I need to up my milk supply for my nursing 10 month old.



  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    Oh, check out KellyMom.com for amazing help for any and all breastfeeding and breastmilk questions!

    And if interested: http://www.justmommies.com/forums/f30-breastfeeding/970448-3-day-nursing-sabbatical.html

    Also, the justmommies.com message boards are amazing here is the link to their breastfeeding board:

    Without them and the girls in my January 2008 playroom I would not still be nursing my almost 13 month old, as I fell victim to the booby traps early on with my two boys. :smile:
  • thefallguy
    Ok... my reply was misunderstood. I said ONLY drink breast milk or formula as in you should not feed tablescraps or foods before 6 months. In other words they should be on the bottle or breast till at least 6 months before weaning. No need to get ugly, we were all just trying to help.... We're not attacking you. I think I even commended you. I'm a nurse BTW, so I'm not just saying random information without justification. Good luck on your experience. Let's all be nice, that's the point of this site. :)
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    I did not nurse any of my boys (i have 3) but with our third now he's 20 months old he drink stage 2 formula so if your worried mybe you could try supllementing with some formula.
    I've never even heard of stage 2 formula- but formula is not an option. I want my child getting breast milk only.

    First off I applaud you for making it this far with the nursing and please stay with me to the end while I write this. The stage 2 formula could be for supplement.....for instance, you could do one serving of baby food, one serving of stage 2 formula, then nurse the rest of the time. Your child would still be getting the majority of his calories and nutrients from you but the rest would be practice and extra calories. If the juice concerns you, water it down. We sometimes do that with our preschoolers at work. Do half water, half juice.....or you could do 3/4 water and 1/4 juice. Again, added calories but not all the sugar. Drinking juice will NOT cause diabetes nor contribute to the onset (if it's in the DNA for him to develop it, it will happen whether you give juice or not, it's not dependent upon).....I drank juice when I was younger and I'm not a diabetic. However, my sister is Type 1 insulin dependent and my dad, aunt, and cousin before he pass are all Type 2. I've lived with diabetes since my sister was diagnosed 25 years ago.

    I'm not trying to attack or try to get you to do something you're uncomfortable with. I'm just trying to give ideas that you can do that will fit with both what you want and what the pediatrician told you. I would have loved to have nursed my boys longer but I couldn't get them to latch and I pumped as long as I could. I would get suction blisters from the pump (not fun at all :noway: ).

    One thing you might try is to either get him to nurse more often (increase demand to increase supply). Or if he doesn't want to, you could pump between feedings, save the milk and give it to him later either in a bottle or a sippy cup. He's still getting it all but your increasing supply as well. I also agree about making sure you eat enough. When I did Weight Watchers years ago, nursing mothers got extra points per day simply because they are nursing. So maybe try to up your cals a little and increase demand by either getting him to latch more often or pumping and hopefully that will increase your supply. If that doesn't work I definitely suggest calling a lactation consultant, they would know what to tell you.

    I hope this helps and Good luck to you in whatever you decide to do. :flowerforyou:
  • x3mommy
    x3mommy Posts: 73 Member
    older post, but glad I came across it, I just started working out and logging my calories, and I have an almost 4 month old and feel like my supply is diminishing.... I am looking for any tips! thanks gals!