sphares Member


  • When you can't sleep - do you feel wired? Like you could just stay up and keep doing stuff and you can't shut your brain off? If so, it could be your adrenals. Before I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, I went a week with only about 2 hours of sleep each night.
  • My doctor put me on a gluten free diet (which I believe you're already on) and a supplement called Adapten-All. My adrenal fatigue was actually caused by a parasite in my GI tract (along with some traumatic events in my life), so the gluten free was originally to clear out my insides so I could test for it. But I was doing…
  • It sounds like adrenals to me. I had similar symptoms several years ago - couldn't lose weight, crazy insomnia (went almost a week without sleeping), mood swings, couldn't handle stress at all. Do the testing. The other vitamins will help, but it doesn't hurt to find out if it is the adrenals.
  • I take my meds first thing in the morning and wait at least 30 minutes before eating. At first it was hard because I would eat as soon as I got up, now I can find a few things to do around the house and before I know it, I can eat.
  • That's awesome! My husband and I have both started shopping in the kids sections at department stores. Especially for workout clothes. I'm petite as well and the girls XL size fits better than the misses S - and it's sooooo much cheaper!
  • Yes and no.My doctor said I can have a little bit here and there and that I would know when I've had too much. So, when I'm home and in control, I'm much more strict (but still allow for oatmeal and nuts that may have some). When we eat out (which is only a couple times a month), I try to research before I go to find the…
  • I have a sensitivity to gluten. I make everything from scratch because, as someone else pointed out, a lot of gluten free products really aren't that healthy for you (and they're expensive AND they taste like crap). I don't look at a recipe and think I can't have it because it's not gluten free. I find ways to make it…
  • I make a lot of foods from scratch and am not one to grab a salt shaker. In the summer, when I'm training for triathlons, I've been known to not eat enough sodium. I would get really, really tired in the afternoons and just not feel like myself. Once I starting more salt to my diet, I felt much better. So, listen to your…
  • Bump. I'd be interested in knowing this as well. I'm looking to get a HRM soon and would love to know how much I'm really burning in the water.
  • A couple of things you can try: 1. Sit in a chair and write the alphabet with your big toe. 2. Stand and and balance on one foot and point your other foot out in front of you. Rapidly tap it up and down several times (my parents started walking recently and swear this works). As far as training, try doing some cross…
  • Thanks everyone! I may try an iron supplement to see if that helps some. I used to have horrible TOMs but was on BC for years and now I really don't have symptoms except what I stated previously. I already take thyroid meds for hypothyroidism and that's pretty much regulated at this point. Last year when I was having 14-17…
  • bump