The High Cholesterol Club :(

triscuitsmom08 Posts: 47 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Anyone else have to have a DRAMATIC change in diet and exercise because of high cholesterol? I have lost weight but my diet and exercise are not enough but heres the sad insurance WONT pay for my cholesterol med's and my bad cholesterol is in the 300's!!!!! It's scary and I'm only 22. It's mainly in part of my diabetes and being overweight. She said my diet had too much snack stuff in it (HOW?!) and to only have small portions of snacks during the day or get smart. Funny thing is I love snacking on carrots.

No fried Foods
No Chips, No Cheetos, NOTHING like that
No Red Meat

LOTS of fruits and veggies

Whose in with me?!


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Perhaps your cholesterol is genetic more than dietary?

    Do you like eggs, shrimp, or milk? They have high amounts of cholesterol as well.

    I used to have 179 cholesterol last year. This year, nothing changed really, but it went up to 269. I am highly ticked off...but I digress...

    I have decided to use egg whites instead of eggs, remove shrimp and all other shellfish unless it is a "cheat" meal, and use almond milk instead of cow's milk which is cholesterol free goodness.

    I've also decided that when I do exercise, I will be going as intense as possible so I can burn a minimum of 400 calories a pop...raising the heart rate like that helps clear it up as well.

    Eating oatmeal, beans, and cinnamon are good too.

    I've just started doing the above, and I've lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks. I will get the lab numbers checked again next year, but at least the scale is working right.
  • Mmmm. Cinnamon. I'm on it, thanks!
    Count me in on this group. I found out last week that I have a total count of "7" by Australian terms but that comes out to 271 on the American standard. I was a bit lower at the last test two years ago when I was still a vegetarian but I don't eat THAT much red meat.
    I'm blaming Julia Child. Saw "Julie and Julia" in that 2-year gap and I've been filling my days and plates with butter. And whole eggs.
    So I've outlawed butter for the next six months when I have the next blood test. And only two whole eggs a week.
    What's the first order of business for the club?
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I can relate to this club. I have worked on cleaning up my diet this past year and my total cholesterol was 243. I was so bummed. My mom's is sky high so I know it is genetic. I do believe aerobic activity helps and until recently I haven't been able to do this much. I had 2 surgeries on my feet in the last year so it has been mostly floor work for me. I am working at getting the heart really pumping a few times a week. I rarely eat eggs and have oatmeal several times a week. When I drink milk, it is skim most times. Yes, what is our plan as a club?:flowerforyou:
  • No one's written here for a while so I'll start.
    Is anyone up for a recipe exchange? I got into this whole high-numbers mess from my habit of baking on the weekends to have treats throughout the week. I'd still like to continue this tradition, but I'll need recipes with no eggs (or only egg whites) and no butter. Trying to avoid butter substitutes as well -- so bring on the applesauce!
    I found a great muffin recipe here:
    They kept well throughout the week and were pretty tasty.
    Anyone else have tips or foods to share?
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 234 Member
    Hello fellow cholesterol fighters!

    Hope you are all well!

    It is nice to know there is a group on here for high cholesterol issues! I was very relieved to find some 'friends' who I can relate to!

    Ok so here is my background story/sob story:

    I have always been healthy and relatively active so it came as a huge surprise when I was told I have insanely high cholesterol levels 9.8 mmols (normal for my age is 3) which is about 3.2 g/l (normal for my age is 1.5). the first time I found out about the high levels was about 2 months ago - at that time it was 9.6. I started going on a diet and since then lost 3 kilos and ate lots of fish, olive oil, avocados etc .

    Yesterday I consulted my doctor after being on a diet for about two months and had another blood test only to find out it went to 9.8!! The doctor then explained that my cholesterol is a hereditary condition (yes I was also very dubious at first!) and no matter how hard I exercise or diet, without medication it will not go down. She was very shocked at ages 28, it was so high!
    So as of yesterday I have been taking pills called CRESTOR 5mg which of course was very hard to accept! i never had to take any pills or meds in my life!!!

    So I have now decided to exercise a lot more and keep up the diet as I don't wanna die young :( .... not to mention having to take meds my whole life! :(

    So if you are in the same position, please share your story and feel free to add me!!!

    All the best,

    your new friend!

    Fat Fighter!
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 234 Member
    I would be up for any recipe exchanges but to be honest I do not know any as I only just recently have been getting into this low cholesterol cooking! Happy to work together though!

  • 35again
    35again Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in this club too. I had high cholesterol at age 17 already, and it's just gone up up up since. The test I had last july showed my total at 280! Besides the typical "lose weight and exercise" most dr's Rx you, mine said to keep my daily cholesterol intake to under 200 mg. I do that well most of the time with my average being about 150 mg. Just had my levels rechecked and my total is down to 252. He said to keep doing what I'm doing and recheck again in 6 months at my annual checkup.
  • Hi there!
    Welcome (although being part of this club is a rather dubious distinction!).
    I'm afraid my problem might be genetic as well. After I found out my count, my father chimed in on how he's been on anti-cholesterol meds for a few years. Thanks, Dad!
    I'm going back for another test in May and we'll decide if I need meds or not at that point, but I feel for you, AngelDust. Being told this is chronic at 45 is bad enough but at 28?! Eek.
    The low point of this is Australia doesn't list cholesterol percentages in their nutritional labels. AT ALL! It's maddening! So I'm actually relying even more on myfitnesspal app to see what they "think" the percentages/counts might be.
    So yes, any recipes we can exchange, or health plans. Support is a good thing.
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 234 Member
    Little update:

    15/2/2011 - just had my cholesterol checked earlier in the week and yessssssssss! It went down to 7.4 from 9.4!! so I am a very happy bunny! most of it is to do with me going on medication but hey i am just happy it is going down!!!
  • Hello, I have high cholsteral also. I found out about it a little over 4 years ago. Diet has definitly helped some, but I found out from the doctor that I was seeing at the time that Niacin can help lower high cholesteral if you can not take meds like Crestor for some reason.

