

  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Seriously, i'm tired of the whole embrace your curves (love handles and saddle bags) crock of crap!! I'm not saying I wanna be a rail, but let's be honest people, the curves most of you are talking about is pure unadulterated fat not the hourglass figure!! I wanna keep a curvy figure, but without the spare tire!! I wanna be healthy and live a long life without the horrors and sickness being overweight can put you through!! We all make excuses not to eat right, not to exercise and those just continue the cycle of self hatred and depression!! We will have to take our health by the balls and choke it into submission in order to have the body we are dreaming of!! I feel it's time to start putting in work and putting away the excuses!! WHO'S WITH ME?!!!

    Im with ya- from slightly over weight to full on fat- ppl make excuses. We all love to eat- thats not special to any one person. We all have/had trouble choosing right- also not unique - we all now know we can just eat free style all the time and want that to change. "i love my curves' when there are FOLDS involved with those curves is just another excuse to stay big. Do I envy ppl that are THAT confident that they rock a bikini with their folds hangin low? Absolutely not at all- thats more than confidence - its stupidity - do they know they are killing themselves? If so- why are they making a statement to the world- " I love my fat even if it kills me' Its like the smokers who light up and puff like they deserve it when they find a smoking room- they arent cool - they're stupid. Rockin' your bod no matter what is only good for so much- if you are unhealthy- making your kids as unhealthy and on your way to an early grave thanks to no exercise and being 30% or more body fat- Im not impressed by you grabbing life by the horns no matter what, Im saddened by the apparent disregard for health and well being.
  • _tjejen_
    _tjejen_ Posts: 38
    Personally, I'm tired of "embracing" my curves everytime I bend down....or fold my arms....or to be quite honest, I would love to clap my hands and not hear an echo from my boobs!!! :laugh:

    ^^me too lol
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Each to their own. What I want to see is an end to body bashing of ANY type!

    Not me. I'm all for the cold hard truth, feelings be damned.

    Bashing doesn't mean truth. It means refusal to believe that anyone doesn't think the way you do (e.g. the body we all desire). Not everyone desires the same body.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Each to their own. What I want to see is an end to body bashing of ANY type!

    Not me. I'm all for the cold hard truth, feelings be damned.

    Bashing doesn't mean truth. It means refusal to believe that anyone doesn't think the way you do (e.g. the body we all desire). Not everyone desires the same body.

    Bashing is also an accusation commonly thrown when someone hears something personal which they don't like.
  • chelsea_lamontagne
    Well said! Excuses have allowed me to put on over 20 lbs over the past 10 yrs. No more; down by 10 :)
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Each to their own. What I want to see is an end to body bashing of ANY type!

    Not me. I'm all for the cold hard truth, feelings be damned.

    I wish others had been more honest with me as I'd been gaining weight. I probably wouldn't now be half way through a year long diet if I had smartened up a couple of years ago..

    And why is the onus on others to tell YOU that you're gaining weight, etc.... it is not their fault that you chose to ignore the clothes getting tighter etc... lol hows that for cold hard truth ;)

    All kidding aside, if someone is confident no matter what their size that is great I am jealous of that confidence, but even greater if they can use some of that confidence/energy to making themselves healthier... no body bashing. People should stop tearing each other down and help build/boost people up, aim to motivate & inspire each other :)

  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    ...We all make excuses not to eat right, not to exercise and those just continue the cycle of self hatred and depression!! ...

    If you were just saying you loved your curves and it was something you told yourself because you were not ready to choke balls or whatever until you got your dream body then sure. Some of us love who we are fat and all and are losing weight not for a dream body but for health and long life. I won't love myself anymore because I'm thinner so I guess what I'm saying is if you are in a cycle of self hatred and depression you might find that you should work on that as a seperate issue from your weight as there maybe a day you realize even thin people are capable of self hatred and depression.
  • Cassie8877
    Cassie8877 Posts: 177
    I hear ya lady!!! I work my *kitten* off to try and get results and i have been at a place where i just didnt want to work out and i made excuses and caught myself making excuses not to work out.. And its damn hard to find motivation everyday to work out.. but if you want results you have to put the work in!
  • BTheGreatest
    BTheGreatest Posts: 145
    This post was not meant to "bash" anyone, it was simply how I felt about myself and the excuses myself and others gave me when I was being hard on myself. I was told the things I wanted to hear and not what I needed to hear. I was stagnant when it came to improving my health. I allowed my excuses and others to hold me back from reaching my goals. I have wide hips and a big butt and by no means should i be considered "thick" or "curvy" i'm borderline obese, unhealthy and need to make a change before it's to late. This has nothing to do with body type, but rather overall health, including mental. I'm sorry I cannot make progress when I live in a lie. I decided to embrace the truth and not my unhealthy mid-section fat skirt.
  • mirandamayhem
    Each to their own. What I want to see is an end to body bashing of ANY type!

    Not me. I'm all for the cold hard truth, feelings be damned.

    Bashing doesn't mean truth. It means refusal to believe that anyone doesn't think the way you do (e.g. the body we all desire). Not everyone desires the same body.

    Bashing is also an accusation commonly thrown when someone hears something personal which they don't like.

    Ha. If that's directed at me for wanting an end to Body Bashing then you're way off. I have absolutely no curves. I am fat at the moment a more than sturdy 500 year old oak tree would be a good description, and when I'm a lower weight I'm still pretty much just a tree trunk, or maybe a lamp post. But I have no issue with those who love their curves, who might be a size 18+. Being larger does not always mean unfit, in the same way being super skinny automatically means super fit. I think it's wonderful that women can feel power in themselves, can love the size of their thighs, the roundness of their bellies, without an ounce of self loathing. Me? I hate to look in the mirror, and confidence I have pretty much zilch, I'm a great big faker. But what right do I, or anyone have to tell another person they're disgusting? We all have bodies that are capable of amazing things, and hopefully, in time we will all learn to strive for good health, but in the mean time, slating the women who love their curves, or who celebrate their protruding collarbones, shows more that we have insecurities about our own choices and that we need people to join us so we don't feel "wrong", than it does about the people who don't share our ideals.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Each to their own. What I want to see is an end to body bashing of ANY type!

    Not me. I'm all for the cold hard truth, feelings be damned.

    Bashing doesn't mean truth. It means refusal to believe that anyone doesn't think the way you do (e.g. the body we all desire). Not everyone desires the same body.

    Bashing is also an accusation commonly thrown when someone hears something personal which they don't like.

    Ha. If that's directed at me for wanting an end to Body Bashing then you're way off. <stuff>

    Nope. It was directed at what many really mean when they accuse folks of bashing something which hits home a little too them personally. In that context I object to the original statement which I quoted (and can be seen in this post).

    Criticism can be constructive and helpful, and in this context could save someone from potential health issues. And if healthy criticism is considered by some to be "bashing", then I do not want to see "an end to body bashing of ANY type!"
  • BTheGreatest
    BTheGreatest Posts: 145
    I totally hear you... I've been on both ends of weight extremes I struggled with eating disorders all my life. I just don't need my friends and family saying that i'm fine the way I am. My knees kill me, my back is always hurting and it's all due to being almost 50 lbs overweight. What it finally took was a dear friend to tell me that "Netta i'm tired of heahe excuses, you're in all this pain because the choices you made, you're the only one who can change it, no magic pill, no personal trainer, just pure commitment and dedication" "you are NOT curvy girl, you're fat" It was way harsh, but exactly what I needed.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Each to their own. What I want to see is an end to body bashing of ANY type!

    Bumping. :)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Each to their own. What I want to see is an end to body bashing of ANY type!

    Not me. I'm all for the cold hard truth, feelings be damned.

    I wish others had been more honest with me as I'd been gaining weight. I probably wouldn't now be half way through a year long diet if I had smartened up a couple of years ago..

    And why is the onus on others to tell YOU that you're gaining weight, etc.... it is not their fault that you chose to ignore the clothes getting tighter etc... lol hows that for cold hard truth ;)

    All kidding aside, if someone is confident no matter what their size that is great I am jealous of that confidence, but even greater if they can use some of that confidence/energy to making themselves healthier... no body bashing. People should stop tearing each other down and help build/boost people up, aim to motivate & inspire each other :)


    Cheers for a well-written post!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    People with body fat % in the range of 24-27 will mostly still have love handles and small pockets of fat on thighs and stomachs. That is a very acceptable and generally healthy level of BF%. I personally want to be in that 18-20% range, but I know a lot of people that would be happy in the 24-27% range and don't think that they are fooling themselves at all. A lot of people think women look better "soft" than "athletic". Why do we have to put that down?
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I was not aware that 'curves' meant 'love handles' and 'saddlebags'.
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    I think the key thing about constructive criticism that is intended to help improve someone's health, is the role of the person giving that "advice". Concerned family member, fair enough, even concerned friend maybe. Health professional, fine. Random person on the street, at a party, on an internet forum, if not asked for said opinions, no thanks.
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Sorry should also say, I wasn't suggesting the OP was doing as described, as she has said she was more speaking of herself and wanting to make a new start and recognise what she personally needs to do to be healthy and happy, and that's great well done.
  • BTheGreatest
    BTheGreatest Posts: 145
    Just to make myself clear and to not further offend people, when i was referring to "love handles and saddle bags" as "curves" it was meant from a first person perspective. I had friends and family telling me i was curvy because of my love handles and saddle bags.
  • Long_and_Lean
    Long_and_Lean Posts: 175 Member
    To quote something I recently read here on the forums (I forget who said it)

    "Hairpins through the mountains = awesome
    One big circle around the lake = not so awesome"