

  • I'm not overweight either, but I was extremely unhealthy. I binged on sugary and fatty foods, never ate anything nutritious without pinching my nose! I really wanted to make a healthy change in my life. I want to be healthy before I even start planning on having kids. Plus I know that my body is all junk because of my food…
  • You know name calling goes both ways. As a kid I was tall, lanky, and skin and bones. I used to be teased by all the boys and girls. I always wanted to be chubby, it seemed like they didn't have it as bad. When I got there, it was all the same. People are mean, hateful, and jealous. They have low self-esteems and love to…
  • Add me to the list of Nurses! :)
  • You know, I have a horrible sweet tooth that has kept me from dieting for years!! Try this out, I allow myself cookies, in moderation. They sell chips ahoy and chocolate covered pretzels in 100 calorie packs, it's amazing!! Now I don't have to worry about that...."just one more, just one more!" problem. I have a set amount…
  • Ok... my reply was misunderstood. I said ONLY drink breast milk or formula as in you should not feed tablescraps or foods before 6 months. In other words they should be on the bottle or breast till at least 6 months before weaning. No need to get ugly, we were all just trying to help.... We're not attacking you. I think I…
  • A baby should only drink formula/breast milk until 6 months of age, then you should introduce rice cereal, and by his age you should include baby foods. Breast milk IS great for an infant, but as the child grows, they need to eat meals. Breast milk is ideal especially in newborns because it has EVERYTHING they need, but as…
  • You'll lose the weight faster, be sure to be taking a very good multivitamin daily because there is no way you'll be eating all the vitamins and minerals in such a low calorie diet. I'm on the 1200 cal diet.
  • Shrimp and Fish would probably be the lowest. you can use the Knorr chicken broth cubes for flavor, maybe add cabbage, celery, cilantro, and other veggies you like. We call it Caldo de Marisco and it's what I've been craving since 2 nights ago. yumm.
  • I agree about the iron and the vitamins. You need to supplement your vitamins and get lots of sunlight for that natural Vitamin D which also helps to regulate your sleep-wake cycle. You also may want to take to your doctor about some B vitamin shots. They sell over the counter B Complex, however it takes weeks to kick in…
  • I'm a nurse as well, and worked with Bariatric patients, too. I agree with you. For the very few that are under the supervision of their doctor, you're the exception. Just because your doctor supervises your diet doesn't mean he's supervising all our diets. So for the rest of us, she's just trying to say keep it…
  • I'm stuck at the same weight, too. I have the same problem sometimes, it's called low self-esteem. It keeps you going for perfection. Buuuut..... You need to stop being so hard on yourself! Love yourself more, get pedis, dress up for no reason, go out. You're in a pit and it doesn't matter if you're 100lbs, you'll still be…
  • It's called Anorexia... The amount of calories allowed is a safe number to keep your body from having an imbalance in nutrition. Eating fewer than that is dangerous and borderline eating disorder. Next, they'll be talking about laxatives and purging. The whole point of this site is to safely, and effectively lose weight in…
  • oh yeah... Busy busy student here. Fighting stress cravings as we speak!! :O!
  • well that's a toughey... If you have a significant other you should go as each other!! For instance if I went as my husband, I'd color in my eye brows dark black and thick, pencil some stubble, probably wear a black fro cause he's got curly hair, and stuff a long sleeve to make it look like I had exaggerated biceps.hmmm,…
  • You should invite her to walk with you. I use to get so bummed out whenever my husband would go to the gym and I would beg him to stay behind with me instead.... you could go tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. I wasn't necessarily jealous of his weight loss because I was pretty slim, I just felt the gym robbed me of my…
  • thank you. That's very sweet of you. Our anniversary is actually the 20th, but we celebrated early because I have school Thursday with lots to prepare. I didn't eat out after all. I made a home cooked meal of chicken, shrimp, & broccoli - with a mixture of red&green bell peppers, tomato,celery, minced garlic, chopped…
  • Have you recently given up caffeine? I know soda has a lot of calories, so generally quiting it gives you the extra calories to use elsewhere.... but it's not healthy to quit cold turkey. From experience, I had a nurse friend who would drink Dr. Peppers with every meal, all the time. She quit it cold turkey and ended up in…
  • I agree. Maybe you should list things you love about yourself. What makes you a fabulous person. Put a note on your mirror that says "You are beautiful". And quit doubting it!! :)
  • Thanks everyone! I think I'll eat smaller portions of the meal like some of you suggested, and definitely walk it off. I really appreciate the feedback! :)
  • Although it's been a very long time since I've been on either, I'd recommend the elliptical. It's a lot easier on your knees and joints. There's a lot of bouncing around on the treadmill that cause you to fatigue easy, and stress your bones and joints a lot. The elliptical has an easy flow to it, and focuses on the…
  • you may be hyperventilating. I did pilates last night and I was breathing my own breaths and the breaths the lady on the video emphasized. Every time I got up, my head hurt and I felt dizzy even. You may also be holding your breath a lot, which is hard not to do. When you hold your breath (similar to when straining during…
  • you should get the slap chop. I have this vegetable chopper (although it's not the "slap chop" brand) that works excellent. You decide how small want to cut your veggies, if you want big chunks then just push twice... so on. It works great for me because I HATED veggies so I would finally chop peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms,…