    I found out I am allergic to meds like Crestor and such. I have been using niacin tablets to fight my choleteral for the past 4 years and it has come down back into the normal range for the bad and the good. The only thing with the niacin it can cause what is called flushings which are not very fun, so my doctor suggested I take a low dose asprin a half hour before I take the niacin.

    Niacin can be bought at any store here in the United States that sells Nature's blend Dietary Supplements. They are timed released tablets that help keep the flushing to a minimun.

    Hope this information is helpful to you all and good luck with fighting this battle.
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 234 Member
    thanks for sharing - very useful! i m on Crestor but I find I have migranes since I have been taking it! so will see my doc soon!
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I have been on a statin since November. I have gained 20 pounds since November while on a weight loss regimen. Coincidence?

    My liver levels have shot up as well.

    I believe that I am gaining weight because my liver is not functioning as efficiently as it could be because of the meds.

    I want to go off the statin but I have read that can be very dangerous as the cholesterol level will het high really fast.

    I would love an alternative to the statin but my Dr. wont budge.

    I too have started with oatmeal and other foods known to keep choleseterol in check.

    I would love to hear about an alterntative to my situation.

    After 3 months of meds my cholesterol went down from 297 to 264.
  • amberdw78
    amberdw78 Posts: 1
    I am in this club! I just found out that my total cholesterol is 341!!!!! I am 32 years old and consume less than 200 mg of cholesterol a day on average its less than 100! SO its my genes causing the high cholesterol! My dad, aunts, grandparents all have very high cholesterol! I just started Lipitor (20mg) and will be tested again in 3 months! No red meat, no shellfish, no fast food, nothing high in trans or saturated fat... hoping to loose weight in the process ( i am overweight too). Wish me luck!
  • alicebud
    alicebud Posts: 72 Member
    High cholesterol is the reason I am here!

    I found this website helpful to learn about the condition.

    I haven't read all the articles, but in the links under See Also, I read the Dietary Fats, MUFAs, and (near the bottom) cholesterol: top 5 foods to lower Your numbers.
    I have been taking a fish oil supplement and adding more nuts to my diet. And, I go to the MFP and other recipe websites to find healthy ways to add "good" fat to my meals.

    I am learning to eat healthy and will go back for a followup test in September. I Wish everyone else much success!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I had high cholesterol levels (I don't even remember the numbers), and several years ago, my doctor put me on Lipitor. At my annual physical five years ago, I asked him about the Lipitor causing me leg pain. He told me that he thought that would have been an immediate side effect, not one with a gradual onset. However, if you read the Lipitor website, in some cases, a gradual onset could occur.
    SO.....when he didn't think that was it, I went off of the Lipitor cold turkey, and felt better within a week. At this time, my blood sugar was elevated. When I told the doctor I'd quit the Lipitor, he said he'd recheck cholesterol levels in two months when he wanted to check my blood sugar. Well, long story short, both my blood sugar and cholesterol levels were high. The doctor sent me to a dietician, who focused more on the blood sugar end of things, and I was able to begin losing weight.
    The following year at my physical, I was about 60 pounds lighter, my blood sugar and cholesterol were within normal limits, and I only take Synthroid for hypothyroidism (the only prescription drug I take).
    By keeping the weight off, I've been able to avoid taking anything for diabetes and have been able to remain off of the cholesterol medication.
    Just my real advice.
  • iamhopeful
    iamhopeful Posts: 25
  • jknops2
    jknops2 Posts: 171 Member
    Ok, me too. I have been using Crestor 10 mg for 5 years now which got LDL consistently down from 180 to 90, but had no impact on HDL or triglicerides .

    6 months ago, my glucose was too high, so reading up, I decided to lose weights I lost 35 lb, from BMI 28 to 22. I cut out most saturated fat and red meat, increased fiber and ate a lot more fish and got HDL up from 42 to 62, and triglycerides from 247 to 95.

    So, in my experience, yes statins work to bring LDL down. But it also really help to bring your weight down, and change your diet.
    I cut Crestor to 5mg 3 months ago, but I don't have any recent lab data.

    Recent evidence does not support any benefit from Niacin or cinnamon.
  • alicebud
    alicebud Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for sharing. Do you add anything specific to your diet (fish oil, almonds, or flax seed) to your diet? My aunt takes fish oil and almonds everyday . A sister told me to take flax seed. Another sister said to just accept the family curse and start taking meds! I am not ready to do that, so very glad to hear of your (kbanzhaf ) success off the meds.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    My mom's cholesterol was 300+ even though she was eating mostly grains and veggies. Hers is definitely genetic. Her father had a stroke at age 40. I'm probably at risk too... hopefully eating healthy and exercising every day will keep it at bay, but I'll have to get my numbers checked once I turn 30.
  • Mine is 300+ Honestly, it really scares me.
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