noticed that I have been losing weight! Then yesterday we had to take younger daughter up to Duluth (2 1/2 hours away) to see the surgeon for about 10 minutes, then turn around and drive another 2 1/2 hours home. I had to bring along my older daughter as well, and she was pretty well behaved for the most part. Younger daughter does NOT do well in car rides for that long...especially over nap time. :sad: the whole way.

    Tonight is a ladies' night out with the church group, and I'm baking a PIE! Won't eat any of it though, I promise. And tomorrow night I'm going out with a friend of mine to the Trace Adkins concert on post. WOO!!:drinker:

    Hope y'all have a good day!