Question for all of the success stories out there...



  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    What is THE most important thing that you've done to help you get the weight off and keep it off? If you could only choose one thing, what would it be?

    1. WATER.
    2. Eating lots of veggies.
    3. When I have a day/meal where I eat things I don't normally eat, I do NOT use it as an excuse to just eat like crap for months and months.
    4. Realizing that I enjoy eating wholesome, good for me foods and they are satisfying!...and that the "sicky" feeling after eating too much junk IS a direct consequence.
    5. Portion size. I do not have to eat until I feel stuffed. I hate that feeling. I never get that way anymore and I'm SO glad.
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I wish it was just one thing that keeps me on the rails!

    I'm not at my goal weight, but what;s helping me so far is the following:

    1) Community supported agriculture. I get a box that has $45 of organic produce delivered weekly. It helps me to eat a very broad variety of fruits and vegetables. Since I've already bought it, I'm too thrifty to just waste it. Note too that organic produce often delivers more bang for the buck. The pieces are a bit smaller, and they often have a bit less sugar and are otherwise more nutritious

    2) Exercise.

    3) Finding high fiber pre-prepared meals that I really like.

    4) Having a weight loss buddy at my fitness pal.

    5) Adjust my calories up slightly. I've done Lose It! too which allowed me more calories per day. When I first tried MFP, I just couldn't stay on it. I was so, so hungry and even though I was really struggling to meet my goals, I just wasn't losing. So I decided to try half a pound per week. Now, I feel hungry, but not to the point where I can't tune it out. I can be successful and meet my goal every day. And I guess I must be pretty active because I'm losing a pound per week. So for me, adjusting up a bit helped. I guess that files under pay attention to the messages you body sends you.

    6) The number one thing without question is My Fitness Pal!!! Logging calories works. Meeting my daily goal makes me feel like a winner even if the scale doesn't always show progress. I know I'm succeeding every time I see the message of "goal met."

    Love your statement in your signature!! I feel the same exact way!!
  • jconner491
    jconner491 Posts: 22
    Wow, I didn't expect to get all of this great advice! I realize now that I haven't been paying attention to water and sodium intake at all. Only calories in and calories out. As far as the psychological part goes and actually believing that I can do this...well that's really the hard part, isn't it? I work on that every day! I think I'm finally starting to get stronger...I know I am. This time it's going to happen. Thanks everyone for your advice!
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    Being consistant and logging food and exercise.
  • DESIREE1210
    DESIREE1210 Posts: 177 Member
    Journaling = Accountability