Too big to run??

Well I've lost a little over 80# im now at 230lb. at 5'8". I've always wanted to jog/run because I know it really keeps you in shape. However, I'm kind of worried that I'm too big to run. I honestly havent ran since I was a kid. Most of my exercises are brisk walking, indoor cycling, aerobics, cardio. I've also heard that running can be harmful to your knees especially if you're big? Any suggestions, thoughts, comments on this?

OH BTW: I'm looking for new friends & encouragement... add plz? ;)


  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    As an avid runner I can give the advice to start slow. A slow and steady jog is all you need to start and build it up. Concentrate of form and landing on your feet properly. Go to Runner's and there should be some great articles for beginners.

    It's a great sport - best of luck to you!
  • findgod2findlife
    findgod2findlife Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you sooo much!! I am going to check that out now. Do you run during the winter months? If so, do you have any suggestions for what to wear? I read a few things online; would you say layering is the best technique?
  • VRoseDuda
    VRoseDuda Posts: 129 Member
    I walk fast at an incline on a treadmill. It gets your HR up without all of the impact. My sister also started that way at about 200 lbs and she trained and has run the Chicago Marathon 3x. She is not super tiny or fast but she does it. I think she is about 150-160 now
  • Minnesota_Nice
    Minnesota_Nice Posts: 414 Member
    HELL NO! NO ONE IS TOO BIG TO RUN (well maybe like 600 pounds or more people)

    Start slow... Walk for 30 seconds, run for 30 seconds... For 20 minutes, then add 5 minutes a week for a month, then start running for 2 minutes walk for three and so on... I used to weight 210 and I am down to 166 and have completed 5k rces and 10k... Now I am training for my first half. If I can do it, you can too. Add me if you like! That goes for anyone!
  • Boshnivay
    Boshnivay Posts: 74 Member
    please please please read born to run! it is by christopher mcdougall and a wonderful book. here is his website (not saying to buy it from him) but so you can read what the book is about because i'm not the greatest at explaining it.

    i'm just starting with running too, so runners on here please add me!!
  • bonniec74
    bonniec74 Posts: 3 Member
    Have you heard of "Couch to 5k". It is a great program for non runners who would like to start, it combines intervals of walking and jogging over several weeks. I personally haven't made it past week 3 but I know a lot of people who swear by it.....good luck!!
  • peggysue218
    peggysue218 Posts: 126 Member
    I trained for a 5K one summer and didn't lose a pound or change clothes sizes. My diet was consistent. I've learned that running is not the most efficient way to lose weight and isn't the best on joints regardless of size. However, if you enjoy it, the cardiovascular effects alone are beneficial. Just my two cents as a medical student.
  • kaseymei
    kaseymei Posts: 164
    No you're not too big. I started jogging at a little over 200 lbs. I began using the C25K progam. I'm currently in week 8 and am able to jog for 28 mins straight. During Week 1, I could barely jog for 60 seconds. It's a great program and you can download the app for free
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Elephants run and they are a LOT bigger than you!! Just take it slow, walk, run slowly until you are tired then walk again and do itall over again .If you do that erveryday or so, pretty soon you will notice you are running more and walking less. Don't worry about how fast or slow you run, whatever you do it is probably more than you have done!!

  • Kfarrell6
    Kfarrell6 Posts: 18 Member
    I am 5'7 and 215. I started running two years ago at 195, which I ran a half marathon at. I am a slow pace, 12 min mile. I started with the Couch 25K program and swear by it! You can do this! One thing, I swear by the right shoes, get fitted! And the best bra which my fave is Enell.
  • MountainMamaMarissa
    I'm about the same size as you, have Rheumatoid Arthritis and herniated discs. I definitely felt the pressure of my weight in my knees when I first started trying to run (jog). I run on my treadmill because I am too embarassed to run outside where people can see me right now. I am hoping by spring, I will be confident enough to go outside. :)

    I started using the Couch To 5K app, it starts you out slowly and builds your running time as you complete the weeks. I definitely recommend this app!

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • kaymac1908
    kaymac1908 Posts: 39 Member
    Size doesn't matter. I see people of all shapes and sizes doing races. The Ease into 5K or Couch to 5K apps are the way to go! I just finished week 8. You can do it!
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    Have you heard of "Couch to 5k". It is a great program for non runners who would like to start, it combines intervals of walking and jogging over several weeks. I personally haven't made it past week 3 but I know a lot of people who swear by it.....good luck!!

    i started couch to 10k in november..i had never run in my life..i am in week 6 and ran 2.5 miles the other day...without a problem...its a series of walking and running...and its AWESOME!!
  • asangh
    asangh Posts: 32
    Have you heard of "Couch to 5k". It is a great program for non runners who would like to start, it combines intervals of walking and jogging over several weeks. I personally haven't made it past week 3 but I know a lot of people who swear by it.....good luck!!

    i started couch to 10k in november..i had never run in my life..i am in week 6 and ran 2.5 miles the other day...without a problem...its a series of walking and running...and its AWESOME!!

    THIS! I really recommend the C25K program, it really works for all weights. There's a group on reddit that has a lot of info and a helpful faq.
  • MountainMamaMarissa
    I forgot to mention above - Congratulations on your weight loss!! That is just awesome!
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    I was never a runner...when I graduated from Air Force basic training the tall guys had to pick me up by my arms and carry me across the finish line. Use to also get shine splints really bad.

    Thanksgiving day I ran 9.25 mile in 1 1/2 hours!!

    I started this whole thing thinking it was never going to work so I was being lazy!! Stared out at 3.0 mph on the treadmill for one hour. After two months I increased it to 3.5 mph for an hour for 6 months then I increase it to two hour at 4.0 mph for about 4 months. After this I started an alternation program that ran between 6-8 months after this time I started outside running.
  • rdianemu
    rdianemu Posts: 132 Member
    You are smaller than me and I run between 3 and 6 miles four times a week (I weigh 244 lbs at 5' 7"). I was of course faster when I was close to 200 but I have always been a heavy runner. Just take it easy and work up your mileage slowly. You will run faster and easier when lighter but I don't think you should wait. I haven't had any running related injury despite running for 2 years at a little over 200 including 2 half and 1 full marathons and after a break for a couple of years the last 4 months at 244+. Just listen to your body and don't push too hard. I am working to get lighter so I can run better but I am glad I didn't wait. I have had way too many great runs.
  • onfiresis
    onfiresis Posts: 22 Member
    i started C25K when i was almost 260 lbs. i lost 25 lbs completely by diet and C25K. you are definitely not too big to run! have fun...but take it slow. you know your body best.
  • crystaltate4
    i guess it all depends on if u have bad knees or back already, i do and my husband is an avid runner and will not let me run till i at least hit 200 cuz of all the excess weight i have hes afraid it will mess up my back and knees more, now if u have no issues like i do then i would say u can but start slow and do the run walk thing dont push it u dont want to hurt urself.
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    I just finished the C25K by zen labs
    210 at start 196 at finish
    go slow and listen to your body