

  • Welcome Vicky! Small changes consistently done over time work best. Big drastic changes are hard for us to stick with and don't typically last so be careful! Making a habit of logging your food and doing exercise 2-3 times per week is awesome and you will see results if you stick with it.
  • Me too! I'm getting back into it after a cruise and preparing for the hot summer months (ugh Florida). Welcome!
  • I'm having a blast with machine embroidery too! I've incorporated it into a few quilts now. I love using it for making quilt labels though.
  • Bumping this thread for all the newbies that might need MFP friends!
  • Wow that's awesome! What are you going to do with it?
  • If only I didn't have to work a real job! The second one I designed in EQ7 with leftover HST units I had from the doggie commission quilt. I debated on the border for a while. The string border took lots of time to do but was worth it I think.
  • My new routine is weight training 1-2 times a week and cardio in between 2-3 times. Trying to get to the gym at least three times a week now. The weight training sessions leave me pretty sore for a day or two afterwards.
  • I'm quilting this wall hanging right now - it'll be a wall hanging RB_Panel_3 by MagnoliaFly, on Flickr Also quilting this: Untitled by MagnoliaFly, on Flickr This was sent off to the longarmer recently: "Unnamed" Quilt - Origins by Basic Grey fabric by Moda - Design by Kimberly Einmo by MagnoliaFly, on Flickr A top…
  • I'm quilting a wallhanging for a baby right now and I've got a scrap quilt that I'm slowly working on quilting. Tons of straight lines so it's taking a while. My friend is doing a craft show at the end of this month so I'm trying to work on some things for her to sell there too.
  • I have over 20 UFOs and several kits waiting to be assembled. I've worked on a few UFOs this year. Love quilt shopping! I visited two of them in Sarasota last Thursday and really enjoyed them.
  • Found a new app! Have you ever bought a gym membership and never used it? GymPact helps you keep your own fitness promises. Earn real money for making your workouts — paid for by those who missed theirs! With cash on the line, you'll find it easier than ever to get to the gym and see real results.
  • I encourage everyone to add friends from the group so you can encourage each other along the way! We've got lots of new members so take a look and add some new friends.
  • I'm excited about our challenge! I don't know that I'd do it for money but I will for fat quarters.
  • Ok well I'm back at the gym now. Since traffic is going to get awful when school gets back in session I figure I can work out at the USF gym instead of sitting in traffic for 30-45 minutes. Did 30 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical today - omg it was brutal. But I did it!
  • I'll have to try that! I had a bad week. Ate like three chocolate chip cookies and bread I wasn't planning on eating. :/
  • Bree - I'm slowly getting the bad food out of the house. Not much left now though most of it seems to be high in carbs. I know how it is not wanting to get dressed to go get something you crave! I'm a sweets person and a complete emotional eater. Always feel like if I have a bad day I "deserve" to have a cupcake or ice…
  • I usually work with cotton. T-shirt quilts can be tricky since they are often quite stretchy. Careful cutting of the main part of the t-shirt is the most important thing. I've purchased fabric off of ebay and I've had mixed results. I go after the scrap boxes and I've received some good ones and some bad ones. Quality of…
  • Don't let one days failure make you feel so guilty you quit. One day didn't get you to where you are and it'll take more than one to dig your way out. Keep at it! Just move on.
  • Welcome Maggie and to all our new members! Please be sure to friend each other so you can see status updates and offer encouragement. I think that is a big help with MFP! We all have good weeks and bad weeks. Being able to get a kind word from a buddy on the same path can make a difference. Stick with it! If we can do…
  • I allow myself one cheat meal a week. I try to either stick to a meal I normally wouldn't order or I let myself have a dessert. Occasionally during the week I go 100 calories over one or two days but for the most part I stick to my guns. I'm trying to make a lifestyle change I can stick with in the long-term.
  • I find it annoying that some major chain restaurants refuse to provide nutritional information on their websites. I try to plan best I can and make good choices if I'm not sure the exact calorie count. Some restaurants are easier than others. Counting calories is definitely making this easier though! I know exactly when…
  • What's almond milk taste like? Is it good?
  • The Voskos isn't that bad. Blueberry and strawberry were both good. DO NOT get the honey kind that was totally gross.
  • I'm horrible about eating breakfast. What I've been forcing myself to do is to eat a cup of greek yogurt. I like the Voskos Blueberry with Granola. 140 calories and it is within my carb limits for the day, plus it has lots of protein so I feel full. Today I had some oatmeal leftover from dinner last night for…
  • Doctors will insert you even if you haven't had children. You just need to find the right doctor. I had mine inserted at 23 with no kids. It took some searching to find an OB/GYN that would do it on my insurance but after that it was fine. A Mirena is better than having to remember to take a pill every day or accidentally…
  • Have you thought about getting an IUD? They have hormonal (Mirena) and a non-hormonal (Paragard) variety. I had the hormonal variety which is good for 5 years. No periods! Foolproof. The non-hormonal kind lasts 10 years but your periods get worse so there is a catch-22 there. I felt better on Mirena than on the pill or…
  • I guess I should start. I'm Katie - I run the Katie's Quilting Corner podcast and blog. I love to eat! I started gaining weight shortly after moving in with my husband 10 years ago. Right now my goal is to lose about 75 lbs and see where I'm at then. My main goal is to work on getting healthier so I can do all sorts of…