SAHM 11-1-10 to 11-7-10



  • AmandaR910
    Good morning, ladies! This week has been so incredibly busy for me, and it's not even over yet! After 2 trips to the bank, I am now officially the new Family Readiness Group Treasurer. Go me! I'm really excited about this, as it will give me an opportunity to get out of the house a little bit, make some new friends, help out soldiers, and show off my organizing skills. :smile:

    This week also seemed chock full of doctor visits. I had mine on Tuesday, and the doc noticed that I have been losing weight! Then yesterday we had to take younger daughter up to Duluth (2 1/2 hours away) to see the surgeon for about 10 minutes, then turn around and drive another 2 1/2 hours home. I had to bring along my older daughter as well, and she was pretty well behaved for the most part. Younger daughter does NOT do well in car rides for that long...especially over nap time. :sad: the whole way.

    Tonight is a ladies' night out with the church group, and I'm baking a PIE! Won't eat any of it though, I promise. And tomorrow night I'm going out with a friend of mine to the Trace Adkins concert on post. WOO!!:drinker:

    Hope y'all have a good day!

    Sounds like you're busy! Congrats on your new position!

    We don't have much going on this week thankfully, but my son's 1st birthday is Saturday, and then next week my son has an appointment on Monday, I have an appointment and ultrasound on Tuesday. I think that's it, but I doubt something won't come up lol.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Val~I wish I could get away with just a trim but if I allow for the hubby to cut his hair then it will all come off. I need to find someone who will help me keep the ds4 busy while I cut his hair (then that way he only gets a trim). But right now I am not ready for him to even have a trim. Way to go on the running. I can't even imagine running 5 miles let alone 9!

    Home~Way to go on the treasurer position. I don't like it when schedules get messed up kids get so cranky! Good luck on the surgery what is she getting surgery for? Have fun on your girls night out!

    Amanda~Good luck on the Dr appt next week. I hope all goes well. Also good luck on the son's birthday. How far apart are your lil guys going to be? My closest are 13 1/2 months.

    Today I was able to go to the children's school and volunteer for the first time in like a month. It was very nice to be able to get out. I walked there in 11 min (1/2 mile) and back in 8 min. I jogged/walked on my way back. I got to say though the hill getting there is a KILLER. But I did it and it wasn't too bad either like it was when I first starting walking up at the beginning of the school year. YAY! Anyways got to go the hubby is going to be leaving and needs to take the laptop. Have a great day every one!
  • AmandaR910
    Amanda~Good luck on the Dr appt next week. I hope all goes well. Also good luck on the son's birthday. How far apart are your lil guys going to be? My closest are 13 1/2 months.

    13 months.
    My older two are 13.5 months apart. I love it.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Home - It always seems all mine and my kiddo's appointments fall on the same week... weird how that works huh? congrats on getting everything set for your new position! Having something that gets you out of the house and helps you feel productive is always a good thing!

    Katie - I took mine to great clips with me. It was 10 bucks but then she got her hair cut while I watched the other one. Worked well for me :P I'm not brave enough to go at my squirmy girl with a scissors, nor do I have enough skill to make it look anything but hacked up if I were to do it. :)

    We did 9 miles today, but only jogged a small portion of it this time. Normally we run at night when it's nice and cool, but we had our bible study tonight so we had to run during the day. It was just under 90 degrees but with the sun beating down on us it was pretty hot out. We did the entire 9 miles in about 2 hours and 15 minutes. Went out to eat afterward, but I've been so full ever since I only had that as a lunch/dinner. So I'm about 1200 calories under today. LOL. Oh well, my metabolism will probably having me eat slightly more than usual the rest of the week, and that's just fine with me :D I work a half day tomorrow. Should be pretty easy, and it's nice to get out of the house and do something other than deal with my kiddos. DD2 is going through nuk rehab (ie we're only giving her nuk for naptime or with nursery providers/babysitters) Thus she's been quite indignant and cranky with us. But it's slowly getting better. But needless to say, I will be glad to get out of the house for a few hours. Downside is that I have to get up much earlier than usual tomorrow morning. :( We bought DD1 a true set of sheats and a comforter and pillow for her bed. Up until now she's still been using blankets given to her when she was a baby. She was very excited to sleep in a bed that was just like mommy's. Tomorrow is bill day. A lot of our bills were lost in the mail this month and I just noticed. Not sure if hubby grabbed the mail one day and lost it or something, but time to do some dammage control tomorrow! :P Well, off to bed! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Not a lot to report....had to walk inside today because of the weather becoming crummy. We had snow in the forecast, but thankfully it didn't stick.

    Well, I need to get going....gotta pick up my daughter from her bus stop here soon and she gets her report card today.....I'm excited to see how shes' doing in the first grade...
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i know, haven't been on at all....nothing to report

    but nicole--this link is for you. just copy and paste into your browser. homemade gifts.
  • AmandaR910
    Another great gym day!! 387 calories burned, 50 minutes of cardio.

    We have appointments (pedi and OB) tomorrow and Tuesday so I doubt I'll make it to the gym both of those days.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Kind of dreading my weigh in tomorrow! I've had a tough week sticking to the plan, but today I'm refocused. Tomorrow morning will tell how off track I was. I'm just hoping not to gain. Wish me luck! :0) Thanks for all the support ladies!

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Sorry ladies, I have been so busy, I haven't even read all of the posts yet, but Stacey, TY for that website! It is awesome! There are so many cool ideas! I can't wait until we have a little one too , because there are so many cool ideas for little ones.
  • AmandaR910
    Kind of dreading my weigh in tomorrow! I've had a tough week sticking to the plan, but today I'm refocused. Tomorrow morning will tell how off track I was. I'm just hoping not to gain. Wish me luck! :0) Thanks for all the support ladies!


    Good luck!!! Either way, you're back on track and that's what matters.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Iwannabe- I just had to add that I absolutely love your quote! :) I'm a big police drama show fan (CSI, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist) It is so true on those shows at least! :P

    I know I got back to you late on this, but thanks. I stumbled across it on Facebook. :bigsmile:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! Sorry I wasn't here last week. We went to Tweetsie Railroad on Oct. 29th with the kids (teacher work day), and then that Saturday drove part of the Blueridge Parkway back home. When I woke up Sunday (Halloween) I was SO congested. Thought it was allergies after walking through the woods on Saturday. It turned out to be something else. Not sure what, but it was something! I wasn't sick enough to be completely nonfunctional, but sick enough that I couldn't function ... if that makes any sense to anyone.

    I am happy with myself that I've been doing a good job of staying out of the kids' Halloween candy! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: That's a huge accomplishment for a chocoholic like me! I have taken a little from each of their baskets, but nothing like I usually do!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I hate Wednesday because I have to run errands and pay bills, but on a good note, I'm out walking around and today walked for 165 minuets and burned 654 calories, woo hoo, go me, lol.

    Tomorrow and Friday going out walking for a couple of hours before I have to baby sit for my friend.

    How's everyone doing? Hope everyone is having a great day like me.

    Take care alll!!