uncomfortable working out with others

does anyone else feel very self concious about working out with others? wether it be friends or your spouse? did you find a compromise, or just continue to work out by yourself? i'm curious to hear your thoughts on the subject. :)


  • bmccrory2
    bmccrory2 Posts: 84 Member
    I do as well. I would love to see the feedback you get on this.
  • Hj723
    Hj723 Posts: 141 Member
    I mostly hate working out with other people. I have my one friend that I actually enjoy working out with but our schedules never meet up. She's in tip top condition and I'm a joke. I work out at home. I found a lot of home no gym workouts that I could print out on womenshealthmag.com. and do that. I'm hoping that as my body gets into the shape I'm working for the fear of working out with others will go away. Good luck and stay strong. You can do it!!!!
  • prizmaa
    prizmaa Posts: 62 Member
    I also feel self conscious working out with others, even my husband. I don't know why, I just feel weird, lol. So I much prefer to just workout by myself at home, then come on here and get the support and motivation I need from friends here :)
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I definitely felt self conscience at first, but everyone starts off somewhere. If anything, seeing some of these people walk past me make me work even harder. I WANT to eat the persons total miles on the elliptical next to mine. I WANT to do more crunches so I can have rock hard abs at the gym. I feed off other people to help myself, if that makes any sense at all.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Working out with a partner is so much better because they help motivate you. Not only with encouraging words but also because your pride may push you a little harder to look better in front of someone.
    I always push myself harder when I workout with a buddy.
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    Yes I do, but I do it anyway!! Personally I feel like I work harder in a class with a qualified instructor and with other people.....however, do I hate it when I look up in the mirror and see myself next to other people??? Hell yes!!

    I get through it by (i) either keeping my eyes down and push harder or by watching the instructor to make sure I am getting the moves right and (ii) accepting my body shape at the moment and therefore knowing that I look fat compared to others that use my gym. I am able to do that because I KNOW that it will be temporary :smile:

    Good luck on your journey Vx
  • I am a very self-conscious cardio spaz. I have to exercise in a closed room without anyone seeing me to get things done.
  • TOTALLY!!!! For two years I worked out alone with DVD's. The thing that caused my change: I spent the necessary money on the appropriate unmentionables namely new sports bras. I went for a personal fitting and am so glad I did. I now feel like I don't have too much of my business becoming everyone else's business! I also picked up a couple of outfits (because we girls like to look good doing what we do best - taking care of ourselves and our loved ones!) The other thing that helped tremendously is my "spouse" (we're not married . . . yet) took an interest in working out too. Having someone you trust and love digging in the trenches of sweat and victory is a great magic blanket of invisibility! Now, I don't care who's in the gym (I only started publicly working out three weeks ago). One last thing: Go to the place where you want to potientially workout. Check out the equipment and especially the people - you will likely be surprised. Everyone is on a journey in there - that's why they are there! Some will be behind you in the journey and sure, some may be ahead, but one thing is for certain - they are not all super models!
  • It use to bother me, however I figure it this way: If gyms were meant for people who were IN SHAPE ONLY, there would be a weight limit.

    I don't care who sees me working out. I don't look in mirrors (avoidance tactics at their best!), but at a certain point it is obvious why I am there, so staring is really a waste of time. They can look if they want. I don't care if I'm slow, I don't care if I'm temporarily injured which makes me limp noticeably. I'm still lapping everyone on the couch.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I use to feel like this too. I felt like people were watching me or judging me for being over weight. I hated when i was walking on the treadmill as fast as i could and then some 90lb thing comes and gets right beside me and starts running so fast it make me dizzy.

    I had to relize that I'm not working out for anybody else but me. So what if they are running and i'm walking. Who cares if they can jump higher than me? I have to take my health back in control. Once i started this mind set i don't even notice the other people there.
  • I felt the same way for a while when I joined Curves, but I went any way because I told myself that I needed to go so I could get my health back under control. I had high cholesterol and high blood pressure when I started. I wanted to be able to play with my granddaughters with out being in pain or out of breath and my husband was paying for the membership and I felt guilty if I did not go.

    There are still times when I do feel uncomfortable, but I remember about how good I feel after I have worked out and that I have dropped a dress size.

    You need to just tell yourself you are excercising for you or what ever keeps you motivated and not worry about what other people are thinking most of the time you would be suprised to know that they are more then likely saying "Good for you".
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I feel weird doing it around anyone except my kids (they are 4). It helps that my fiance gets out of work in the early afternoon so I know I need to workout in the AM or I won't workout at all. I've just recently gotten back on the workout wagon with an AM workout today. I don't mind doing the treadmill/jogging with my fiance here, but it's so weird doing my dvds and strength training around him.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I don't mind working out in a gym with other people, but I do prefer to workout alone. Mostly because I like to listen to my obnoxious, loud and profane metal while I'm pushing through my cardio. I will tell you, I love my "at home" gym because I can listen to whatever I want and don't get weird looks. lol
  • cdstadt
    cdstadt Posts: 311 Member
    I force myself to not let it bother me.

    And as for the workout buddy, I can take or leave it. Especially if that buddy finds a way to stop the exercise early. It makes me feel like I can quit too so it's just that much harder to keep going.
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    About 5 years ago I use to do an aerobics/strength training class, with a group of ladies (5-10) of us... and I loved it! Right now I only workout by myself and love that tooo!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    This is one of my big big issues. I make DH leave for work before I get up to work out. The kids have to stay in bed or out of my way while I work out. I won't go to a gym, and I really rather run alone. I've learned to self motivate and appreciate my time alone. I rationalize it that I spend my day with either public or the family, so workouts are ME time. I get really self conscious when I run in races, and prefer to do them out of town. I also get uncomfortable when someone tells me "I saw you out running". I laugh and ask if I looked fast :) I really need to learn to deal with it better and be proud of my accomplishments. I can see my shyness in public workouts if I were still overweight but I'm at goal weight and down from size 14 to 0 now and still can't get over being seen in workout clothes, or sweaty.

    What's funny is I've danced for years since I was a little girl, and have no problem performing in front of someone, just not working out.
  • I felt silly, but got used to it with my fiance and son seeing me workout. especially when it came to the TurboFire videos. I felt so stupid doing it (which, for me ended up being part of the fun, to be silly and goofy). When it came to someone doing it with me, like my best friend or my roommate I was fine with that. my discomfort only really manifests anymore when it's someone outside of the household. it took time. if I didn't get used to doing it when someone was around, I'd never have the opportunity. :)