
What gets you motivated to exercise? Like I'm trying soo hard but I"m usually busy with work & school or I'm just lazy . Any Suggestion ?


  • tarasoltanzad
    I usually look at a lot of "fitspiration"
    for example:
    or i follow daily motivation twitter accounts that help me stay motivated. :)
  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    I have goals that drive my exercise. Originally, it was weight loss and health, of course, but once I hit maintenance, it became more about body re-composition. I took up strength training, and if you're a goal setter, it is a great form of exercise. It is ongoing - there's always a higher weight you can strive for or more reptitions to shoot for or even a new lift/bodyweight exercise to try. I have a tougher time getting motivated for cardio, so I started to focus on interval training because at least that adds an element of interest and a challenge to it.
  • k98speedy
    Knowing that when I get home there is a killer Focus T25 workout waiting for me. 25 minutes and I feel amazing. I've been working out at home for 2 years now, instead of the gym, and created a Facebook group with people who keep each other accountable and motivated because we do the same fitness programs. Accountability and support will help keep you motivated. Some people in our group have gone on to lose more weight than they thought they could and have just increased their fitness levels all the way around. What workouts are you doing now? Are your workouts just boring?
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    Mostly looking up video's get me pumped up. Though it's a double edged sword... i could get distracted by other internet things!

    however, it's a frame of mind really i find. You gotta tell yourself: "I have to do this. I'm not allowed not to do this. This is unavoidable" sort of thing. It helps if you are working out doing something you enjoy