Skinny Students.. take 2?

Okay guys so we had our Skinny Students group for about a week. Can we bring it back? Sorry I kind of fell of the face of the earth!

If youre a busy student and would like some support, post here! :-)


  • audrey12893
    audrey12893 Posts: 8 Member
  • thefallguy
    oh yeah... Busy busy student here. Fighting stress cravings as we speak!! :O!
  • hachiboy
    Yup yup college student over here!! Haha!
  • nikki91950
    lol. story of my life.
  • katieb99
    I am a busy student and would love some support!
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    I would love this. school started to get super stressful this past week, and I've unfortunately given into cravings. :-/
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Its soo tough going to school full time and working two part time jobs. especially since my days have been back to back! ( today i had class 930-1215, then had to work tables for my sorority from 1215-130, then had to work at my daycare job 2-6 then at my movie theater job from 630-1045.) I literally have NO time, ugh.

    What are your tips for staying on track when youre not even home during meal times?
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Oh I ever need a group like this!!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Its soo tough going to school full time and working two part time jobs. especially since my days have been back to back! ( today i had class 930-1215, then had to work tables for my sorority from 1215-130, then had to work at my daycare job 2-6 then at my movie theater job from 630-1045.) I literally have NO time, ugh.

    What are your tips for staying on track when youre not even home during meal times?
    Can't you eat when you work the table? I would plan ahead and just pack something that you can snack on the go. If it was me, I would pack Peanut Butter sandwiches for Lunch and Dinner since it's something I already have available. Also, granola bars are a decent snack if you don't have alternatives. Bag of vegetables works too. Have a big breakfast/ late dinner when you get home.
  • pederska
    i loveeee this!!!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Its soo tough going to school full time and working two part time jobs. especially since my days have been back to back! ( today i had class 930-1215, then had to work tables for my sorority from 1215-130, then had to work at my daycare job 2-6 then at my movie theater job from 630-1045.) I literally have NO time, ugh.

    What are your tips for staying on track when youre not even home during meal times?
    Can't you eat when you work the table? I would plan ahead and just pack something that you can snack on the go. If it was me, I would pack Peanut Butter sandwiches for Lunch and Dinner since it's something I already have available. Also, granola bars are a decent snack if you don't have alternatives. Bag of vegetables works too. Have a big breakfast/ late dinner when you get home.

    Thats what ive been doing. I usually have a snack during my second class (its a big lecture) and then lunch after. I packed pb&j today and thats what im taking tomorrow, i just think ill get sick of it quick! The tables are only lasting this week but then I go back to starting work at 1 instead of 2 so i usually just hang out on campus cause its easier than driving home then driving to work as soon as i get there, so hopefully next week ill have more time. Its exercise that Im having trouble with also!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Thats what ive been doing. I usually have a snack during my second class (its a big lecture) and then lunch after. I packed pb&j today and thats what im taking tomorrow, i just think ill get sick of it quick! The tables are only lasting this week but then I go back to starting work at 1 instead of 2 so i usually just hang out on campus cause its easier than driving home then driving to work as soon as i get there, so hopefully next week ill have more time. Its exercise that Im having trouble with also!

    Honestly with your hectic schedule, I would focus more on dieting until it slows down a little. But if you are really dedicated, I would wake up at 6:00am and go workout at 6:30am/7:00am. That will give you plenty of time to eat and shower. If you workout on campus then pack a post workout meal for before your 9:30am class. Also, I don't know how comfortable you are using public showers, but you have to do what you have to do.
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Hey everyone. Just got home from work and checking in! Had another long day today with class and working both jobs. Did terrible food wise, not gonna lie. I've just had this urge to eat all day!! Tomorrows my boyfriends birthday and we'll be going to red lobster with his family. Hoping I can make some good choices!!

    It's off to coffee and psychology for me, I have an exam tomorrow!

    Please check in and make this thread amazing ;)
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    This morning I did my fastest two mile run yet, 15:20 min. In the past month I have dropped my two mile time over a minute and a half. They key is to pace yourself and really push yourself towards the end of your run. No matter what, try your hardest to push through the exhaustion. Most of the time your body can handle it, but the mind lacks focus and perseverance. However, that's not to say run until you pass out; be sure your goal is attainable. Also, make sure you always stretch before and after.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Oh yus! would love this group
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Yes Please. Since I started in my research lab on top of my classes and labs, I hardly find a free moment when I don't want to just curl up and take a nap. Although, having an apartment this semester with a kitchen makes dieting much easier than living in a dorm and being forced to go to the dining hall.
  • katieb99
    Something I struggle with a lot is buying my own food. I am on a strict budget and sometimes the healthier stuff can be just a little more expensive (and a little out of my price range). How are some of the ways yall have dealt with this problem if you have encountered it?
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    yesssssss i can get in on this!! i just have trouble with getting time to exercise (aside from walking to class every day)... and trying to pack food for long days on campus... but the worst is going out with friends/to their houses and not wanting to deny the food they offer me D:
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Ugh we let it die again :(

    So whats new? I am trying to refocus my healthy lifestyle! I also need to be thinking og a topic for my english essay and for my math project, ugh not doing either at the moment :p Plus math reading/problems due wednesday but to be fair, my friend in my class is borrowing my notes bc she was sick and isnt dropping them off until tomorrow so i really cant do that right now :p

    I also need to get a leg up on my gifts for my big and my rose sister (sorority stuff) it needs done by friday! ahhhh.

    So, what's up? ;)
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Ran two miles in 15:05 yesterday, lowest weight since middle school, all A's and a B for my midterm grades. Can't complain. :glasses: