Magenta15 Member


  • ditto can't stand her.... but love walk off the earths version of her trouble song... but they can sing! :) also call me maybe and that love you like a love song... all make me wanna hurl!
  • agreed... shaved hubby's head last night... just easier then paying for a haircut every 5 min (army) lol
  • lol @ the potato, how does one even accomplish that? pierce it a few times, stick it in for a few min... access. add few more min lol
  • ^^ this. accept responsibility and acknowledge you made a mistake. apologize (once) if necessary and then help find solutions to fix the error, or establish how you would prevent such an error in the future and how you've learned from it. :) been there done that! don't feel bad forever!
  • chilly and putting on a sweater is one thing, but so cold your toes, fingers and nose is freezing is not a productive work environment either, you can't expect someone to need a scarf and mitts too llol... I would just politely ask if she could turn it down a degree or two, or lower the fan at the very least. if she gets…
  • Amazeballs!!! lol I am deeply considering number 1 FTW! lol
  • I agree with the OP however the majority of the snarky mocking trolling whatever you want to call them posts lol... are in the chit chat... for the most part if you don't want the funny, mocky whatever stuff, stay out of that section on the forum... however for someone like me who tends to just click most…
  • The reason I keep watching, drools....
  • great! thanks! that shouldn't be a problem... just need a chin up bar, and hubby and I wanted to get a workout bench anyways a long with a few other things. thanks again!
  • hmmm. ok thanks everyone :) I shall keep reading then figure out where my starting point is... have people been doing it from home with success... I live on an army base so the weight side of my gym is almost always packed... lol
  • lol thanks! :)
  • great thanks! just what i need to hear! I guess I should figure what it is that I want and go from there! :)
  • And why is the onus on others to tell YOU that you're gaining weight, etc.... it is not their fault that you chose to ignore the clothes getting tighter etc... lol hows that for cold hard truth ;) All kidding aside, if someone is confident no matter what their size that is great I am jealous of that confidence, but even…
  • ^^ this.... eat more real food. stop eating candy/junk and frozen or processed stuff everyday... eggs, veggies, fruit, nuts, legumes, brown rice, fish, whole wheat grains.... everyone eats junk at my house too... I live with my fiance and a male roomie who want pizza and big macs all the time... oh how nice you're treating…
  • did I kill the thread? lol also, I will totally be the 80 year old that still has a pierced nose, and magenta hair and of course more tats :)
  • yup - I can identify with all you've written. every time life changes, I fall off the path... like you I was doing so well, then just stopped? wtf!? I am in ontario also :) Welcome. supporting each other we can all accomplish great things!
  • I make Thai all the time, love it!!! as with any place (chineze, thai, etc) I think you have to be aware of the amount of sodium thus prepare for that... otherwise I don't think too many of the choices are all that horrible if you choose ones that are veggie laden, not deep fried, etc. If I am going to go out and enjoy…
  • "Get inked or die naked" :bigsmile:
  • Curry wurst, real black forest cake , brotchens (sp?), leoner, soft pretzels, and pretty much any authentic German lol UK - pasties and sausage rolls Dutch -cheeses ...mmmmm Gouda, it's not quite the same here, pastries, I'm in Canada
  • LOL it's called Coronation street there too... both UK and Canadian fans call it Corrie ;) just like any other show with shortened forms... TBL, BB, etc. lol also, if you google corrie it should bring you to the brit forums much like our soap opera forums where they would be discussing what is current for them, so if you…
  • I knew exactly what you meant before I opened the thread lol! My dad and myself said the same thing when I left my ex 5+ years ago. lol I was talking about the 20-30 whatever pounds I had worked to lose and Dad was like, don't you mean the 185 lbs you just lost? :)
  • leave it to the brits lol (I can tease, my mum is brit) ... it's not the only disturbingly named food lol spotted d!ck, toad in the hole, bangers.... ;)
  • I live and work on a military base... therefore I go to the base gym lol ;)
  • when in remission I can eat anything, though do get bloated. when in a flare up... everything hurts lol... esp bready stuff. and spicy and everything lol... I would like to try to cut out wheat/gluten... I think I would feel less bloated all the time even in remission... just gotta wrap my head around it.
    in Food Comment by Magenta15 July 2012
  • the older I get the more rugged I seem to like them, so while I still have a soft spot for Shemar Moore & Ryan Gosling.... Gerard Butler is up there, and now, drools.... Joe Manganiello.... oh how I love my werewolf lol :)
  • Server musta. Went down, they are usually pretty quick to fix :)
  • Free... :)
  • In the past month and a half I've read--- please don't judge haha I am a speed reader, loving me iPad as an eReader and read a lot! and have been picking mostly quick fluffy reads to get back into enjoying reading as much as i used to: Hunger games trilogy The 50 shades trilogy to see what all the hype was about, and then…