SAHM 10/25 to 10/31



  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Amy - It's the small victories. :) I had a lull of a couple of weeks where I didn't log as much, although I think generally I stayed on track. But I wasn't losing weight so I finally decided to crack down! :P Keep it up, you can do it!

    Amanda - Yay on being so close! That last trimester seems to take forever! We're hoping to try for our third in march or so. My first was vaginal, but my second was a c-section because they were so huge and didn't want complications. I will say I recovered from my c-section much faster and no complications unlike the first. It all depends on each situation as to what is best. If we have another, we're definitely doing c-section as each one keeps getting bigger! :P

    Nicole - it's definitely getting easier. The first day of the week is hardest because my hubby can't go with me so I have to push the double stroller. :P Today was better, I jogged all 4 miles today. It's easier when hubby pushes the stroller and i have someone to talk to. :)

    Jogged all 4 miles today with my hubby. He works tomorrow so not sure if I'll get out, but we're planning on 7 miles on Thursday. Probably not gonna jog all of those, but hoping to jog most of it. :) Ate a bit more today, but as I burned 700 calories jogging it all balanced out in the end. :) Tomorrow I'm hoping to do another fall craft with the girls. We started having a small craft each night we don't run so the girls have some special fun time with mom (and sometimes dad). Sunday we carved pumpkins and DD1 had a blast! Well, off to go take a shower and head to bed! Have a great hump day tomorrow!
  • pines2palms
    Hello ladies! I haven't checked in as much as I'd like. I have been really busy---I don't know why, since I don't DO ANYTHING! Welcome to my life-my vent for the day-or my vent for EVER! LOL! Yeah, it's been a very stressful day/past 12 hours or so. So, I come home last night (from a SHORT visit with a family member), and WORK my bottom off getting the housework done-not all of it, but the essentials-laundry, dishes, etc. By the time I get done, it is after midnight, and I am very tired. So, I go to lie down in the bed. My husband starts this stuttering type stuff trying to tell me something...turns out that he is taking half a day off tomorrow to go fishing with his dad... Shouldn't be a problem, right? Well, I will tell you why it is...and you tell me...

    * He has NEVER taken a day off to spend with me. I have asked him to every year on our anniversary, his birthday, my birthday...and it's always, "I can't, we need the money." I agree...a family of five on one, I still ask, but always know that the answer will be the same.

    * He spent the ENTIRE weekend with his dad... They were together all day Saturday, until supper and sleep time...and all day Sunday...until supper and sleep time.

    * He always tells me that we need the money-so, let me tell ya...a HIS truck payment is due tomorrow, electric bill, water bill, rent...and other things that I don't even remember right now because I am so upset...and I tell him that I need some jeans (mine are FALLING OFF-woo hoo!), and he says that we probably won't be able to get them with this paycheck...BUT he has enough money to go out on a boat fishing with his dad...

    So, am I being selfish to not want him to go fishing with his dad? I am sorry if this is off topic, but I really needed people to share with... Also, this morning, he was ANGRY with me, didn't kiss me goodbye...because his jeans and work shirt weren't dry... Well, A PARTICULAR pair of jeans and a PARTICULAR work shirt. Why does he have so many clothes (our closet is FULL of HIS stuff) if he only wants to wear particular ones?! So, I washed the clothes last night, practically fell into bed and was asleep before I knew I didn't wake up EARLY this he LOUDLY puts his own clothes in the dryer (gasp!). A while later when I check them, the dryer isn't even hot because he had it on the wrong setting. So, he gets mad at me telling me that it should have been done yesterday...since I don't do anything else during the day. Hello? Who takes care of and schools our three children? How is your house cleaned? Your supper cooked? Besides that, I ran out of laundry detergent yesterday and couldn't do laundry until I got some...and my 7 yo ds was sick the night before, so some laundry was stuff that had vomit on I thought that was a priority and that it would be best NOT to put his stuff in there with it... My greatest fear- I am going to lose all of the weight that I want and need to, and nothing will change. Our intimacy has been little to none for a long time. He has refused to kiss me several times...and other rude things that he has done/said to me...and when I ask him why, he answers with his own question..."Why aren't you losing weight?" Apparently, my weight is the problem and everything stems from that...I do NOT believe that for one minute. I am doing this for me, my children, and for him...but he is probably my biggest reason...because I want him to treat me like he did in the beginning...but what if I do end up looking like a "HOT mama," and he finds something feels like that is what I am headed for... And now, that I am losing weight, he hasn't said one word...while other family and even people I see @ the stores have noticed and said something...even when I outright ask him...if this has been his PROBLEM with me, then when I am working toward fixing it, why, why, why isn't he saying SOMETHING?!

    Sorry for the long vent ladies. I truly have no one else to turn to...

    You all have been doing so great!

    Val-great on the jogging! 7 miles, really? At once? Looking forward to a day when that doesn't seem so difficult! :)
    Amanda-I have had 3 little babies-5.5, 6.3, and 8.2, so never had that problem, but have had family with your exact story, and they prefer C-sections as well.
    Nicole-I have been wanting to cross-stitch for a long time. Any recommendations for a beginner?

    Hope you all have a great rest of the day...and sorry again for my long vent!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Pines~From one woman to another I think that you need a ((((hug))))! Holy crap how much does he think that you can do!!!! I would be upset about the fishing too if I was you! I don't know how long I went after telling my husband that I needed a bra (mine are broken) before I just went and bought one myself (got a part time job). Then he gets all huffy because he was going to buy it for me. I kindly reminded him that I had told him months before and he had not bought me one so I bought one myself. I think sometimes that men just don't get how much work it takes to be a stay at home mom. At least they don't until they have to do it (when the mommy can't). I hope it gets better between the two of you soon.

    Nicole~Yes more canning this time it wasn't as much as before I didn't have that many apples to do. If I could get my hands on more I would do more but I am not sure if I will or not. It went good. Got a total of 21 quarts.

    I know that there were others that I wanted to respond to but I can't remember so sorry. :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    whoa, girls. lots to catch up on.

    i'm really worn out today, tho, so i'll be quick. boy is asleep in our bed--w/no sheets on it.....and i don't want to put them on. lazy girl.

    the trip was great in so many ways---just being w/my friend was awesome. and laughing. and GOOD food. and walking and shopping. it rained most of the time and even snowed while we were sleeping sunday night. but even that was fine. i'm so grateful i had this getaway. i've never left all my kids for an extended amt of time before....(not counting delivering babies or surgeries)...and it was HEAVEN.

    pines--sorry for the difficulties. maybe counseling is in order? do you have a pastor you can talk to? i'm glad you're doing this for you, but it sounds like something deeper may be going on. (((hugs)))
    but try not to let it take away from your success! you are making incredible progress on getting healthy. :)

    amy--nice job on the running. and it is hard to keep up with the logging. wtg on the scout stuff too.

    nicole, thanks for keeping this going each week. so appreciate the effort. :)

    bluerose--clean apt=happiness and clear thinking. good job!

    val--welcome back! keep up the running and the rest of the good work. how's the yard now?? are you doing any plantings this month? are you looking to sell, i don't remember. in any case, bet you're enjoying the cooler weather as are we.

    welcome newcomers! most understanding, supportive, encouraging group out there, imho.

    just to update for the new addns--i am sahm to dd-10, dd-6, and ds--almost 4. i live in las vegas and before that salt lake city and before that denver and grew up in the suburbs of chicago. i've been on this site for awhile and lost up to 12#, only to backslide from march till october. but i'm making a comeback! this is my first year homeschooling--just dd2. dd1 goes to public school, and ds goes to preK 2AM's per week. i've been married 14 yrs and no, we are not military despite the bazillion moves. i love to read, bake and walk. and i dabble in making quilts and purses and needlepoint.
    so that's a refresher course on me. :tongue:

    long post--off to sleep. good night all and start your morning strong!!:flowerforyou:
  • AmandaR910
    Is anyone not taking their kids Trick or Treating because they have a candy addiction and are NOT going to bring it in the house?!? I feel like such a mean mommy. But really, my DD is only 25.5 months and DS is only 11.5 months so it's not like that know the difference I guess lol.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Val- Excellent again on the running! I like the idea of craft night!

    Katie-I wish we lived closer, then we could help each other can!:tongue:

    Stacey- I am so glad to hear about your girls weekend! It is nice to just be an adult for awhile and not have to be resopnsible for anyone else!:flowerforyou: I love that time when I can get it!

    Pines- I think you and hubby need to have a sitdown and tell him exactly what you are felling and how what he is saying and doing is hurting you. I do think you need to communicate your feelings with him. He may have some things he wants to discuss too! See how that works and then maybe do counseling? ((hugs)) We are here for you to vent at anytime!:flowerforyou:

    Amanda- i would actually let the kids go trick or treating, but then we would only let them keep a really small amount and we would donate the candy to people who couldn't afford to have it, or I would take it into work. That way it wouldn't stay in the house very long.

    Cross Country District meet is today! I am so excited to see the kids run!
  • AmandaR910
    Finished Week 2 of C25K today!!!
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Finished Week 2 of C25K today!!!

    LOL~ my mom lives way out in the sticks, and she was shocked last week to see a group of people running by her house, and they continued to do it on a regular basis! She went out one day and asked them what they were running from...they were doing the C25K.:laugh:

    Pines~absolutely have a sit-down with your hubby, maybe after venting to us (which is totally acceptable, BTW) and getting most of the anger out, you can sit down a little more rationally with him. Don't misunderstand and think that I am calling you irrational! Sometimes when you let the anger out to someone else, it doesn't come back. Hopefully. In any case, you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers! :flowerforyou: I know how hard it is being on a single income, taking care of the house, and doing EVERYTHING. To echo Stacey~don't let it derail your motivation to get healthy.

    Stacey~so glad to hear you enjoyed your girl's weekend! I myself am taking tomorrow off and going to the arts and crafts show. Of course, this is contingent upon DH actually having tomorrow off to watch the kids. Watch, some dumba$% soldier will get arrested tonight and DH will have to go in to work tomorrow...:mad:

    Job search is not going so well, I'm afraid, but what are you going to do? I'm going to give my buyer a call and see if she wants some cinnamon chip scones...I just got a shipment of cinnamon chips in and I can make her a good deal.

    Hope you guys are having a super day!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    home--sorry the job hunt is turning up empty. are there any seasonal jobs coming on that would work for you? i hope you get to go to the craft show--have fun!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Pines - It sounds like the whole fishing trip isn't the real issue, just icing on the cake of a deeper attitude that has been hurting you. As hard as it is, there isn't a whole lot you can do to change the way he behaves. All you can do is pray hard for him, and make sure that your own attitude stays positive. Both about your weight loss and about him. My mom spent 12 years with my dad before he became clean from a drug addiction. It was rough and a long haul for her, but the biggest thing she told me is that he needed to see the need to change for himself. She couldn't make him. All she could do was love him and show him love to the best of her ability and that slowly started to affect his attitude and the way he looked at her. Key things if you do talk to him, don't accuse him saying he did such and such or he shouldn't do this. Instead tell him how his actions make you feel. People accept criticism if it's not accusing but isntead merely clarifying that certain behaviors hurt you, whether he intends them to or not. Hope this helps!

    Stacy - Good for you on going on a mini-vacation! I think too often we as Mom's think our kids' worlds will stop revolving if we were to leave them for even a day. Yet a small trip can do WONDERS for our attitude towards them and our mental (and physical) well being. I'm glad it was such a success for you. About a year ago we had been trying to sell our house, but instead we rented it out and bought another one in a nice neighborhood. We love our new house and are looking forward to trick-or-treating and meeting more of our neighbors. It was a short sale so the yard was scraggly, but we've gotten it mostly under control. Right now is continuing to shape up the back yard. We planted some new bushes in the front yard, but are taking a break to work on the back yard. :) Good memory!

    Amanda - I take our girls trick-or-treating just cause I love to see them all dressed up and so cute. And I love to show them off. :) But I don't grab a lot of candy, none for the baby, and I figure one night of fun is perfectly acceptable. If I don't get treats every once in a while, I'll fall off the bandwagon and go nuts! :P

    We went on our 7 mile walk/jog today. On average our pace was a 15 min mile so we kept up at a pretty good pace. It actually ultimately ended up being 8 miles. My legs are jello tonight, but I still feel good! Now we get the weekend off until monday before we run again. In celebration we went to a family pizzeria just down the street that I have wanted to go to for a while. It was super family casual and the food was fantastic. There was a small bar there, but the whole place reminded me of a modern day Cheers. Everyone seemed to know each other and were friendly and sweet. We're gonna go back every week after our long run as a reward for hard work. Now I'm excited about these long runs instead of finding excuses not to go! :P Hubby starts his work week tomorrow. We're so backwards....he works Fri - Monday and our weekend is really Tues - Thurs. :P Having my friends and family over for halloween, it should be fun! Have a great end to your week everyone!
  • AmandaR910
    Down in the weight again!! Now up 24lbs for the pregnancy. :) I feel great too, and very full each day! Didn't think that was even possible during pregnancy lol.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Is anyone dressing up with their kids? If so, what are you going as? We are!! :happy:

    I can't wait for Halloween, my 6 yr old daughter is going as Jessie from Toy Story 2, my 6 month old son is going as a football, my hubby is a football player, and I'm a witch, lol. Will post pics.

    Saturday hubby and I are going to go see Saw 3D, thanks to my mother in law for watching the kids!:happy:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~That would be nice. I always hate doing it by myself this year I was thinking how nice it would be when my girls are old enough to help me out. :smile: I did have a little help with my last batch of salsa and the first part of the apples but when it came to the second part of the apples she "bombed" out on me. :sad: That was the worst one because it was boring tedious and really no one to talk to when I was doing it. However I did gett another 9 quarts of apples.

    Home~I hope that the job hunting goes better for you.

    Stacey~glad you enjoyed yourself.

    Barb~Yep we are dressing up with our kids. The hubby is going as Jack Skeleton (Nightmare Before Christmas), I am going as a witch :laugh:, ds1firefigher/vampire, dd1 Lil pink riding hood (pink because we have a pink cape), dd2 snow white, dd3 mouse, ds2 spider, ds3 dragon and ds4 as Jack's dog. This will be the first time in a few years that we have both dressed up with them. This is really the first year that I am going to painting my face in a long while. I don't really like to do that but this year it sounded fun. :tongue:

    Well I got to get ready for the night (here in Utah they don't do trick or treating on Sunday it's on Saturday). I hope you guys all have a safe and fun weekend.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    bluerose - I'm not dressing up as anything this daughter's first b-day was a week and a half ago so I didn't feel up for trying to come up with and then create a costume for myself. :P

    Not a lot going on over here. Recovering from all my running, and helped out my bible study with a garage sale they put on. It was quite successful which was great, and had a lot of fun. They bought me lunch which turned out to be chipotle. I managed to keep myself to only half a burrito and saved the other half for dinner so I only went over in calories by a smidgen. I'm just proud of myself that I was able to eat only half, and that eating fast food has finally become a rare occurrence. I have every intention of enjoying myself tomorrow. :) No counting calories for the one day, just relaxing with my family. Not planning on going completely overboard, I am making pulled pork sandwiches instead of ordering out, and plan on having dinner before we trick or treat to prevent a desire to fill up on candy and chocolate instead. But if I want this to be a lifestyle change, then I give myself each holiday day to relax and enjoy food, and celebrate my success. :P

    My almost 3 year old is going as Cinderella and my 1 year old is going to be an angel. I'm super excited. I'm not dressing up this year, merely because my daughter's first birthday party was just a couple of weeks ago so I didn't feel up to assembling a costume for myself. Hoping next year a great creative wave will hit me. :)

    I hope you all have a fantastic Halloween with whatever you do, and stay safe!
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Happy Halloween, everyone!! Valmabel, I guess you need to recover from all that running! You go, girl! Your daughters costumes sound absolutely lovely!

    KatieM~love your new pic! I trust you had a good time last night?

    We had our trick or treating last night too (on the base, I think the city has it tonight, but I'm not taking the kids out again!). My 4 year old was a butterfly, and my almost 2 year old didn't get to go out, because she was being a STINKER. We had all gone to the Family Readiness Group Halloween Party earlier in the day though, and they had "trunk or treat" there, so she did get some candy. She dressed up as a Nebraska cheerleader! I kept trying to get her to say "Go Big Red!" but she wouldn't...I think we are already getting into the terrible 2's. God help us! :smile: BTW, I wound up going as the Queen of Hearts. I will NEVER set foot into a costume store on the 30th of October again. A fistfight nearly broke out! If I don't have a costume for next year, I'm just going to wear my old prom dress, put on some zombie makeup and go as an undead bridesmaid.

    I've got a busy day of cooking on my plate, if y'all will pardon the pun! I'm making an Oktoberfest meal tonight- schnitzel, spatzel, sauerkraut, cucumber salad, and for a special treat for the kids, homemade preztels. Hope everything turns out okay!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Val-that's ok. I totally understand, 1st bday parties are big ones to deal with :)

    Kaite-I'm going as a witch too, hehe, but I like yours, I'm not doing the green, kinda doing a different kind of witch, will pics...

    Happy Halloween everyone!! Stay safe and have fun!!!!
  • AmandaR910
    Happy Halloween!!

    Have a lot to do today. My son turns 1 next Saturday and we're having a small party (nothing big at all, just close family, since DH is gone).

    I took yesterday off at the gym and it was the first time in about 10 days and I felt super guilty. So I think I'm going today for twice as long as normal lol. I was able to make it through yesterday with only THREE pieces of Halloween candy, 270 calories total. Not the best, but really good for me.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi Girls! Can I join your group? I am a SAHM to a beautiful soon to be 13 month old baby boy. Happy Halloween to all of you!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Happy Halloween!

    welcome Posh!

    Katie- I love your costumes in your new pic!!!!

    Val-I am not dressing up either...This is the first year I haven't been into Halloween for some reason!

    Home- Good luck with the dinner today! It sounds yummy!

    Barb- I am looking forward to seeing the pics!

    We took our kids a their 2 friends to a haunted house last night. That was so much fun! they let us go thru 2 times. the second time was scarier! I like being in the middle of the group. I don't like anything touching me, so i was being so silly, that if I happened to be pushed out in the front, I would drag one of the kids in the front of me. I did that to my daughter and she tried to high tail it backwards and my leg got wrapped around hers and went flying ot hte ground with my shoe! A safety guy was there and he was laughing at us saying, what are you doing on the floor!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It was hilarious! Good times!

    I hope you all enjoy your day.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Thanks for having me girls!

    I wanted to share....

    I lost 4 pounds this week!! Woo hOOO!!

    That makes 9.5 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I'm so pumped.

    Thanks for letting me share..

    Did everyone have fun trick-or treating with your kids? Eli was soo cute. (he just turned 1.. Well..he will be 13 months tomorrow)
    He was a robot! SOoo cute! He even held his candy bag by himself when we went up to the door. We only went to about 5 houses. I know he can't eat much candy, but it was for pictures and mommy/daddy memories!