

  • Wow, I didn't expect to get all of this great advice! I realize now that I haven't been paying attention to water and sodium intake at all. Only calories in and calories out. As far as the psychological part goes and actually believing that I can do this...well that's really the hard part, isn't it? I work on that every…
  • I'm starting Level 2 tomorrow...have been doing Level 1 for 10 days. I tried to do Level 2 a few days ago...I managed to make it through, but there is a HUGE difference between Levels 1 & 2. I fully expect to have to alternate the two workouts for a few days just to try to survive! BUT I have to say I've already lost…
  • I'm finding that I HAVE to have rest days from the Shred. I don't think there's anything wrong with taking Sundays off. Recovery is important too--that's when your muscles are getting stronger and rebuilding themselves. The one thing I don't like about the Shred is that she didn't offer more guidance with it. Just 3…
  • Yeah, that's happened to me before. I had a week where my eating was elevated and my exercise decreased due to some special events and stuff that I had to go to, and I still lost two pounds at my weigh in. BUT the next week, I did everything right and at my next weigh in I'd gained 1.5 pounds. So I'm kinda thinking that…
  • Ann Marie, are you really going to run 100 miles in 2011?! When do you ever stop, girl?? And you wonder how it is that I find you inspirational!! You just go on with your bad self!!
  • I experienced this when I started running as well. As far as I can tell, some leg discomfort is unavoidable while you're teaching your body to do something its not used to. Just make sure that you aren't pushing too hard, that you are taking adequate rest days, and stretching after you run. Also you may want to check your…
  • I make green smoothies out of spinach, banana, strawberries, and blueberries. Sometimes kale goes in too. You can't taste the spinach, its chock full of nutrition, it keeps me satisfied, and its super low in calories so that I have room to eat the food I want to eat. You should give it a try--there's tons of recipes out…
  • I'm 28. Is that too old? ;) Other than that, we seem to have a lot in common.
  • I'm in too. I just blogged about it this morning and now here is this thread! I actually just ran a half marathon in October, but I would like to do C25k to work on my pace and just burn calories in general. http://iamabeginnerrunner.blogspot.com
  • ME TOO!! Can't stand her. Love Ada, though!!
  • Its that.....tell me whats bothering you even though nothing is bothering you I am just going to make you feel awful about yourself until you tell me something dramatic that happened in the past but know dramatic things just happen to every one I just want ratings to go up and make myself feel good crap. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!…
  • I'm totally in. I would love that!
  • I'm not an expert, but that sounds just really unhealthy to me, not to mention miserable!! I wouldn't try that if I were you...Sometimes (especially following a day of eating especially unhealthily) I'll do a one day "cleanse...but all it consists of is lots of water, green smoothies throughout the day, hot green tea, and…
  • What master cleanse are you talking about? The only master cleanse I have ever heard of is the one with water, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. There is no way that someone could keep that up for months straight??
  • Good for you!! I took up running in April, and I ran my first half marathon in October. Best day of my life, hands down!! I remember my first mile so well...I never thought that I would be able to run a mile in my entire life, and when I did it was just a major breakthrough for me. Good luck with your running! I hope that…
  • Hi Jessi! I'm new too. Good luck to you!