Skinny Students.. take 2?



  • ToniMaybe
    I'd love to join this group. I'm a sophomore in college, and as I'm a science major, my life basically consists of homework and lab. On top of working two jobs to pay for school and living with a roommate I absolutely hate, stress definitely gets the best of my healthy efforts sometimes.

    On the bright side, I did manage to find time to get to the gym today (while my roommate was she always does) and run/walk 3.25 miles. I want to cover 100 miles by Christmas.
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    i just broke my laptop screen last night (my roommate has an old monitor though, so i have my laptop hooked up to that, haha) so that is added stress onto my BIOCHEM STRESS AGHHH.

    but in good news, i burned more calories on the eliptical at the gym today than ever before - 390 in 33 minutes!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    im in college and i definately need this group haha :)
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Yeallift thats great! I wish I could run that fast, greta job on your grades too!

    doublex, that is a lot of cals, i dont think i can do that! wtg!!

    mccorml, welcome!

    toni, i work two jobs too! great job at the gym :)

    Today, im going to lunch with my boyfriend, not sure where yet. Then I have sorority meetings and tiedying tshirts! that should be fun :) Hopefully doing some math hw in there too.

  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    Yeallift thats great! I wish I could run that fast, greta job on your grades too!

    doublex, that is a lot of cals, i dont think i can do that! wtg!!

    mccorml, welcome!

    toni, i work two jobs too! great job at the gym :)

    Today, im going to lunch with my boyfriend, not sure where yet. Then I have sorority meetings and tiedying tshirts! that should be fun :) Hopefully doing some math hw in there too.


    thanks! my legs are super sore- but in such a good way!

    have fun with your boyfriend! tie-dying sounds fun too :D
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    We didnt tiedye but had a whole lotta fun at our big&little reveal!!

    I'm headed to bed, I'm getting up at 7am to run with my friend Emma (wish me luck!!)

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • ToniMaybe
    Options tired and no motivation to do ANYTHING after studying all day for my ochem exam on Friday. What are your sources of inspiration/motivation?
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I just decided that it was time to start backing up what I was planning on doing since I started college. I would suggest going to workout first thing in the morning so you can get it out of the way.

    Two miles in 14:45 today, new fastest ever. Runner's high felt so good. haha
  • BlueSkye
    I'm a student too. Fun.

    I think regarding buying healthy stuff...

    fruit and veg is brill, but if its too expensive go to supermarkets at weird times or days, like sundays, or a weekday evening, because the supermarket is more likely to have 'reduced to clear' items, usually fruit and veg, i also find they have a lot of bread (i wait til sundays to buy my bread - as its usually reduced to about 9p! and then just freeze it) with the veg, that is potentially going off or bad, you can make a soup or a casserole with it, make a large batch and freeze some, its healthy plus you get a good couple of meals out of them. You can also make dips for tortilla chips (very studenty) and sauces.

    pasta - cheap, filling, a regular portion size with a tomato based sauce, rather than a cheesey one, is healthy.

    eggs - relatively cheap and you can do so much with them. Midnight omelettes are lovely!

    i'll think of more ideas im sure.
  • Tara_Alesia
    Tara_Alesia Posts: 38 Member
    I'd love to join in on this. Full-time student and full-time worker. School starts on Monday, so I'm afraid of what it'll do to me, BUT I'm excited for some fitness classes that the gym offers! I'll do them, work permitting.
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Hey everyone! I forgot about this thread! Let's bring it back :-)

    I'm pretty much off the wagon when it comes to diet and exercise.. I neeeed to get back on. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow and starting over :-)

    Classes start Tuesday and I actually can't wait bc I need a routine back!!
    What are everyones goals for this semester?