mtsips Member


  • The thing with attack, its something to get used to but once you do - its the best thing ever. Im about 5-6 weeks into this diet now but have more protein days than necessary as i love never being bloated anymore. I feel so free from that heaviness for the first time ever.... thankyou Dr Dukan!
  • I have noticed the exact same thing. If i could sleep in all mornings i would - im always lighter on the scales after long sleeps as opposed to a normal earlier wake up. What a good reason for a lay in!
  • Hey there... The pastilles are in my local supermarket just beside the sugar free gum section. Hopefully they're in the same place in all stores... Have a look for them as they are so worth the trouble when those cravings hit!
  • For sugar cravings Ive been making sugar free jelly. Only 10 calories for half a cup serve. Another one I discovered only yesterday are these sugar free pastilles. My gosh - they are SO good and will now become a staple for me as I need something sweet especially towards the end of the day.
  • Just had a look at my average which seems to be about 70 a day. Some days more some days less, but thats an average for me.
  • Hi there!! Congrats on starting the Dukan diet. Im onto day 14 and loving it! I totally understand the hunger you speak of.. for me however day 3 was the hardest. After that - everything became so much easier!!! I promise you, this wont last. Some food ideas that work for me when i need to jazz it up a little is to boil…
  • Hi there have you considered giving the Dukan diet a go? Its fantastic results start appearing from the first phase. Ive been on it for 11 days and have lost 2 kg.
  • DO you like sashimi? Salmon sashimi seems to be higher in calories - approx 40 calories per slice.
  • Im an Australian living in Hong Kong :)
  • Thanks for those responses ladies :) marshallexi - these protein meals are keeping me up later than normal as well.. odd! shimmergal - thanks for the pointers you shared - love the jello idea :) Tonight has actually been the first night where the cravings havent been as strong.. it seems its taken my body a little longer…
  • Day 6 weigh in today: so total loss is 4 pounds.Yay! Actually im surprised - ive been having some intense cravings for sweets especially at night time and tend to start digging into turkey and all sorts of other allowed foods quite late to try and deal with these cravings. I wonder if the late night munching is affecting…
  • Love the insight. Thank you for sharing.
  • Thanks for those responses ladies - much appreciated!! I think after a life-time of diets I'll stick to the 10day plan (what i miss most is lollies anyways and they're not being reintroduced for a long time coming)!
  • I think i might try the 5/5 for the first ten days to see how i feel - after that I'll reassess. Im not on cruise however for another 5 days... something to look forward to :)
  • Im actually planning on trying the attack for 10 days - not because I have that much weight to lose but i enjoy the challenge. For those who say its 'bad' per say, what are the actual reasons for this? From what ive been able to understand is that fewer days can keep people motivated. Although it is tricky - Im actually…
  • Hi all. Im so glad to find this group - its so motivating sharing this journey with others. Today is day 5 for me. I feel myself today as far as lightheadedness or dizziness when i stand goes.... Day 3 was the hardest for me.. my sugar cravings were making themselves known, but as of day 4, all is well. please feel free to…
  • Would you be happy to share with me this yellow website? As for any answers to your question - sorry, I have no idea!
  • I love boiling eggs... cut them in half, remove the yolk and replace it with low fat cottage cheese. Trust me, this is delicious!
  • **just bumping**
  • Yup! Im with you. Ive read so many success stories from people on the Dukan which is low carb - and im already seeing results.