Migraines and anxiety attacks

So, this doesn't happen often, but I've been under alot of stress lately.:cry:

First of all I have been unemployed for a long time, still waiting on unemp. comp.:grumble: Meanwhile my financial situation has turned into an epdemic. On thop of that I had some board exams to prepare for and that should really help me out if the whole job search part. Plus a million other little things that may seem normal to most normal people, however, little things just add to my chaos......A few mild panic attacks have occured, but nothing I couldn't just breathe thru and pray thru.

Well, I passed my boards. Good thing, right? At first I thought my heart was pounding from the excitement of passing, but it kept intensifying. I started to get really irritable, especially when I went to my parents house to share my news. The response was not even warm or caring, it was like,, whatever.... By the time I got home I realized that I was having a panic attack. It was hard to breathe, my heart was beating out of my chest.......Even the sound of my precious daughters voice made me want to scream.:frown:
I took half of a xanex, thats what my doc gave me for this kind of thing. I waited, pacing, and nothing was happening. I had 3 more pills in a container for emergencies, so when I went to get it it was gone, increasing my anxiety. I litterally tore my house to peices looking for it!:mad: My heart rate was over 125 while lying down. :explode: Thankfully I had a friend near by who had some and came to my rescue.
I was still awake till 1:30ish, panting, but I felt calmer at least.

This morning I thought going to church would help, I felt rested and like I could handle the crowd. Meditation, prayer, supportive people all around me, the best medicine! As soon as I stepped outside to my car, the migraine started. Church did not help, it only got worse, and worse. Our choir whom I love soooo much, made me want to pull the plug on thier mic, and that drummer and those cymbols, grrrrrr. :indifferent: I could barely focus on what Rev. was saying, and while I look forward to his talks, I couldn't wait for him to stop talking. I stayed because I work there for one, second so I didn't have to puill my daughter out of her class, and mostly because I felt like inspite of the pain, there was something I needed to here. :ohwell:

Now, I have a migraine, can't sit still cuz of the anxiety, can't eat cuz of the neausea, and not to mention aunt flo stopped by to make matters worse.

I should be celebrating my victory, my mom said I had no business in school, that a single mom can't do the things I want to do.:grumble: But I proved her wrong,:tongue: and most importantly I proved to myself that I can do whatever I set out to do....:laugh: Why would the breakdown come afterwards????:huh: I'm def gonna see my doc in the AM. Spend the rest of the day with my eyes closed, and try to keep my heart rate down. Any thoughts, advice, prayers (of any denomination) are welcome.:heart:


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm sorry you're having such a hard time...have you considered stopping by the emergency room to get yourself checked out?
  • halfacerk
    The break down comes after because your mind lets it. before you were so busy you didnt have time to absorb it all now you get a little break and you mind plays catch up and bamm panic attack! i get them to what really stinks is when your just driving along not thinking about anything and as you reach to change the channel on the radio you go into a full blown panic heart starts racing, vision starts going because your hyperventalating ect...... the migraine is probably a mixture of aunt flo and the attack it can be very stressfull on your body. try taking a warm bath and just relax today. I'll include you in my prayers tontie. hope you feel better
  • saretta71
    I used to suffer from panic attacks, too. A couple of things:

    *Eliminate caffine altogether - it can trigger them
    * Do intensive cardio (sweat) 45-60 minutes a day

    You do both of these things and it will help tremendously. I never get them anymore.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I used to suffer from panic attacks, too. A couple of things:

    *Eliminate caffine altogether - it can trigger them
    * Do intensive cardio (sweat) 45-60 minutes a day

    You do both of these things and it will help tremendously. I never get them anymore.

    I agree. Mine were caused by sleep deprivation. I can imagine with a little one and all the studying this could be part of the problem.

    I still get them, but not as bad now.

    If you can, go see the doc. I worry because it is lasting so long. :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    BTW........Just want to say that I am very proud of your accomplishments. As a parent of 3, I can tell you I want my kids to succeed. I pray I will acknowledge their successes and not blow them off.

    You have done a few great things here.

    1. Secured a future for you and your child
    2. Shown her that you can accomplish ANYTHING you put your mind to
    3. Succeeded in obtaining knowledge in a field you will ENJOY working in
    (how many of us got sucked into a profession w/o planning-and now need the money?)
    4. Showed YOURSELF that you are worthy of great things.

  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I am also proud of you :flowerforyou: . What a great accomplishment! It's hard to stay focused with the study even when you do have support from the family, but to succeed on your own! WOW! :flowerforyou:

    I also get low after staying up too late. I was just thinking of it today: my mum kept telling me how important sleep before midnight is, but I still don't get it . So even if I do try to sleep on average 8 hrs, the late nights take revange on me and I'm moody, sad and negative afterwards. I never seem to learn :embarassed: .

    You've definitely been under a LOT of stress before getting the results and this was all you thought about. Now that you want to relax, your body says "where have you been all this time? I needed some attention". So pat yourself on the shoulder and reward yourself. (I assume, but am not documented, that you might've lost some vitamins or minerals because of the stress and this leads to the panick attacks and all that. Hope the doc will figure out if it's this)

    It was good to be in church. Some things have long-term effects on you - even if you didn't acknowledge the benefits right away, you put a penny in the safe-deposit for later. And God will appreciate your efforts. :flowerforyou: I'll say a prayer too for you, girl. :flowerforyou:

    So, hey, cool mum, be happy, you're a WINNER! You've opened ways, like Jeannie said and you have all rights to be confident that this will get you far! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • leavinglasvegas
    Thanks so much. I am seeing my doc in the morning. My daughter is with my parents now for the day. I have a great friend who has spent lots of time with me remining me of the good things and letting me cry over the bad things. I'm burning the energy cleaning my house, (After throwing stuff around, it is necessary:grumble: ) And listening to a CD of Les Browns last visit to Detroit....

    I think I was so focused on the exams that when it came to an end all the other stuff settled in and BOOM:explode:

    I'll finish my household stuff, and try to channel the rest of my energy into some journaling and meditation, maybe take a bike ride.

    I'm reminded of something Rev. Michael Dowd said when I first heard him speak....."Out of every violent, chaotic event that has happend to this planet throughout evolution, something beautiful has emerged. Like the violent volcano eruptions that resulted in the beautiful Hawaiian Islands...."
    Thanks for your support, and I will return you messages later tonight.:heart:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    So, how's it going? You are so lucky to have close friends to help you through rough times.

    Hope the sun's beginning to shine on your street :flowerforyou: . Once again, you have all reasons to be happy and feel blessed :flowerforyou: .
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    You have accomplished great things that no one can take away from you. (I was a single mom of 2 children working my way through college and it's very hard-and I appreciate anyone who has the will power and strength to do it.) My daughter and I both suffer from anxiety attacks and a very fast heart beat and arrhythmia. Our doctor told us that to slow you heart rate you should hold your breath and push. (like you're having a baby or a BM) It sounds crazy because the last thing you feel like doing is holding your breath, but I promise it works. Sometimes you have to repeat it until you heart rate slows down. Take Care!