

  • I felt the same way for a while when I joined Curves, but I went any way because I told myself that I needed to go so I could get my health back under control. I had high cholesterol and high blood pressure when I started. I wanted to be able to play with my granddaughters with out being in pain or out of breath and my…
  • I had the same problem with snacking in the evenings and I found that it was not from hunger so much it was from bordem. I have to make sure I have a book near by in the evenings to read or work on my cross stitch to keep from snacking. I also use to have the problem of being very hungry around 3:00 pm. I found that if I…
  • You may want to change your excercise routine up a bit. I found that when I was doing the same thing every week my body got used to what I was doing and I stopped losing all the way around. I also found out that I was excercising way too much and when I cut back a little than I started to lose again. Ziz zaging your…
  • I like Leslie Sansone's walk Away the Pounds 3 mile walk, 4 mile walk and Walk Away the Pounds Boot Camp. I also have a 3 week boot camp one by Denise Austin. I rotate between these 4 DVD's
  • welcome, and wishing you great success on your new journey. I would like to be an encourager for you and a motivator. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • I drink iced green tea every now and then, and take a green tea pill at least once a day. I have been doing this for about 7 months along with watching what I eat and excersicing and I have lost 17 lbs of body fat, so for me it works. Keep trying it and see what happens if you like the green tea.
    in green tea? Comment by roxanea June 2011
  • Welcome and glad to hear you are making the first step to a lifestyle change. I would like to give you encouragement and motivation if you want.
  • My calories are at 1570 so I try to eat at least 400 calories for breakfast, sometimes it is less depending on how hungry I am when I get up in the morning and what I decide to have for breakfast. I never seem to eat the same thing everyday for breakfast it varies. With that said I think it really depends on the person as…
  • You can do it. It is not as hard as you think and by logging everything it helps you to really see that the items you are eating were not really the most healthiest choices. Do not beat yourself up if what you are eating is not the best, just remember that the next day is a new day and you are going to try and make better…
    in motivation Comment by roxanea May 2011
  • Some people say that you need to eat back all of your excercise calories and others say that you need to eat back half of your excercies calories. Personally for me when I work out I usually have anywhere from 300 to 600 calories that I get back. Somedays I will eat half of what I burned and other days I will eat none of…
  • Leslie Sansone has some great walk at home DVD's that burn calories. Her three mile walk takes about 30 minutes, the 4mile one on the same DVD takes about 45 and it comes with a stretch band for some toning execises while walking. She also has a weight loss boot camp one that comes with stretch bands and takes about 50…
  • Welcome and you can add me for support and encouragement.
  • Welcome and I would be glad to motivate you and encourage you on losing your last 15lbs.
  • Welcome, add me as a friend if you need encouragement.
    in NEW! :) Comment by roxanea May 2011
  • Welcome and you can count on me for encouragement. Add me as a friend.
    in New Here Comment by roxanea April 2011
  • One thing that I have found that even some of your so called good foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and lettuces even have sodium in them.
  • Check out they have a great website that shows exercise that you can do at home or while walking. Some of the excersies might call for hand weight, but I found out that holding canned goods work to start out will if you do not have any hand held weights. Empty quart milk jugs filled with sand or water and…
  • Welcome I am from Arizona also. Awesome loss. Add me as a friend for some great encouragement. roxanea from Sierra Vista,AZ
  • From my own experiences with food I have found that when I do not eat the same amount of calories every day I tend to lose more than when I do eat the same amount every day. I will have two day where my calories are 100 to 200 below my goal then I will have two or three days where I am right at my goal or a little over and…
  • As of last night it says that in 5 weeks I should weigh around 190.9. I wrote that amount on my calendar to see how close I can get to that mark. I do not eat the same things every day or burn the same amount of calories every day so it changes from about 1 to 3lbs, but we will see.
  • I know there are some DVD's on the market that have strenght training routines. I have always been told that if you do stenght training for your whole body on one day you need to give your body a rest the next day and do a walk or some other type of activity. If you work just your upper body one day then the next day you…
  • Everyone loses weight at differently from my experience, but I do know from my own past experience that when I lost weight too fast I had a tendency to put the weight back on plus some. The general rule that most doctors and dieticens recommend is 1 to maybe 2 pounds a week. I try for at least 1 to maybe 1.5lbs per week…
  • Welcome this site is awesome if you stick with it you will definitly lose weight and inches. I would like to be an encourager for you and you can add me as a friend if you like.
    in Hello all! Comment by roxanea March 2011
  • I drink green tea and white tea. I do not care for it warm I make it into ice tea and drink it when I have drank 8 glasses of water for the day and am still thirsty. The antioxidants in the tea help to flush out your system.
  • Hello, I have high cholsteral also. I found out about it a little over 4 years ago. Diet has definitly helped some, but I found out from the doctor that I was seeing at the time that Niacin can help lower high cholesteral if you can not take meds like Crestor for some reason. I found out I am allergic to meds like Crestor…
  • Sounds really good. Cottage cheese is one of my favorites. Will have to give this a try, thanks for sharing.
  • This sounds really good will have to give them a try. Like that they are low in sodium as really need to watch my sodium intake. Thanks for sharing.
  • I fill up my 12 oz water bottle every morning and have it sitting on the counter so that I see it and every time I walk into the kitchen through out the day I drink from it. I have even gotten so that when I sit down in the living room in the evening I have my bottle of water handy. Once in a while I will add a Liption…
  • Allowing yourself to eat your favorite snack when you are craving it is okay just eat what is considered a portion. I have found that if I am craving a favorite food and I put it off and do not eat it at that time I end up overing eating what I should off my favorite snack. I have come to the realization that so I may only…
  • Welcome, if you need some encouragement along the way feel free to add me as a friend.