

  • I actually started using a "game" on the XBox 360 called Nike+Kinect Training. It starts you off with body weight exercises and you progress to using dumbells and continue to bump up your weights with heavier dumbells as you go (at your discretion). It also has different lengths of time you can choose to train and…
  • Mine fluctuates by about 2 lbs. I weigh myself weekly, and it's always within that range. Keep in mind that I've been in maintenance since December 2012 though. It took a few months for my weight to stabilize when I first reached maintenance (I was actually still losing below my original goal for a while). Once I got set…
  • Coco's new chocolate peanut butter pie. I have a huge weakness for chocolate/peanut butter and have been salivating over images of it for a while. I finally broke down and bought one - 990 calories/slice, if you can believe it! And boy was I wasn't "bad" but it was nothing to write home about, and if I'm…
  • I noticed those shrugs also; they're a recent development, and I have no idea why I started doing it. Will really focus on preventing that next time. And yeah, I've been working to get my hips a bit lower in general and will continue to. Yes, I've got the bar in contact the whole way up.
  • Thanks for pointing both of those things out. I hadn't noticed the heels and thought I was pushing off from them, so I will focus on that during my session today. Will also try the pelvis shift forward.
  • I'm looking to get some feedback on my form for: Deadlifts - Squats ( Bench ( I'm due to be bumping up the weights on them soon, and while…
  • As a lifter in her early forties who has been consuming a good deal of protein on a daily basis (typically at least 100g), this article is certainly not what I wanted to read...
  • Nevermind my response - I didn't realize the OP was talking about scale weight; thought she was asking about increasing the weight on her lifts.
  • This might be the best post I've ever read on this site. Wonderful, uplifting story and very well written too! Thank you for sharing it with us; I'm sure you'll inspire many people.
  • Thank you for offering this. I'm interested!
  • I guess I'm in the minority here, but I like Arctic Zero - yes, I like the way it tastes as well as its texture. I used to eat really rich ice creams before I went on my weight loss journey, and ice cream was my big weakness. It was the one thing I knew I should give up but just couldn't. When I found AZ, it was a godsend.…
  • Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld. Every recipe I tried was a failure - food that was supposed to hold together didn't, that sort of thing. It was like there were additional instructions that were missing. Sure loved the idea and am still struggling to get my kids to eat their veggies.
  • My usual last snack of the night this winter has been a super easy mug cake: 2 TBS Hershey's Cocoa powder (I've had the best luck with this brand), 2 tsp Nectresse (you could of course use your own sweetener), 1 egg white, dash of water Stir it all together in a mug (it takes a while to get to the right consistency; just…
  • Have you tried any of the interval routines on Fitnessblender? Some include burpees (some don't), but the nice thing is that each exercise is all out but for a limited duration. The challenge of it and the way you're constantly moving on to the next thing is what helps me to enjoy it more than I would just doing X number…
  • -What's your calories per day? 1600 -Height, weight, age, gender 5'5", 116, 42, F -How many times do you exercise per week? 6 days per week - 4 weight training with 20-30 minutes of cardio intervals in the evening and 2 cardio with 2 longer interval sessions -How many meals do you have per day? 3 meals + 2-3 snacks -Any…
  • I finished losing the weight in Dec. 2012, and I've struggled with feeling much colder ever since. My body hasn't adapted yet...not sure it's going to! The worst was going swimming and being cold even in a heated pool. When I got into the Jacuzzi, I just wished it was the pool instead. :P
  • My # 1 strategy was to shift my focus from weight loss/diet to fitness. I had already been exercising throughout my weight loss journey, but I decided to venture into the world of strength training in order to really challenge myself and to hopefully get better definition. It was a good way to channel all of that…
  • I don't like how a small reduction in my medication (from .125 to .100) made me gain 3 lbs that I cannot lose and dropped my TDEE down from ~1950 cals/day to ~1600. That makes me grumpy! The thin hair is no fun either, but yeah, the cold... I was actually blaming that more on my weight loss, assuming that less body fat was…
  • Have you tried any of the running mixes by MotionTraxx or PodRunner? I use their interval stuff, but they have many steady-state mixes too.
  • I'm still trying to figure out what my TDEE is now, but I think it's around 1600. It was at ~1950 prior to my doctor reducing my thyroid medication dosage. My weight started going up at that point when nothing else had changed, so I had to start dropping calories little by little, to try to drop the extra and find a stable…
  • Don't eliminate your chicken! I doubt very seriously that it's costing you many extra calories, assuming you're eating the white meat, like chicken breast. The typical calories on that are 120 for 4 oz. 4 oz. is a good bit of chicken! I weigh mine and am always surprised by what a generous portion it is. Even if you're…
  • Ha - that profile picture kind of tells it all, doesn't it? Yes, indeed, I do naturally tend to carry my children and anything else on the right, which is no doubt a big part of what has caused the imbalance. Going forward I'm going to try to use my left side instead for the practical stuff as well as the formal lifts.…
  • Just thought I'd update - had my husband watch today as I loaded the bar for a very light deadlift and did my best not to pop the hip. Despite my not feeling it, he immediately observed that I was lifting from my right side. He worked with me to try to correct it, and by the end said I had (I focused on pushing from my…
  • Thanks, Arrogance and Dope. I thought that motion of my hip looked a little odd; I couldn't figure out what it was or why I was doing it. I've looked back through my videos for a few months., and it looks like I've been doing it for a good while, although not to such a noticeable degree as it was yesterday. I know I've got…
  • So I tweaked my back today in the middle of my deadlifts. I'm not entirely convinced that the problem was caused by the deadlifting (I had a different pain going on yesterday that seemed to be gone today but perhaps just morphed), but that's when I felt the pain. I'd appreciate any comments on my form that might have…
  • I have goals that drive my exercise. Originally, it was weight loss and health, of course, but once I hit maintenance, it became more about body re-composition. I took up strength training, and if you're a goal setter, it is a great form of exercise. It is ongoing - there's always a higher weight you can strive for or more…
  • Absolutely! I lost the bulk of my weight via fast walking. I used a combination of DVDs by Leslie Sansone, that add a few other exercises to the walking (such as kicks, knee lifts, side steps, and so on). I'm sure those additional moves helped with conditioning while I lost.
  • I've been lifting since Feb, but I was already in maintenance by that point, so wasn't really looking at it as a weight loss tool, but just for strength and toning. I've really enjoyed it and only seen positive benefits from it - nothing compares to the definition you'll get from lifting. As far as nutrition goes, I mainly…
  • If you feel a little lost for motivation after pushing so hard to reach your weight loss goal, switch your focus to advancing/continuing to advance your fitness. Try new forms of exercise; set new fitness related challenges and goals for yourself, etc. It can help you to mentally switch out of weight loss mode and it will…
  • I've been in maintenance since the beginning of the year, so I'm definitely more exercise focused than food focused at this point. I primarily weight lift and throw in cadio intervals when I can. I'd love to have a few more fitness friends, and I especially like it when people keep a more detailed exercise log, for…