VRoseDuda Member


  • I passed out on a treadmill (NOT because I'm so hardcore or anything) due to a condition I didn't know I had. I have a very slow HR and BP...long story short, I hold on lightly for balance and security. Getting back on one after 3 days in the hospital and all kinds of tests was feat enough---better than not getting on at…
  • if you know your weakness, work it in. I would probably only work 1 "treat" in a day though. Tomorrow is new---start fresh and fuel your machine.
  • I am no dietician but I have found it helps to try and stick with minimally processed foods. I eat carbs but usually brown rice or oat meal with occasional pasta but I couldn't tell you the last time I had crackers or "packaged/processed" snacks. I try to stick to an apple and a string cheese, nuts or cottage cheese w/…
  • my sister has Raynauds...happens mostly in the cold but also with hormonal/emotional fluctuations. Bright white fingers. She will wear gloves when she runs.
  • No twins here but I am 38 and am in the same boat...I have an hour commute each way and 2 school age kids. I find that the only time I really get results is when I can exercise a lot. For me. that means hitting the gym about 5:30 am. That is not always the hard part though---that requires lunch packed, clothes ironed, and…
  • I feel your pain. My hubby is just naturally athletic, eats whatever he wants etc and has not moved from 180-ish since high school (we are 38) I struggle for any and very pound. The only thing I can say is "we choose our mood"---sometimes we need to refocus/ remotivate ourselves. Keep your chin up---you are not alone
  • I like the Gap and the ANA line at JCPenney. I am short too so finding cute stuff that fits correctly is a pain in the butt sometimes
  • I need to get back on board but what worked for me was to do 2 things---1. just go (regardless of the workout, just get in the routine) 2. met a friend there. If someone is waiting on you, you will get up
  • If I do that, I usually just adjust the portion accordingly (3/4 of serving etc)
  • People will "bump" a thread because it will be listed in "my topics". That way they can go back to read the input later
    in Bump Comment by VRoseDuda January 2013
  • nuts, avocado, cheese, high protein/fiber cereals (like a granola)
  • Personally, I would probably get a burger or grilled chicken sandwich but get rid of the top bun. Or, order a kids meal. It isn't always what you are eating, but how much.
  • no, but I bought the jello single serving (4 pack). They are 70 calories Haven't tried them yet but I am sure they are good (better be!!!)
  • We use panko breadcrumbs and bake it. Put it on top of angelhair pasta and a little mozzarella...yummy
  • Our friend's daughter had leukemia as a baby. In and out of the hospital from 6-18 months old. She just had her 5 yr cancer-free anniversary. She was able to donate to locks of love and she does Make a Wish fundraisers every year...these little kids have endured more than I can imagine.
  • compare it to a simple BMI calculator...just google it. I don't know your start and current weight so it is hard to say if it is correct or not.
  • Probably not but my hubby runs the WI state 1/2 marathon every year. It is in Kenosha on the lakefront in May.
  • I just have to pick a day to face I can't get motivated about my progress unless I know where I am starting.
  • I agree with the cocoa almonds (they also have 100 calorie packs), a fudgicle or a piece of chocolate. Dove dark choc is the best in my opinion. I can also "kill the urge" must faster with the richer, dark choc. VS the creamier, fattier milk choc.
  • don't hide behind the hair...I realized that long hair does not compliment me well at all. Give the short sassy a chance. I can't image growing mine past my chin (I tried once and it looked like I was wearing a wig)
  • If you have a physical job I would adjust that in to your "lifestyle" because your body is used to that (I do not count anything I do as a regular routine as exercise). For example, my husband works 12 hr days on his feet, retail. (Menards). He walks miles a day but I wouldn't consider that his activity, just his type of…
  • Do you use the app for MFP. Comes in handy when you are out and about. I also like the nutrition "label" feature for my daily intake. I know a few that use the livestrong site...I think it is daily plate or something. I also got a free pedometer app that I use if I am doing errands or at the amusement park with the kids. I…
  • I walk fast at an incline on a treadmill. It gets your HR up without all of the impact. My sister also started that way at about 200 lbs and she trained and has run the Chicago Marathon 3x. She is not super tiny or fast but she does it. I think she is about 150-160 now
  • I use the Adkins pre-made ones for a quick breakfast (160 cals, 15 gr protein and 1 or 2 carbs) OR slimfast just came out with a carb control one too with similar breakbown
  • @ tomomatic That is basically what happens to me but since mine is low, when it drops---I pass out. :)
  • If you are dizzy-weak, I would think it is food or water that you need. I was getting dizzy off and on and ended up passing out on a treadmill. Weird---I am 70 lbs overweight but I have a slow (marathon runner slow) heart rate and low blood pressure. HR is 46 and BP is 90/50. Anyhooooo....after being told "nothing was…
  • frozen waffles with peanut butter for a quick fix fresh fruit with cream cheese fruit dip is yummy and with 70 calories in 2 tbl of dip, it satisfies the cheese cake urge (if you have one) 100 cal pack almonds and a string cheese is a good "in the car" combo
  • 1st...we all know we CAN do it but we have to decide to do it. 2nd...I salute your large (figurative) ballz. I think it takes a lot of personal acceptance to post pictures of yourself. I have not conquered this myself. 3rd...I have the same underwear as in your new profile pic. Weird but I thought funny.
  • Good Lord this is me exactly...took 2 vacations this summer and was down 31 lbs. Now that I didn't have to be in summer clothes and kids back in school, work crazy (excuses), I am up about 15. I have also lost/gained the same 30 lbs 3 or 4 times. I am going to the gym tomorrow morning before I gain it all back. I know what…