

  • It's Splenda
  • I used to suffer from panic attacks, too. A couple of things: *Eliminate caffine altogether - it can trigger them * Do intensive cardio (sweat) 45-60 minutes a day You do both of these things and it will help tremendously. I never get them anymore.
  • I'm a perfect example of this. Yes, I have gotten muscle and toned up a bit but I have not dropped ANY weight. I have been running 3-4 tims a week for nearly six months (training for 1/2 marathon). However, if I stick to 1200 calories and don't exercsie I can't drop 1-2 lbs a week. it' sucks!
  • I love the raw unsalted almonds - Trader Joes sell them in 200 calorie packets. They're great for a snack or light meal. Trader Joes also has the terrific Mediterranean Cheese Style yogurt that is extremley low in sugar. A couple of tablespoons with some organic berries is fantastic!
  • I did something similar for my first 10k. What I will say is that if you stick with the program it will work! It took me 2 months of training but I ran my first 10K in June. Soon after, I started on a 1/2 marthon training program with a local running group. It's been 11 weeks and I'm running up to 9 miles! I never thought…
  • Your body will adjust after a few weeks. I used to get them every time I began running. After a while they dissappeared altogether.
  • Rent a bike and ride down the lake front. Walk EVERYWHERE. Chicago is awesome - plus you can get tons of exercise in to make up for all the yummy food.
  • I would get an exercise ball and check out some yoga/pilates DVDs. There's some core work that you can still do. You probably could also do some biking. If you continue with basic strength training and keep your calories at a minium you should be fine.
  • The stations integrate the cardio (step, running, biking) with strength training so my heart rate is up at 150 nearly the whole time. That's the key. I wore a heart rate monitor and I burn tons. Haven't done that with just weight lifting alone.
  • [[Funny that you asked this today. The first couple times I did over 5 miles, I nearly died. I was DONE for the day! Today was my longest run ever and I feel good. Now, I DID take about an hour nap after I ate lunch :wink: but I am SHOCKED at how great/energetic/not sore I feel now. I was going to take tomorrow off, but…
  • I just ran 8.2 miles this morning for a 1/2 marathon training run and I'm wiped! Is anybody else here training and do they get really tired after those long runs?
  • May have something like it.
  • I have hypo too - I know how frustrating it is. I wouldn't be surprised if that is what's doing you in. If you're that bummed out - try maintaining for a few months and be happy with the weight you lost!
    in I"m out Comment by saretta71 July 2009
  • You know, I don't care what doctors say that once your levels are fine you can lose weight. I swear, it is HARDER even if you are taking your synthroid (or whatever). If you haven't already, I would invest in a HR Monitor (one that wraps around the chest) to see how much you actually burn. I was surprised because I was…
  • Wow that's incredible! Good for you!
  • Totally! I throw everything on a cookie sheet and sprinklerolive oil with pepper and salt. It's always good. (I would defrost the BS first, though)
  • Almond butter is better for you and it kinda tasts the same. I've switched over to it and I enjoy it.
  • I hear you. I was completely depressed, put on weight and wanted to sleep all the time. Told my doctor to test me for hypothyroid. She didn't want to because I didn't have a goiter on my throat. Whatever. After much discussion she finally relented only to call me two weeks later to say I was severly hypothyroid and I…
  • How healthy are your co-workers? My guess is not very. Sounds like they're uncomfortable and a bit scared. Misery loves company. Keep on doing it. I wouldn 't be surprised if some of them eventually start asking you for nutrition advice.
  • Strength training mixed with cardio or "Circuit Training" is an awesome way to build muscle and and lose weight. It lasts an hour and I burn about 600 calories. I'm 5.4 and 160lbs.:happy: